Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 503 Manjiu and Bri’s power of thinking

Commander, I'd better ask them themselves this question later.

Before Saratoga could speak, the Kitchen Goddess smiled and replied to Lin Lan:

Akashi and the new kid who joined us have been in the sea of ​​​​stars for a while. The commander will see them soon.

Saratoga nodded in the back seat and said with a smile:

After all, she is a well-known small profiteer in Chongqing in the port area. Having learned from the past, we don't dare to let her do whatever she wants.

Lin Lan smiled. It seemed that Akashi's summoning of the flame demon on the artificial island really left a deep impression on the girls of the White Eagle ship.

At this time, they had already driven out of the urban area on the mountain and began to drive towards the golf lawn on the mountainside of the front mountain.

Commander, you should stop smoking now, right?

At this time, the female Kitchen God suddenly seemed to remember something and asked Lin Lan curiously.

Yes, I have completely quit smoking now. What's wrong?

Lin Lan was stunned by the question and didn't understand why the female Kitchen God asked him this question so suddenly.

He has never smoked since traveling to Oran. Although there are cigarettes in this otherworldly country, he has avoided them.

It took a lot of effort for him to become a young and healthy body, and he didn't want to suffer from the same diseases as before the time travel.

Just quit. Commander used to smoke so many cigarettes in front of us every day. It's really unhealthy for the body.

After the Kitchen Goddess finished speaking, Lexington also said softly:

Even though you are a commander, it took a long time for me to accept your bad habit of smoking. So, commander, don't smoke again, okay?

That's natural, don't worry.

Lin Lan quickly turned his head and assured the three ship girls in an apologetic tone.

Especially Lexington, he remembered that this great White Eagle idol didn't like cigarettes very much.

But he actually can't smoke now. He choked on cigarettes in the dream created by the observer before, and now he has no interest in cigarettes.

Hehehe, just quit...ah, Commander, we are here.

When Lin Lan heard Lexington's words, she tilted her head back and looked forward.

The Kitchen Goddess had stopped the car, but he only saw an empty green lawn in front of him.

Where is the shadow of Xinghai Laboratory on this mountainside with a wide view?

Just as he was about to speak in confusion, he suddenly felt the chassis of the car begin to shake, and at the same time a low roar suddenly sounded.

A large number of birds flew in the forest below the mountain. This feeling was exactly the same as the earthquake he thought happened when he was with St. Louis and the others the day before yesterday, and it was more violent.

Commander, it's time to witness a miracle~

Amidst Saratoga's expectant words, Lin Lan saw that the lawn of the mountain in front of him slowly split to both sides, as if a crack had been cut into the mountain, revealing the structure filled with silver metal inside. .

Is this... the official entrance to Xinghai?

Although he had long known that Baiying's Xinghai Laboratory was inside the mountain of the artificial island, when he saw the entrance revealed in front of his eyes, he still took a breath of shock.

Within a few seconds, the lawn in front of him had completely disappeared, replaced by a grand and spacious square metal passage leading into the mountain.

With such a large entrance, in addition to allowing vehicles to enter and exit at will, Lin Lan felt that it was even enough to allow the Tyrant mecha, which was as tall as a building, to pass through.

No wonder there is a golf course here. You actually hid the entrance to Xinghai Laboratory here. I really didn't expect it.

Lin Lan looked at the dozens of Manjiu in white coats walking out of the metal passage in front of him, and it took him a long while to finally calm down.

He had been thinking before that none of his White Eagle sisters liked playing golf, so why would they build such a golf course halfway up the mountain?

It turns out that this was all a disguise to cover up the entrance to Xinghai Laboratory.

Just like the sculptures in the mirror sea area around the Iron Blood Fortress that look like decorations but actually have the function of short-distance jumps in the mirror sea area, they are just a cover.

Okay, Commander, don't just look around. There are still many surprises to surprise you today. Let's get out of the car, hehehe~

After Xiao Jiajia finished speaking with a wicked smile, Lin Lan also unbuckled his seat belt with anticipation and got out of the car.

As soon as he got out of the car, he was surrounded by this group of scientific research barbarians, who were rubbing against him like crazy.

Chirp, chirp, chirp! Chirp!

This group of cute barbarians seemed to have discovered some very attractive treasure. They gathered around him and were reluctant to leave. Suddenly, yellow chicken feathers flew all over the sky.

Stop it! You guys are doing scientific research, so please be more reserved! How can you be dominated by instinct?

Lin Lan's shoulders and head were now covered with these round little guys, but he was not happy at all.

Who else could be happy with chicken feathers all over their bodies?

Ah, Commander, you are really popular among the barbarians~

Lexington, who closed the car door, saw this funny scene and couldn't help but cover his mouth gracefully and laughed.

Saratoga was already laughing so hard that she couldn't stand up straight, and joked to Lin Lan:

This is the legendary attribute of sucking wild chirps, hee hee hee~ Commander, if you don't let them sleep with you in the future, they will turn into Sister Bree and come to repay your kindness~

Little Jia Jia, don't talk nonsense, rescue me quickly...

Having had experience in the warehouse under the Iron Blood Fortress, Lin Lan could already instinctively predict what would happen next.

But before he could finish his words for help, he was pushed to the ground by the scientific research barbarians, and he was swarmed and completely overwhelmed.

Well, despite what they said, the three White Eagle ship ladies did not continue to watch the fun, but still smiled and dragged Lin Lan away from the group of wild chirps.

Well, Commander, I have informed Memphis that they are coming out to greet you. We will just wait here for a while. Commander, lower your head... pfft.

When helping Lin Lan brush off the chicken feathers all over her body, Saratoga originally wanted to hold back her laughter, but she couldn't help it.

Even though this was not a prank she planned intentionally, she was still very happy to see the commander defeated.

Lin Lan, who bent down and let Little Jia Jia help him pull the hair off his head one by one, was speechless.

He originally thought that this group of barbarians doing scientific research in the star sea could be more polite, but now it seems that the barbarians are really hard to change their nature.

Is it really reliable to leave such rigorous scientific research work to these little guys?

Commander, don't look at the Manju. Although they don't look very smart, you can't underestimate them.

After the female kitchen goddess drove the group of barbarians back into the metal corridor, she also returned to Lin Lan and said with a smile:

Without the help of the Manjiu, many of our experimental projects would not be able to advance so fast. They can be said to be the mainstay of the scientific research department in the port area.

Lin Lan smiled bitterly when he heard the silver-haired girl finish.

He recalled that when he was in the Port District of Lihu County, Manju evolved into Sister Bri and explained to him in person what it meant to connect to the net in the void.

Perhaps, this is the legendary power of thinking.

The yellow fur on his body was finally cleaned up by the three White Eagle ship ladies. After a while, he saw a faint blue sci-fi style light lighting up in the metal channel at the entrance to the Star Sea.

Commander, Memphis and the others are here.

Saratoga adjusted the cuffs of her cloak and the corners of her idol-style uniform, raised her head and said to Lin Lan.

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