Memphis, do you currently have any methods to improve the combat effectiveness of mass-produced models?

After Lin Lan thought for a moment, he felt that the key to this problem was to improve the strength of the transport fleet.

And this cannot avoid improving the combat effectiveness of mass-produced models.

At present, the White Eagle camp and the Iron-Blooded camp have basically obtained the oil supply from the United States of Oran, and mass-produced oil consumption is no longer a problem.

Therefore, he wanted to see if there was any way to improve the combat effectiveness of those mass-produced warships, so as to ensure the safety of the transport fleet.

If possible, he could send a small team of ship girls to entrust them in the previous game, and let the ship girls take turns to escort the transport fleet between the port area and Oran.

His words also attracted Saratoga's interest. During this time, little Jiajia was also thinking about how to open up transportation routes. She looked at Lin Lan and understood that the commander must also be thinking about this issue.

The combat effectiveness of the mass-produced type has been improved... Commander, it's not that there is no solution, it's just...

After listening to the questions Lin Lan asked her, Memphis paused hesitantly, then looked at the little loli Ingraham standing next to her wearing black-rimmed glasses and said:

Ingraham, show the experimental file TA-031 to the commander.

Okay, Commander, look.

The little destroyer lolita wearing a black and green coat took out the tablet from her pocket, clicked it twice, and handed it to Lin Lan.

Taking Ingraham's tablet, Lin Lan discovered that the name of the experimental file written on it was indeed a technology that relied on overloading the Rubik's Cube energy engine to greatly increase the combat effectiveness of mass-produced warships in a short period of time.

But as Lin Lan read through the experimental files, he quickly discovered the most important problem.

The Rubik's Cube energy was okay. He had seen in this file that the White Eagle camp had the technology to create a Rubik's Cube energy reactor by relying on the Mind Cube, and the amount of Mind Cube it needed to consume was within an acceptable range.

If they build a Rubik's Cube energy reactor on an artificial island, the Rubik's Cube energy produced will not only be enough for the mass-production fleet, but it will not be a problem to even supply energy to the entire Oran.

But the problem is that once the Rubik's Cube energy engine overload function is turned on on a mass-produced warship, the engine durability will be greatly reduced.

It's okay if it's only turned on for a short period of time. As long as maintenance work is done before the engine is completely damaged, it won't be a problem.

But starting from the western continent of the United States of Oran, even if the ship girl goes at full speed, it will take nearly half a month to reach the port area.

During this period, if there is no large harbor suitable for docking for maintenance, these mass-produced models will not be able to return to the port smoothly.

What's more, if you fight the Sirens along the way, the mass-produced warships will definitely be attacked by the Siren fleet. These large and magnificent-looking warships are the favorite targets of the Siren enforcers.

Commander, I have already read the TA-031 file. It seems that you have discovered the most critical issue.

Saratoga walked from her sister's side to Lin Lan's side, with a rare seriousness on her face.

Sister Sarah and New Jersey have already analyzed that if they want to rely on mass production to use this technology to perform oil transportation tasks, it will only work unless there is a base between our port area and the mainland of Oranchi that can be used as a maintenance point.

But unfortunately, we have already checked the charts with Bismarck and the others. There are no islands suitable as bases in this sea area.

And even if there are islands suitable for building a base, it is difficult for us to ensure that the base will not be attacked by the Siren fleet. Even the iron-blooded floating island fortress group cannot do this.

After saying all this, Saratoga sighed sadly and concluded:

If it doesn't work, we can only use stupid methods to make up for the lack of combat power of the transport fleet by relying on the number of troops sent out.

Lin Lan listened to Saratoga's words. Originally, he had no other options, but when he heard Xiao Jiajia use the Iron-Blooded Floating Island Fortress as an example, he suddenly had an idea.

Wait a minute, I've got an idea!

His abrupt opening instantly attracted the surprised gazes of all the girls on the White Eagle ship.

Even Akashi, who was tied to the chair, raised his kitten ears and turned over curiously.

Seeing that his ship girls were all staring at him, Lin Lan didn't show any concern. A smile appeared on his face, he reached out and gently stroked little Jia Jia's head, and said to the ship girls:

Thanks to little Jiajia's reminder, I suddenly remembered a solution to the current problem that can only be found in this other world.

When I was studying at Hongye Naval Academy, I saw a large movable offshore platform called Huanyang Fortress from the history textbook of the United States of Orange.

Hearing him mention this name, Memphis asked doubtfully:

Huanyang Fortress? Commander, I know the technology you are talking about, but according to this country's records, the technology for manufacturing Huanyang Fortress is the same as the technology of Tyrant Mecha, and has been lost.

Princeton also held the baton in his hand, looked at Lin Lan and continued:

Commander, Memphis is right.

This pink-haired white eagle light sailing girl with a strict personality stared at Lin Lan's face and recalled carefully:

I have seen the drawings of the Huanyang Fortress preserved by the Goylia Consortium before. It is undeniable that this large movable offshore platform can indeed be used as a mass-produced maintenance base, and can effectively avoid attacks by the Siren fleet.

But the United States of Oran has given up on building the Great Ocean Fortress for at least a hundred years. Even the finished products it once produced have been destroyed in the war with the Natlan Empire, and the wreckage has not been recovered to this day.

Having said this, Princeton looked at Lin Lan who was deep in thought and continued to explain patiently:

Commander, this kind of super-large facility requires the application of a large number of mechanical processes, materials science and energy science that are unique to this country in this other world. If we want to develop and build the Huanyang Fortress, to be honest, it can be said that we have to start from Starting from scratch.”

Princeton was not pouring cold water on Lin Lan. Lin Lan understood that his shipgirl also stated the facts truthfully.

After all, they were outsiders who came to Oran from other worlds. Unlike the sirens who had already arrived, they had not been in the United States of Oran for a long time.

Whether it is Tyrant Mecha or Huanyang Fortress, they are cutting-edge technologies developed by the Oran civilization based on its own accumulation over thousands of years. It is obviously unrealistic to master them so quickly.

But the corners of Lin Lan's mouth... showed a bit of a smile.

Princeton, you are right. If we just rely on us to develop and build the Huanyang Fortress, it will definitely consume a lot of time and energy.

Lin Lan looked at the white eagle light sailing girl standing side by side with Memphis in front of him, and said with a smile:

But why don't we let the Oran people rely on their own strength to re-develop and build the Huanyang Fortress?

After hearing his words, not only Memphis, Princeton and others were stunned, but even little Gaga's eyes showed a sudden realization.

The commander is right!

The reason why the United States of Oran has now lost the technology of the Global Fortress and the Tyrant Mecha is not only due to the previous Siren blockade, but the most critical reason is that the consortia do not share technology with each other.

They already knew this during the process of collecting intelligence when they first came to Oran.

A hundred years ago, in order to recover the people's livelihood economy as quickly as possible from the Hundred Years' War with the Natlan Empire, the United States of Oran allowed consortiums to compete with each other and provided a lot of support.

However, with the rise of the five major consortiums, these five major consortiums have monopolized most of the technology and resources. Instead, Oran's former government was constrained by these five major consortiums.

Many cutting-edge technologies have been divided among the five major consortiums, causing the overall technological level of the United States of Oran to stagnate.

But now, except for the Tianxing Consortium and the Noah Desin Consortium, which are still controlled by Siren, these five major consortiums have all been in the hands of the commander.

When they and the commander take down the Tianxing Consortium headquarters in Huanyang City, then the entire United States of Oran will be officially integrated into a brand new country.

A country...that only takes orders from the commander and serves Minato.

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