Seeing the invitation extended to him by the gentle white eagle idol in front of him, Lin Lan just thought for a moment and nodded happily.

Seeing him nodding in agreement, Saratoga smiled happily and teased:

Commander~ You know, my sister has not performed on stage for a long time, and my sister and I are on the same stage together. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After hearing what little Jia Jia said, Lin Lan also remembered that this was indeed the case.

It can be said that most of the credit for the success of Akashi's All-Faction Idol Concert μ Weapon Event in Minato City was due to Lexington's behind-the-scenes advice.

Although Lexington has rarely performed on stage since joining the Port District, she will always be the most powerful professional idol in the eyes of ship girls from all camps.

Not to mention two big idols from the White Eagle camp performing on the same stage.

If this live performance is made public, it will definitely be packed with seats, and not a single ship girl will not attend.

Sarah, you are naughty again, you are not as exaggerated as you said.

After Lexington withdrew his hand from Lin Lan's face, he looked at Lin Lan tenderly with his pink eyes, and said with a smile:

As long as Commander is willing to listen to Lady Lex's singing, a personal live with only one location will always be opened for you, hehehe~

Sara is just like my sister! Commander, don't be too partial!

Little Jia Jia quickly tugged on Lin Lan's arm and said anxiously.

No one knows the appeal of Sister Lexington better than she does.

Especially the commander who is a pervert. If she doesn't take the initiative, I'm afraid the commander will really be eaten up by her sister and she won't be able to care about her.

Seeing Saratoga like this, Lin Lan and Lexington couldn't help laughing.

Okay, okay, I will never be partial.

After Lin Lan vowed to pick up little Jia Jia from the ground and stroked her little head to reassure her, the energetic little aircraft carrier girl breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, an automatic navigation car also drove up to the three people and stopped slowly.

Lin Lan took a closer look and saw that sitting in the driver's seat was a cute silver-haired girl wearing a black nurse's uniform.

His exclusive doctor, the maintenance ship goddess Kitchen God.

Commander, Lexington, Sara, good morning~

After Lin Lan and the Lexington sisters got into the car, the Kitchen Goddess greeted Lin Lan sitting in the passenger seat with a happy smile.

Good morning, Kitchen Goddess... It seems that you will send us to Xinghai Laboratory today.

Lin Lan responded with a smile after fastening her seat belt, while the Kitchen Goddess nodded and smiled:

That's right, Commander, in addition to coordinating supplies and regularly organizing everyone to perform health maintenance on the ship, I usually help out at the Xinghai Laboratory.

Hearing what the Kitchen Goddess said, Lin Lan was immediately in awe of this young doctor girl with a gentle smile on her face.

It is said that those who can manage logistics well are truly capable people, but the Kitchen Goddess can not only manage logistics well, she can even serve as a doctor and scientific researcher in the port area at the same time.

He then thought that Akashi, who was the maintenance ship of the Sakura camp, also seemed to have special skills. He could be said to be proficient in everything except fighting the sirens head-on.

Sure enough, the maintenance ship girls are all monsters...

The Kitchen Goddess set the destination and started the car engine. Lin Lan discovered that the direction they were heading was the front mountain of the artificial island.

While chatting with the three White Eagle ship girls, Lin Lan also tried hard to recall the description of Xinghai Laboratory in the game.

Xinghai Laboratory, whose official name is actually called [Xinghai] Base, has many divisions named after constellations, and the White Eagle Research Department conducts many confidential scientific research projects.

As for who the members of the scientific research department were, Lin Lan had already guessed without thinking that they were either ship girls or barbarians.

Among the White Eagle ship girls on the island, Guang Linlan has already confirmed that the members of the Xinghai scientific research department include Memphis, Helena, Reno, Fearless, Ingraham, and the goddess of the kitchen sitting next to him. There are six white people in total. Eagle Ship Girl.

However, he also understood that there must be more than just these six White Eagle ship girls in the scientific research department in Xinghai.

He still has to wait until he reaches the Star Sea to know the hidden masters among his White Eagle Shipmates.

While the autonomous navigation car was driving, Lin Lan also saw many White Eagle girls walking and chatting on the roadside, or running and exercising.

Although the cold wave is coming again, it still looks like good weather today.

By the way, is TB in the Xinghai Laboratory on the island?

Lin Lan looked at the rising sun outside the window, and suddenly remembered another artificial intelligence AI girl in his port area, and asked.

Navigator-TB, also known as TB Combat Assist System, is a virtual AI girl with pale skin, short white hair and cyan highlights.

If Lin Lan, the AI ​​girl who appears in the large-scale battle in the game, remembers correctly, she should be from the White Eagle camp, and she also appeared in Xinghai Laboratory before.

Commander, what are you talking about? She was not brought here by us.

The person who answered Lin Lan was little Jia Jia sitting in the back seat. She continued to explain to Lin Lan in an active tone:

After all, the port area is the most important place, so all our camps have unanimously decided to let TB stay in the port area and manage the floating environment of the port area together with Kirshaji and the others, the royal camp, and the friends from other camps who stayed in the port area. Island area.”

After listening to what little Jia Jia said, Lin Lan felt a little regretful.

He really wanted to see if TB and Ariel would have anything in common when they were together.

Moreover, the powerful White Eagle Aviation Combat Kirshaji, as a sixth-phase scientific research ship, did not come to the artificial island together, which also made him sigh.

Speaking of which, it seems that when he was in the iron-blooded camp, he didn't see the two iron-blooded sixth-phase scientific research ships, the red-haired and cold-blooded demon Sister Hindenburg and the coquettish purple-haired destroyer Felix.

It seems that these two people should have been left by Bismarck in the port area to take care of the ship-mounted dragon Geryon, and at the same time they could also increase the defense power of the port area.

Regarding this situation, Lin Lan also smiled helplessly.

Who knows that the feature of this game is that the later the ship girl is installed, the stronger it will be.

The five powerful ship girls who are part of the sixth phase of scientific research can be regarded as the final trump card of each camp.

His port area is the rear area that the girls from each camp attach the most importance to, and they will definitely not be relieved if it is left to the royal camp to protect it.

It was not that he was worried about the loyalty of the ship girls in the royal camp to him, but that he was worried that the Siren would take advantage of the situation and overwhelm the port area.

Therefore, those left behind by the camp flagships in the port area must also be powerful ship girls who were installed late in the game.

But Commander, although TB ​​is not here, didn't you kidnap an artificial intelligence girl back this time?

As if aware of what Lin Lan was thinking, Saratoga smiled and changed the topic to Ariel.

Lin Lan burst into laughter and said with a smile:

I am rescuing her from the clutches of the sirens. How can I call this abduction?

Now that the topic turned to Ariel, Lin Lan also remembered that today should be the last day Akashi had agreed with him.

So he curiously asked Saratoga:

Speaking of Ariel...little Gaga, do you know how far Akashi has made that virtual world amusement park?

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