Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 509: If you think it’s expensive, I still think it’s expensive. Meow

Do you still have mental cubes for sale? Come on, tell me the truth. Where did you get all those mental cubes?

Lin Lan didn't expect that this little profiteer actually had a hidden Mind Cube, so he stared at the green-haired little cat and asked.

I'm opening a store in the port area, so I'll definitely have some inventory, nya. Commander, just let me go, and I can sell it all to you at a 20% discount, nya!

After Akashi finished speaking, as if he was afraid that Lin Lan wouldn't believe it, he hurriedly added:

In addition to the hundreds of mental cubes I brought with me, there is also a backup warehouse of our Minato store in Shiranui in Liaozhou, nya, and there are many mental cubes in it, nya!

so much?

Lin Lan blurted out in shock. He really didn't expect that the two boss ladies in his port area had secretly stocked up such a large number of mental cubes.

Not only was he stunned, but Saratoga and the other White Eagle ship girls also had their eyes widened.

Even they had no idea about this matter.

Akashi, the Mind Cube you are talking about is not the defective Mind Cube obtained from Siren, is it? And you once killed the commander so miserably and deceived so many Red Tips. What you said is totally unacceptable. Here’s the letter.”

Little Jia Jia stared at Akashi suspiciously and said, but Akashi even raised his voice several points when he heard it:

How is that possible, meow! The mental cubes in my store are all purchased from the headquarters, meow. The quality is absolutely guaranteed. If you think it's expensive, I think it's too expensive, meow!

Seeing Akashi so excited, Lin Lan also smiled and said:

Okay, okay, then Ariel, untie Akashi first. Akashi, please show me the inventory list of your store.

After Lin Lan finished speaking, Ariel obediently untied the rope from Akashi's body, allowing the little profiteer in the port area to finally leave the workstation.

Then a flattering commercial smile appeared on Akashi's face, he took out a small notebook from his sleeves and handed it to Lin Lan's hands.

Let me see... my dear, you have more mental cubes than the ones in my warehouse in the port area?!

Lin Lan opened the inventory list of the port area store and was shocked when he flipped through it.

The mental cube reserves in Akashi's shop are actually...

Already reached a whopping five figures? !

Meow, meow, haha, this, this is not because I want to sell the commander to you if he builds and eats wells in the future, meow...

Akashi smiled guiltily, but this immediately made Lin Lan's face darken.

You, a profiteer, actually expect me to eat well? You, you, you...

Seeing that he seemed to have hit the commander's sore spot, Akashi quickly pulled on Lin Lan's clothes and gave him advice:

Um...Commander, using fifty mental cubes to build a Rubik's Cube energy reactor on the island will definitely bring more benefits than disadvantages. You will get something if you give it up.

Yesterday, I asked Memphis yesterday that if we want to establish a stable communication network between the port area and here, we must use the energy provided by the Rubik's Cube Energy Reactor.

After hearing what the little profiteer said, Lin Lan turned his head and looked at Memphis. The light patrol girl nodded to him, proving that Akashi was right.

Well, seeing that this little profiteer finally did something meaningful, Lin Lan stopped causing trouble for Akashi.

Originally, he wanted to ask Memphis whether a stable communication network from the port area to the artificial island could be built. If Akashi had already asked in advance, he didn't need to worry.

He no longer hesitated and immediately made arrangements with Saratoga to consume the Mind Cube and build a Rubik's Cube energy reactor on the artificial island.

The matter was settled in this way. As for Akashi, Lin Lan was not ready to buy the Mind Cube from a small profiteer for the time being.

After all, he still has thousands of mental cubes in stock that are evenly distributed among several camps. He should keep the inventory in Akashi's store and wait to buy it later.

However, Lin Lan did not forget to continue punishing this little profiteer. After Akashi made his comments, he wanted to sneak away, but Ariel caught him back to his seat with quick eyes and hands.

But this time Lin Lan didn't ask Ariel to tie up and gag Akashi. He just asked Ariel to keep an eye on Akashi.

