As the lights in the metal passage became brighter and brighter, Lin Lan only heard a swish sound, and the three White Eagle Ship Girls appeared in front of them instantly.

The girl with long pink hair at the head with a confident smile is none other than Miss Memphis.

As for the two White Eagle ship girls standing on both sides of her, apart from the little Lolita Ingraham, there was another one who was a little bit beyond Lin Lan's expectations.

Holding a baton like a crutch and also wearing long pink hair, the Independence-class light aircraft carrier No. 2 is Gaga's second crush, Princeton.

The sudden appearance of the three people made Lin Lan's pupils shrink, and he immediately realized that this should also be some kind of leap technology using Rubik's Cube technology.

Sure enough, the ship girls from all camps in the port area have already shared scientific research technology.

Commander, welcome to Xinghai Base~ Hehehe!

The first time Memphis saw Lin Lan, she trotted up to him, hugged him with a sweet smile.

You have worked hard for Memphis, Princeton and Ingraham during this period, and so have you.

Lin Lan stroked the head of the pink-haired girl in his arms and smiled, then looked at the two White Eagle Ship girls walking towards him.

As a member of Minato's scientific research department, in addition to fighting, you also have to deal with so many experimental projects, which is definitely not an easy job.

But at this moment, Lin Lan suddenly felt something hard being worn on his chest by Memphis in his arms.

He looked down and saw that it was a mechanical badge button that was similar to the sci-fi style buttons of Fearless and emitted fluorescent blue.

Memphis, this is...

After the girl in his arms pulled away, Lin Lan touched the mechanical button and looked at the smiling Memphis in confusion, not knowing what it was.

This button does not have the unique cold feel of metal, but it is not as smooth as plastic, and it is even a little warm.

Hehe, Commander, please don't touch it. This is a big surprise that our Xinghai Base has prepared for you. I'll give it a try first. Everyone, please come with us into the Xinghai.

Memphis stared at Lin Lan with her beautiful amber green eyes, and while speaking, she motioned for Lin Lan, Little Gaga and others to follow her into the entrance of the Star Sea.

Lin Lan smiled helplessly. He had been here for the past few days and he was no longer in a hurry.

What's more, the things have already been worn on him, so he should follow Memphis and the others to visit the Star Sea first.

He speculated that the function of this mechanical button was either related to space storage, or it was some kind of shield generator.

After chatting with several White Eagle ship girls and walking into the metal passage, Lin Lan suddenly felt that his body was enveloped in blue fluorescence, and his entire field of vision suddenly became distorted.

In just one extreme moment of breathing, the process is over.

He was surprised to find that except for a few ship girls, everything around him had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Directly above him, the tall dark blue dome was shining with lights like bright stars. He and the girls of the White Eagle were already standing in the spacious curved metal hall.

On the carpet in the hall was a huge White Eagle camp logo. Dozens of scientific research barbarians were busy walking past them with file boxes and notepads, and entered the metal door of the room at the edge of the hall.

In the center of the hall, there are many ship equipment regularly placed, just like the exhibits on public display in a museum.

The identity authentication is completed and the Rubik's Cube jumping equipment has been activated. Welcome to the Baiying Xinghai Base-Xinyang Artificial Island Branch.

It wasn't until the mechanical synthesized sound broadcast rang in his ears that Lin Lan realized that he had actually completed the leap and entered the interior of the Xinghai Base in just one breath.

At this time, when he came to the Xinghai Base in person, he also understood why the scientific research base of the White Eagle Camp was named after Xinghai.

It turns out that the lights in the sky here really look like they are under the sea of ​​stars.

Commander, after all, the space inside the mountain of the artificial island is limited, so we cannot completely restore the entire Xinghai Base. Both the peripheral departments and the core departments are working in the core area where we are now - [Fornax].

Memphis spoke at the right time, looked at Lin Lan with a smile and said:

In the past, the commander should have worked in the original Xinghai base in the Rocky Mountains, but the commander at that time should have communicated with us through mobile phones, so I still need to re-introduce you to Xinghai.

Memphis paused, and after seeing Lin Lan nod, he continued:

The Xinghai Base mainly conducts research and development of Rubik's Cube application technology, transforms and upgrades ship equipment, and explores the mysteries within the Mind Cube.

In addition to these main responsibilities, we will also work with other camps to establish cooperative experimental projects in siren technology, energy, faith theology and other unknown fields.

Lin Lan was listening with interest at first, but the theology that Memphis suddenly said made him stunned:

No, you actually still study theology?

Yes, Commander, that is still a big project in cooperation with the Royal Family, Chongsakura, Iris Theocracy and the Sardinian Empire.

It was Princeton who solved his doubts. This rational and light sailing girl explained to him very calmly:

The so-called existence is reasonable. Commander, don't underestimate the power born from faith. The power that Rubik's Cube technology relies on faith cannot be underestimated.

Hearing what Princeton said, Lin Lan also looked suddenly enlightened.

He did remember that Dr. Aosta, the father of the sirens, said this in the game plot.

This is more of a conceptual force than a theology of these beliefs as superstition.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan couldn't help but recall the information about the original world released in the game.

Although the application of Rubik's Cube technology and Rubik's Cube energy has indeed been very popular in the original world, he vaguely remembered that the information before his time travel showed that the original world had never thoroughly studied the Rubik's Cube.

How was this inexhaustible magical energy born? Why can it be made into a mind cube and give birth to a ship girl? Or is there some effect that hasn’t been discovered yet?

These questions were kept hidden by the game officials and refused to reveal the answers to the players, so much so that Lin Lan once wondered whether even the game officials themselves did not understand how to explain them.

Riddler, you deserve to die!

Seeing the change in Lin Lan's expression, Memphis thought he had recognized Princeton's statement. After a pause, he continued to introduce the inside of the Xinghai Base to him:

Commander, in order to find you, we didn't bring many facilities with us when we set out from the port area. In addition, we will return to the port area soon, so there is only one experimental project in progress now.

Is it to make Ariel's host core?

Lin Lan took the initiative to speak, and Memphis nodded with a confident smile:

That's right, the mainframe core of the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl has been basically assembled.

It just so happens that Akashi wants to open the virtual world amusement park for a limited time tomorrow. Ingrahan and I are going to let Ariel use the new console core for functional testing. If everything goes well, the project will be completed.

After Memphis finished speaking, he raised his hand as an invitation to Lin Lan, Saratoga and others and said with a smile:

Let's go meet Akashi and Ariel first. Commander, everyone, please follow me.

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