Chapter 510 Navigator-TB

After Lin Lan finished speaking, Lexington also looked at Little Gaga with a smile and said:

Sara, don't cause trouble to the commander. The prank can wait until later, when everyone returns to the port area.

Hmm~ Okay then.

Saratoga, who was prohibited from playing pranks, pouted helplessly, sat on the chair and shook her black stockings.

Her relationship with Elizabeth was quite good, and she felt that such a level of prank would not make the other party so angry.

But little Jia Jia looked at the commander sitting next to her and quickly understood why neither her sister nor the commander would let her play pranks.

After all, the Commander has not returned to the port area yet, and Elizabeth must miss the Commander very much.

And she also understands Elizabeth's temper. When she sees the commander later, she will definitely complain coquettishly about why the commander has not contacted her for so long.

Stimulated by the prank, the worst result might be that he personally leads the entire Royal Fleet to attack the artificial island from the port area.

In this case, she might as well not hit the gun. This kind of thing still has to be solved by the commander.

After thinking about this, Xiao Jiajia quickly stood up, made an invitation gesture to Lin Lan beside her, and said with a sweet smile:

Commander, Sister Sara suddenly feels that it would be better for you to sit in this position.

Lin Lan looked at the pink-haired little lolita with a naughty expression in front of her, and she couldn't understand what Lui Bao was thinking.

But the person who tied the bell must untie it, and he was the only one who could appease the Queen.

So he smiled helplessly, shook his head and got up to change seats with Little Gaga.

But at this moment, Memphis, who was carefully debugging the communication facilities, suddenly frowned, as if he had discovered something was wrong:

Huh? Why can't we contact the royal camp?

Hearing Memphis' doubtful words, Saratoga said in surprise:

Sister Sara used the communication facilities of the Government Affairs Department to communicate with other camps before. Could it be that the communication facilities of Xinghai Base have been out of use for too long?

No, there is no problem with the communication system of Xinghai Base... It's more like there is some kind of communication interference.

Although Memphis frowned tightly, he quickly found the key point of the fault.

Ingraham also stood up and walked to Memphis to help her detect the fault.

Watching the two White Eagle ship ladies playing with the communication facilities, Lin Lan had an uncontrollable thought in his mind that he didn't want to think about:

Could it be that something went wrong in his port area?


Just when this uneasy thought arose in his mind, suddenly, there was an electromagnetic noise in his ears.

We successfully connected to the TB system in the floating island area of ​​the port area. It seems that the port area is at least safe and has not been invaded by sirens.

Ingraham continued to debug the communication facilities in his hands, and said calmly:

Commander, it seems that you need to communicate with your deputy, Ms. Navigator, first.

Before Lin Lan could react to Ingraham's words, a virtual three-dimensional image appeared on the communication projector in front of him.

She has the same gray-white skin style as a siren, a pure white dress, short snow-white hair with blue highlights, a cyan pupil with one eye covered by bangs, and a childish face with no expression.

This mouthless illusory lolita with a black and cyan metal bow tie around her neck and white cotton wristbands on her wrists is the auxiliary intelligent personality that has successfully accessed the communication system.


Lin Lan looked at the familiar face in front of him and was stunned for a moment.

This little AI loli, who once served as his deputy in large-scale battles in the game, introduced herself when she first met him and said that she had two modes.

One is the normal mode when the connection with the command host is normal, and the other is the offline mode.

The so-called offline mode does not mean that TB will directly fall into sleep, but it means that it enters a stand-alone mode where data cannot be uploaded in real time. It does not affect dialogue and provide various functions.

Therefore, Lin Lan understood that after being brought to this different world by the Siren, TB would probably enter permanent offline mode.


The green eyes of the little navigator AI loli immediately locked onto Lin Lan after showing her initial confusion.

The next second, her mechanical eyes narrowed slightly, and she opened her mouth slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she just said in a cold voice without emotion:

Long time no see, Commander, Navigator-TB greets you.

It's been so long, TB.

As TB spoke, Lin Lan's worries calmed down with the cold tone of this little AI loli.

Although his current appearance has returned to that of his youth, he is worthy of being TB, and his identity can be recognized at a glance.

After saying hello to TB, he got straight to the point and asked:

You are still in the port area now, right? Why can't we contact the royal camp? Did something happen to the port area?

After hearing his question, TB answered without hesitation:

Troubleshooting in progress: The cause has been determined. The communication facility lines between the White Eagle camp and the Royal camp are interfered by the Siren Arbitration Agency and are temporarily unavailable.

There are currently no siren invasion records detected in the waters surrounding the port area, and everything is normal.

Although TB ​​said the reason for the failure in contacting the royal camp in a calm tone, it shocked Lin Lan and all the White Eagle girls present.

The arbitration agency can actually cut off the communication between the camps? !

After Lin Lan took a breath, she looked at Saratoga and asked TB worriedly:

So TB, has the Iron-Blooded camp returned to the port area now?

Bismarck and Frederick the Great have led the Iron-blooded camp to arrive at the port area at 6:33 yesterday. The pursuing tester mass-production machines and Siren fleet have been repelled by the Royal camp and the Iron-blooded camp.

Yesterday, Bismarck sent the mecha girl made by Yuanmikang to the floating island area under the jurisdiction of the Iron Blood. He used Geryon to suppress the metamorphosis process in her body and then began to rest. The affairs of the Iron Blood camp are currently in the charge of Frederick the Great.

Commander, do you need me to forward the communication to Frederick the Great for you?

After hearing that the Iron-Blooded camp had successfully returned to the port area, Lin Lan was sincerely relieved.

Just hope his shipgirls are safe.

But there were enough meta crystals on Broken Qiong's side that couldn't suppress the Yuan Rubik's Cube energy in this girl's body, which made him blame himself extremely.

Fortunately, Bismarck's ship-mounted Geryon has the function of inhibiting the meta-ification process, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

It seems that the meta crystal that Helena meta mentioned at the beginning must be used by him personally for Shattered Qiong.

Poor Broken Qiong... ugh.

As for what TB said about pursuing the iron-blooded camp's tester mass-production machines and siren fleet, Lin Lan was not surprised.

After all, he had just seen on the map that his port area was surrounded by seas controlled by sirens. The return of the iron-blooded camp would attract a large number of siren fleets, which must have been expected by Bismarck and the Emperor's mother.

The Siren was sandwiched between two pieces of cheese by Jagged Blood and Royal.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan said to this little Lolita of the illusory auxiliary system:

Frederick, please don't disturb her for the time being. The Predator girls have just returned to the port area. There are still many things that need her to deal with, so I won't cause any trouble to her.

TB, can you help us transfer the communication to the royal camp?

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