Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 505 Akashi, are you really not afraid of hanging street lights?

Lin Lan and the other ship girls followed Memphis through the halls of the Star Sea Base.

During this period, the Kitchen Goddess also handed him a noteboard, which contained a list of the names and numbers of various experimental projects in Xinghai Laboratory.

He glanced at it and found that Xinghai had completed quite a few projects.

Many of the scientific research equipment in the game were developed from the Xinghai Laboratory, and the reality lens he was familiar with was also among them.

In addition, there are also experimental projects such as the mental training of the planned ship and the production of ship equipment. In particular, the names of Anchorage and Kilshaji have been marked with special marks.

It can be seen that Xinghai Laboratory has spent a lot of energy on these two White Eagle scientific research ship girls.

And soon, Memphis led them to a closed metal door.

After the pink-haired light patrol girl scanned the authentication device next to the door, the metal door slowly rose.

Lin Lan immediately saw the small profiteers Akashi and Ariel sitting on the chairs in front of the large computer console in the door's laboratory, with their backs to them.

As if aware of his arrival, the green-haired little profiteer immediately turned around from his seat.

Lin Lan originally thought that Akashi would greet him normally, but she didn't expect that after seeing him, the green-haired kitten showed a brief expression of shock on its face, and its eyes were instantly filled with tears.

Commander! You are here to save me, nya!

Take me out quickly, they, they Baiying are too bullying, meow!

This little profiteer actually jumped out of the seat with snot and tears, and flew towards Lin Lan, who was stunned.

But before Akashi could pounce on Lin Lan, Memphis, who was standing next to Lin Lan, took a step forward, reached out and grabbed the back of her neck, and was intercepted in mid-air.

Akashi, please don't slander us in front of the commander! When did we bully you?

Although Memphis still had a smile on his face, Lin Lan felt that Memphis had a sinister feeling at this time.

At this time, Ariel also stood up from her seat and walked over. After seeing Lin Lan, Saratoga and others, she greeted them with a smile.

Ariel, what...what is going on?

Lin Lan looked at Akashi who was still struggling in Memphis's hands but couldn't break free due to his size, and looked at the cute robot girl in confusion and asked.

Looking at Akashi's appearance, it's impossible for Memphis to force Akashi to work overtime in order to complete the experimental project ahead of schedule, right?

Then he must talk about Memphis. He doesn't like this kind of exploitation.

Ariel glanced at the struggling Akashi out of the corner of her eyes, and a wry smile appeared on her lips:

Teacher, this is what happened...

A few minutes later, Princeton and Ingraham used belts to secure Akashi's body to the seat in front of the console, and his mouth was also directly blocked with tape.

You little profiteer, you are really not afraid that the ship girls from the Northern Alliance will find out that you are doing this kind of thing and hang you from the street lamp for days and nights.

Lin Lan stood behind Akashi, who was purring and wanting to refute, patted the pitiful green-haired kitten on the shoulder and said.

Thinking of the profiteer who had just complained to him first, he secretly cursed himself for actually being deceived by Akashi.

Through Ariel's explanation, Lin Lan already understood the cause and effect of all this.

It turns out that after Akashi called Ariel to Xinghai, he actually wanted Ariel to build the scene inside the virtual world 24 hours a day.

Ariel originally thought that this kind of thing should be taken for granted. After all, she is the intelligent AI of the Rubik's Cube energy robot and does not need to rest.

But after Ingraham learned about this from her, he immediately informed all the White Eagle girls in Xinghai Laboratory urgently.

In the end, the girls of the White Eagle ship in the star sea unanimously came to the conclusion that Ariel, like the navigator TB, is a living AI recognized by the commander, and must not perform such high-intensity work as exploitation.

After all, even the navigator TB who was still in the port area was only maintaining the alert system at night when everyone was resting, and did not need to work.

But when Memphis found Akashi and asked Ariel to work overtime, the little profiteer actually used the three-day deadline promised by Lin Lan as an excuse to threaten Memphis with overdue work.

If it were a shipgirl from another camp, she might actually be so frightened by Akashi.

But unfortunately, the relationship between Shirataka Kanmei and Shigesakura Kanmei was so delicate in the first place. Akashi was undoubtedly seeking his own death.

The final result was that Memphis directly tied the working hours of Akashi and Ariel, and let the little profiteer work as long as Ariel worked.

Teacher, Akashi actually wants to complete the construction of the virtual world as soon as possible. Isn't it a bit harsh to punish her like this...

Seeing the pitiful Akashi who was tied to the seat and unable to speak, Ariel showed a bit of reluctance on her face and wanted to plead for Akashi.

But after Lin Lan heard Ariel's words, he turned around and patted the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl's head gently, sighed and said:

Ariel, I understand what you are thinking, but this virtual world should not have been built by you alone. It was also what she promised me at the beginning.

So her behavior is a typical form of oppression. This profiteer must be taught a lesson. I tie her to a chair and accompany you. This is considered a light thing.

After Lin Lan finished speaking, Saratoga also covered her mouth and added to the innocent AI girl with a smirk:

Commander is right. Ariel, you will know when you get to know the Northern Alliance comrades in the port area. The street lights the commander just mentioned are in the physical sense~

I-I know.

After hearing what little Jia Jia said, Ariel nodded in understanding.

At this time, Memphis also smiled and said to Lin Lan:

Don't worry, Commander, the virtual world theme amusement park will definitely open on time tomorrow. After all, we have our help.

Lin Lan was not very anxious about the opening of the theme amusement park in this virtual world. Even if it was delayed, it was expected for him.

You know, every time the game Azur Lane is shut down for major updates and maintenance, there is a 99% chance that the service will be delayed.

At the beginning, he would curse at the official delay announcement, but later he got used to it, and even occasionally complained about Ye Qingjie when the server was launched at normal times.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan seriously told Ariel:

Ariel, you should listen to Sister Memphis during this period. After your host core is completely completed, she will assign tasks to you. There is no need to listen to that little profiteer.

Okay teacher, Ariel understands.

Lin Lan felt much more relieved after seeing the girl with the Rubik's Cube energy robot nodding obediently.

He had a vague feeling before that Akashi would definitely cause some trouble if he borrowed Ariel.

Facts have proved that he really can't let this little profiteer leave his sight. He must keep it under his nose at all times.

As for now, let's let Akashi be tied up for a while to be punished, and then let the profiteer be untied later.

After learning about the current progress of Ariel's console core manufacturing and the progress of the virtual world theme amusement park, Lin Lan decided to consult Memphis about some things he was more concerned about.

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