After Memphis considered the construction location of the Rubik's Cube energy reactor, it was decided to set it up in the Xinghai Base.

A large energy converter matching the Rubik's Cube energy reactor will also be built together. The energy converter can convert the Rubik's Cube energy into other energy sources. This is also a necessary technology for every camp.

At this time, Lin Lan suddenly seemed to remember something, looked at Memphis and asked worriedly:

If Rubik's Cube Energy's reactor starts to be put into use, will it cause pollution to the surrounding environment?

Hearing his question, Memphis laughed and replied:

Don't worry, Commander, the Rubik's Cube energy generated by the Mind Rubik's Cube is different from energy in the traditional sense. It will not have any impact on the surrounding environment. It can even purify the polluted environment.

Even if the reactor is destroyed, it will not have any impact on the surrounding ecological environment.

Although Lin Lan didn't understand the principle of Rubik's Cube energy, since Memphis' tone was so determined, it meant that he must have done relevant experiments.

Therefore, he was relieved. He didn't have to worry that this Rubik's Cube energy reactor would be like Blue Star's nuclear reactor, which would cause widespread pollution once it went out of control.

No wonder the original world carried out an energy revolution after discovering the Energy Cube.

With this kind of Rubik's Cube energy that is environmentally friendly, inexhaustible, and can be converted into other energy sources, who would want to continue to use the original energy sources?

I'm afraid that only oil cannot be converted by Rubik's Cube energy.

After Lin Lan nodded to Memphis, he looked at Little Gajia and asked:

Speaking of which, can Xinghai Base now communicate with the royal camp in the port area? I don't know if the Iron-Blooded camp has arrived in the port area safely. I'm still a little worried.

Well... with the Rubik's Cube energy currently stored on the island, we should be able to communicate with the royal family. Memphis, take us and the commander to the communication hall of Xinghai.

After Saratoga pondered for a moment, he made arrangements for Memphis.

The commander was right. She had been busy with other things in New Jersey during this period. It was indeed time to ask Elizabeth whether the Iron Blood camp returned to the port safely.

After such a long time, if Bismarck and Frederick have not returned to the port area, it means that the Iron-Blooded camp definitely encountered an unexpected situation on the way.

So Lin Lan said goodbye to Ariel and Akashi, and the group followed Memphis out of the operation room and came to a spacious conference hall in the Xinghai Base.

The layout here is almost exactly the same as Lin Lan's previous conference room in the Government Affairs Hall of the artificial island.

And at a glance, he saw the white command cat of the White Eagle camp nibbling cat food on the table in the conference hall.

After the chubby conductor cat saw him, he happily stood up on the table and actually raised his front paws to salute him.

Seeing such an intelligent commanding cat, Lin Lan couldn't help but secretly complain about how this cute creature relied on to increase the combat attributes of his ship girls and ensure communication between camps.

He held the conductor in his arms, watched Memphis start to activate the communication equipment, and thought about how to greet Queen Elizabeth for a while.

This arrogant Loli queen is not easy to coax.

Especially since he only met Shabai once in the Iron-Blooded Fortress after time travel, and they haven't contacted each other for such a long time.

Based on his understanding of Shabai, it is very likely that the Queen has already accumulated a lot of anger, and it is very likely that what will greet him is a meal of scolding and complaints.

Lexington, Kitchen Goddess and others all sat at the table in the conference hall, and Lin Lan also sat on the chair closest to the communication facility.

Saratoga, as the highest external voice of the White Eagle camp, naturally sat next to Lin Lan, directly in front of the communication facilities being debugged by Memphis.

Commander~ How about we come up with a prank to play on Elizabeth?

Seeing that the communication facilities debugged by Memphis had not yet contacted the royal camp, Xiao Jiajia looked at Lin Lan and said with a smile while waiting.

When Lin Lan heard about this pink-haired little idol's prank addiction, she quickly shook her head wildly to stop Little Gaga from such a dangerous plan:

No, I feel that Silly Bai is a powder keg now. Maybe after being teased by you, the communication was disconnected, and he personally led the royal fleet to kill him.

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