After making up her mind to wait for Lin Lan to return to the port area and firmly control him in the royal family, Elizabeth finally calmed down and returned to the conference room.

Then she and Frederick also learned the entire process of Lin Lan's communication with him from the heroic description.

White Eagle actually relies on the communication transferred by TB? Tsk, has the arbitration agency interfered with our communication to this extent?

After learning that due to interference from the arbitration agency, the commander could not directly connect communications to the communication facilities in the camp, Queen Elizabeth frowned and whispered softly.

Compared to Elizabeth's worries, Frederick the Great expressed her speculation about the culprit very calmly:

Arbiter Tempalance XIV.

After the words fell, Frederick snapped his slender fingers, and then an illusory three-dimensional projection of a girl appeared on the projection facility in the center of the conference room.

Wearing a white lace hat and a black and blue lantern skirt, the barefoot gray-white lolita has a pair of blue eyes and an expression of indifference like a doll.

The huge black and blue jellyfish suit behind it waved white metal tentacles, which was extremely terrifying.

It was Tempalance.

Several ship girls in the conference room stared at Tianpalansi's projection and fell into silence for a while.

At this time, Elizabeth's face suddenly turned ugly, as if she had realized something terrible, she looked at Frederick and asked:

According to the information Bismarck sent to this king the day before yesterday, when you iron bloods came back from that country, you discovered Tempalance's agent and fought with him, right?

Frederick the Great nodded, this information was compiled by her herself.

Seeing Frederick nod, Elizabeth's face became even more ugly:

Prior to this, the camps that went to other areas have never reported to the king the situation of encountering the arbitration agency...

Having said this, Frederick the Great also suppressed the indifferent smile on his lips, and his face instantly became serious.

Because she also realized something extraordinary.

As the Royal Queen Elizabeth said, so far, the various camps in the Minato area have not found any trace of arbitration institutions anywhere in the world.

Apart from……

In addition to the White Eagle camp where the commander is currently located, the three sisters of York City faced the Arbiter Strenkus XIII.

It is very likely that there are already two arbiters in the waters surrounding the country called the United States of Oran!

When Elizabeth told this terrifying fact, Ying Ying immediately said seriously:

I was originally going to report this situation to the commander, but before I could finish speaking, the communication on the other side of Xinghai was cut off due to insufficient energy supply.

All of them understood that if the arbitration agency was just an arbiter, no camp would be afraid of it, not even the Donghuang camp.

But if two arbiters appear at the same time, the combat effectiveness will be increased exponentially after turning on the joint mode.

Not to mention that the Arbiter's subordinates also have their own powerful agent fleets, which may be difficult for one camp alone to withstand.

I'm going to contact Prince Eugen to activate the emergency Rubik's Cube energy in the floating island. Hindenburg, you go contact Chilshaji and transfer the control authority of the Navigator TB to me.

This kind of thing must be known to the commander and the White Eagle camp, and Frederick the Great immediately made arrangements.

She planned to contact the White Eagle camp in the Eastern Continent again through the TB system and report this important information to the commander.

The Royal Ship girls were not idle when Frederick issued the order. Elizabeth also asked Belfas and Hindenburg to go to Chilshaji to get the permission of the TB system.

The Hybrid Fantasy aviation battleship girl who stayed in the port area from the White Eagle camp had a personality as rigid as a robot. If Hindenburg alone asked for TB system permissions, the other party would not necessarily give it to her.

But if the head maid explained the reason to them in detail, the other party would probably be willing to temporarily lend them the authority of the TB system.

Frederick, I have always been curious about how White Eagle created the TB system.

After taking the order in Belfast and leaving the conference room with Hindenburg, Elizabeth stared at Frederick who was deep in thought and asked:

I was very curious during the large-scale battle. White Eagle's technology can actually assist the commander in fighting and analyzing meta beacons in the mirror sea area controlled by the sirens.

Even your iron-blooded camp, which has the deepest understanding of siren technology, probably can't do this, right?

Frederick did not answer Elizabeth's question, but continued to stare at the virtual image of Templarus with his dark yellow eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Elizabeth, you remember that I took the High Seas Fleet and cooperated with the leader of Ember for a period of time, right?

Just when Elizabeth thought that Frederick would not answer her question, the Emperor suddenly spoke in a deep voice.

Hearing Frederick suddenly mention the past, Elizabeth and Ying Yong looked at each other and nodded.

The main responsibility of the Arbitration Agency is to fight against the Embers. Those metas who are attracted by the commander to join the port area are naturally the targets of the Arbitration Agency.

President Bismarck and the commander met with Helena meta before and learned that the metas who joined the port area have now been expelled from this world by the arbitration body.

But based on their attachment to the Commander, do you think... once they learn that the Commander has come to this world, will they still be willing to stay outside this world?

Besides, the Sirens have been in this world for such a long time. Based on my understanding of Ember, they must have been eyeing this place for a long time.

Those metas who join Minato will definitely cooperate with Ember. I don't need to say what method they will choose if they want to come from outside the world.

After hearing what Frederick the Great said, a terrible term immediately came to Elizabeth's mind.

Are you referring to... [Singularity]?

After she said this term, Warspite, Valiant, and Scylla all gasped.

They knew exactly what the singularity represented.

The purpose of the Ember Organization is to disrupt and destroy all Siren experimental sites and experimental worlds.

But the members of Ember are scattered in various worlds. This is also because the Sirens have been using various worlds as experimental sites.

The leader of Ember, corporate meta, has the technology to set up space-time beacons by opening singular points and summon meta ship girls from other worlds to fight.

In other words, the singularity exists like a space-time wormhole, and its main function is actually a portal for meta ship girls.

But if the singularity were just like this, it would not be enough to make the four royal ship girls so moved.

The essence of the singularity is to forcibly tear open the world wall through powerful meta energy.

Once it is attacked after being activated and collapses out of control, the intense meta energy will instantly form a meta storm, causing devastating damage to a very large area.

As for how big this range is?

The once royal Glory-class aircraft carrier No. 2 Victory learned from the confrontation between the Purifiers and the corporate meta that once the crown, the singular point in the Northern Union, lost control, a strong meta storm would destroy half of the Northern Union capital in an instant. Explode to the sky.

So now comes the problem.

If Ember and the metas in the port area really plan to forcefully open the singularity in the United States of Oran, how could the Siren allow the singularity to open smoothly under their noses?

The appearance of the two arbiters is very likely to prove that the arbitration agency has observed the upcoming singularity in advance and is preparing to destroy it at the moment of activation.

And once the singularity is destroyed and collapsed, will this devastating meta storm, which can destroy almost half of the continent, also affect the commander and the White Eagle camp?

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