Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 522 Frederick’s method of breaking the situation

Soon, Belfast and Hindenburg returned to the conference room.

The person who walked into the conference room at the same time as them was a tall, white-haired ship girl who looked like a humanoid angel, wearing a white tights and a black and white jacket with an expressionless face.


After learning that the incident was related to the commander, the powerful sixth-phase scientific research ship Baiying stayed in the port area chose to come here in person as soon as possible.

I already knew the seriousness of the situation from the mouths of my two companions. When I came here, I had already connected the TB system to the equipment in this conference room.

As one of the most powerful scientific research ships in the White Eagle camp, although her personality is somewhat like an AI due to her mental problems, it does not mean that she does not know how to adapt.

In particular, this matter was also related to the safety of the commander who gave her life. When she learned all this from Belfast, she immediately made a decision.

Thank you very much, Kirshaji.

After Emperor Frederick expressed his gratitude to the White Eagle Battleship girl who was full of science fiction, he started the TB system that had just been connected on the controller.

As the three-dimensional image of Tempalance disappeared, it was replaced by the petite illusory figure of the navigator TB, who also had no emotion on his face, appeared in front of everyone.

Miss Navigator, Prince Eugen has activated Iron Blood's emergency Rubik's Cube energy in the floating island area. Can you now use this energy to activate the communication system and connect to the Star Sea Base in the United States of Oran?

Frederick the Great stared into the golden eyes of the navigator TB and asked.

Not only her, but Elizabeth, Kilsharge, Hindenburg, and the other four royal ship's ladies were all looking at the navigator.

Nervousness, anticipation, excitement...

Complex emotions arose in their hearts. If the commander was still at the Xinghai Base, they would be able to see the commander they longed for soon.

But the next answer from navigator TB poured cold water on them.

Analyzing communication feasibility: Error. The communication system is interfered with and cannot communicate with Xinghai Base.

Ah? Are you kidding me? Can't you still communicate with Xinghai Base at noon and transfer it to my palace?!

Elizabeth immediately stood up from her seat and questioned the navigator TB with wide eyes.

The impatient Queen also asked the same question that other ship girls in the conference room wanted to ask.

Even the calm and composed Emperor Frederick the Great and Kirshaji showed a bit of surprise on their faces, and they did not expect this answer at all.

TB, analyze the cause of the error.

Kirshaji then spoke calmly and gave instructions to the navigator TB.

Command confirmation: Error cause is being analyzed...

Conclusion: Due to strong interference, the communication system cannot connect normally.

Elizabeth was stunned when she heard this answer, and then shouted angrily:

Is there any difference between the results of your analysis and the results you haven't reported?

The illusory navigator, Little Loli, was not affected by Elizabeth's excited tone at all, and her face still had an indifferent expression without a trace of emotion.

No...War Exhaustion, notify King George V and Glory immediately that I will personally lead the team to the United States of Oran!

Now that the United States of Oran has completely lost contact, how can Elizabeth still sit still?

If something really happened to the commander with Bai Ying, she didn't dare to think about the consequences.

Although this was a decision she made on the spot, Warspite who was guarding behind her immediately followed the instructions without any hesitation, taking out the communicator and preparing to contact the leader of the Royal Knights and Miss Glory.

Valiant, Belfast, Scylla, let's go back and prepare for the expedition.

Just when Elizabeth stood up and planned to leave the conference room directly, Frederick the Great, who had not spoken a word, also stood up and said to the royal ship ladies:

Wait a minute, Elizabeth, I don't think things are that bad yet.

When Frederick said this, Elizabeth stopped and turned to look at Frederick, ready to wait for the next step.

Before the arrival of Helena meta, we Iron Blood did not observe the singularity, which shows that metas and Ember may have other ways to come to this world.

Furthermore, communication interference is most likely a tactic used by the Siren to divert the tiger away from the mountain. If the port area built by the Commander is destroyed by the Siren's attack, how can we have the face to face the Commander?

After hearing Frederick, who had always been steady and elegant, say all this in a rare serious tone, Elizabeth calmed down and lowered her head.

Yes, siren has always been cunning, and siren can do this kind of thing.

However, although the Queen was stopped from this reckless behavior by Frederick's words, the guardian knight Warpex standing next to the Royal Queen carefully discovered that the Queen's eyes were covered with light mist.

The always proud Royal Queen is now overwhelmed by worries about her loved ones.

Not only Elizabeth, but Hindenburg and Kilshaji also clenched their fists in unison.

If the Royal Fleet really wants to set off to the White Eagle camp, they will also apply to go together.

Isn’t it an arbitration agency?

With the Siren Enemy Skill, they are powerful beings meant to fight against the Arbitration Agency. They will never let the commander who gives them life receive any harm.

Helena meta once told Lord Bismarck that she would meet the commander again at the right time.

Based on what we know about her, she would not engage in any dangerous behavior that would affect the commander.

As Frederick the Great spoke, he slowly sat back on his seat.

After sitting down, Frederick continued his analysis and said:

Even if the metas really plan to activate the singularity in Oran, Helena meta will definitely notify the commander in advance to avoid the affected area. There is no doubt about this.

With the strength of the White Eagle camp, even if they face two arbiters at the same time, they will not be unable to protect the commander. Their love for the commander is no less than any of us.

Frederick's words also made Elizabeth raise her head again, and gradually believed Frederick's analysis.

Then we can't just do nothing in the port area, right? After all, it's an arbitration agency...

Although the Royal Loli Queen already somewhat believed Frederick's reasoning, she was still a little uneasy.

They had already lost their commander once, so it was impossible to put the commander's safety solely on reasoning.

The Royal Queen, you are right, that is the arbitration body, the most ferocious enemy we have ever faced.

In addition to the arbitration agency, testers, purifiers, builders, and even observers, their host consciousness is also in Oran.

Seeing that Elizabeth had finally calmed down, Frederick the Great once again raised an elegant smile from the corner of her mouth, as if he already had a countermeasure in mind.

Our Tiexue return to the port area this time has exposed our whereabouts, so if the Sirens really want to target the commander, they will definitely take precautions against us and stop us on the route from the port area to Oran.

And since the ultra-long-distance communication system has been interfered by sirens, it means that the communication system is no longer safe. It is unrealistic for us to contact other camps to rescue the commander.

Their oil reserves are not as good as ours, Iron Blood and White Eagle. It will be difficult for them to engage in high-intensity combat with the Sirens along the way. Instead, it will put them in crisis.

If this was the time when our camps were fighting each other, we would have been helpless in the face of this situation...

Having said this, Frederick the Great seemed to have inadvertently turned off the TB system, and the illusory figure of the navigator TB disappeared from the conference room.

But don't forget, the powerful port area established by the commander already has the means to contact other camps without the need for a communication system.

Frederick finished speaking confidently, and Elizabeth immediately realized what the iron-blooded Dark Madonna was referring to.

Several other ship girls in the conference room also realized the method that Frederick was referring to, and they all showed expressions of amazement.

As expected of Frederick the Great, he had actually found a way to break the situation in this situation!

As Frederick the Great snapped his fingers again, a camp logo appeared on the projection system in the conference room.

A person with dream ability who can communicate with other camps over long distances in the ethereal dream exists, and will definitely send a powerful camp to support the commander's fleet as soon as possible——

Heavy cherry blossoms.

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