Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 506 The current location of each camp

Lin Lan actually had a lot of questions that he wanted to ask Memphis, but things had to come one by one, so after thinking for a moment, he asked the girl in charge of Xinghai Laboratory his first question:

Memphis, have you heard of 'World Folding Technology'?

Yes, the issue he is most concerned about now is what the builder told him before, which is the technology that can bring his entire port ship girls to another world.

You must know that in addition to ordinary ship girls, there are many meta ship girls in his port area.

How powerful must the Siren be to be able to transport hundreds of ship girls in such a huge port area without them knowing it?

Commander, regarding this technology, I...can't give you a very confident answer yet.

After listening to Lin Lan's question, Memphis looked at Princeton and Ingraham and replied helplessly:

Before leaving the port area, we found that the connection with the command center was cut off, and the navigator TB was also offline.

At that time, we and the metas had already judged that we might no longer be in the previous world, but we could not find any traces of the so-called time travel.

Helena Meta and the others also told us before they left the port area to look for you that this world is likely to be an unknown world. Later, after our camps set off, we all confirmed this.

The only thing that remains unchanged is our old enemy, the Siren.

After hearing Memphis' answer, Lin Lan also sighed.

First of all, he determined one thing from Memphis's words, that is, the siren came to this world much earlier than he and the ship girls.

The Siren disaster recorded by the United States of Oran alone happened more than ten years ago, and his ship girls only came to this world for a year or two at most.

It can be said that the sirens have already begun to infiltrate and transform this other world, using this other world as a testing ground.

It seems that the world folding technology will have to wait until we obtain more information from the advanced sirens in the future before progress can be made.

Lin Lan understood that there was no need to rush this matter. After all, if the builder hadn't inadvertently revealed it to him at the time, he might not have known that Sirens had this level of technology until now.

Then he looked at Memphis and continued to ask:

Memphis, do you know the current locations of the other camps? Also show me the location of the port area.

Hearing his words, Memphis looked at Saratoga standing with Lexington from the corner of his eyes.

After seeing little Gaga smiling and nodding towards her, Memphis also smiled and replied to Lin Lan:

No problem, Commander, please look at the screen. This is the continental plate map collected by each of our camps in this different world. It also contains the geographical coordinates of each camp's flagship at the last meeting.

After saying that, the pink-haired light cruiser girl took out a remote control from the ship's storage space and pressed it on one of the screens on the wall of the room.

Soon, Lin Lan saw the blue electronic map emerging on the screen.

This electronic map not only covers the framework of Oran's east and west continents that he once saw in the Siren stronghold, but also the Liaozhou Nine Islands, Natlan Empire and Saint Rosolan that he saw at Hongye Naval Academy. Part of the territory of the Teaching State.

And he soon discovered that in addition to these three countries, there were some continental areas on the map that he had never seen before.

He was not surprised by this. After all, the United States of Oran's land survey of these countries was not complete. It was normal for Oran's map to have omissions.

Especially the Teaching State and the Natlan Empire, how could these two countries allow the Oran people to explore the country at will.

Lin Lan continued to carefully check the world map of this different world and found that the Oransi continent on the map had the iron cross symbol of the Iron Blood camp, and as expected, the Eastern continent also had the eagle shield symbol representing the White Eagle camp.

The five-petal cherry blossoms and three magatama patterns of the Chongsakura camp are marked on the waters of Liaozhou Nine Islands across the sea from the Eastern Continent.

Separated from the Western Continent by the ocean, the territory of the Saint Rosolan Teaching State has, in addition to the fleur-de-lis cross symbol representing the Iris Theocracy, there is also the symbol of another camp - the Sardinian Empire.

Like the Saint Lothalon Teaching State, in the territory of the Natlan Empire, in addition to the dragon logo of the Donghuang camp, there is also the giant bear logo of the Northern Alliance.

However, although the Northern United and Donghuang camps are both in the Natlan Empire, their locations are far apart.

The Northern Alliance is not so much in the Natlan Empire as it is on a continent close to the Natlan Empire that has not been recorded in Oran.

At least Lin Lan had never seen such a continent on the map surrounding the Natlan Empire in Hongye Naval Academy.

After reading this world map, Lin Lan couldn't help but clenched his fists.

His ship girls really traveled almost all over the other world in order to find him who was missing.

During this journey, which was like finding a needle in a haystack, his ship girls not only had to face an unknown civilization from another world, but also faced attacks from sirens at all times.

But they never told him about all the hardships, they only showed him their best side.

Lin Lan silently remembered all this in his heart, and he understood that he did not need to take the initiative to say this.

The best way to respond to all this to the ship girls is to take care of yourself and return to the port area to reunite with everyone.

But speaking of Minato, he didn't seem to see the location of Minato and the Royal Camp on the map.

Commander, our port area is located here.

Seemingly sensing his doubts, Memphis immediately enlarged the map on the screen.

Now he saw his port location at a glance.

As he expected, his port area is located in the deepest part of the ocean between the United States of Oran and the Natlan Empire, not bordering any country.

It's like a pure land isolated from the world.

However, the enlarged map also showed that his port area, except for the surrounding sea areas, was almost surrounded by sea areas controlled by the sirens.

If you want to depart from the port area to other countries, you will inevitably have to pass through the siren fortresses and abyss marked in red.

Those Siren-controlled areas surrounding our port area are a threat...

Lin Lan frowned and whispered softly, it was not a good thing for the port area to be surrounded by sirens.

But after Memphis heard what he said, he smiled and said easily:

Commander, is this any different from before? As long as we take turns fighting, it's not difficult to cross these sea areas.

Memphis' words reminded Lin Lan that this was also the case.

Although there are many sea areas controlled by sirens, how is this different from the large-scale battles in previous games?

When he thought about it carefully, it made the same sense.

After all, in the large-scale battles in the game, his ship girls have already adapted to the combat environment surrounded by sirens. As long as there are enough oil pipelines, these blockades will not restrict them.

But just as he relaxed his brows, another question came to his mind.

Although his ship girls would not be trapped by the sirens if they set out in a large fleet, but if he wanted to return oil from these countries to the port area, the transport fleet might not be so easy.

Bismarck and the others must have brought a lot of oil from the Western Continent when they returned to the port area, which temporarily solved the urgent need of the royal camp in the port area.

What should I do after that?

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