Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 523 Black falling snow (3000 words)

Nine o'clock in the evening, Huanyang City.

Dense clouds hang over the millennium capital of the United States of Oran, making it look extremely depressing and depressing.

The cold wave of late winter is approaching the Eastern Continent, and the strong cold low pressure even makes this bustling city seem to be shivering.

The wharf in Huanyang City is the largest wharf in the United States of Oran. Although there are a large number of Oran people and Liaozhou people coming and going on the wharf even at night, due to the weather, it is no longer as lively as before.

Even the vendors who used to enthusiastically sell their products closed their stalls early and went home due to the oppressive weather.

Except for the coast guard who held a loudspeaker to maintain order, most of the people on the dock kept their heads down and kept silent, going about their own business.

Wearing a white winter coat, Zhao Heyan carried her suitcase and followed the flow of people off the passenger ship that came here from Hongye City, returning to her familiar hometown.

But on her face, there was no excitement at all about meeting her family, but instead, there was deep worry.

While at the academy, Lin Lan speculated to her father that her temperament was very similar to that of a siren.

And after that, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was indeed the case.

Efficient, ruthless, targeting the Admiralty at every turn, and advocating the abandonment of the sea, these are all signs that something is really wrong with her father.

After finishing all the work of the student union, she immediately returned to Huanyang City and prepared to go to the headquarters of the Tianxing Foundation to confirm again.

If it is true as Lin Lan speculated, her father is a siren in disguise...

Thinking of this, Zhao Heyan couldn't help but grit his teeth and was unwilling to continue thinking.

In her memory, it was Zhao Tianyi who raised her and her brother after their mother passed away.

If their father is really a siren, doesn’t that mean they were raised by sirens?

Sirens... can they really have such delicate emotions and such perfect disguises?

It was with these complicated emotions that after Zhao Heyan arrived at the Huanyang Transportation Station from the pier, she took out her mobile phone and prepared to call her brother Zhao Hesheng, who had a twisted personality.

Although she has always been very disgusted with what her brother did and has basically not contacted each other in the past two years, now she has to call to ask for more details in order to confirm the identity of their father.

But what came from the phone was an automatic answer that no one answered.

At this time, he should be still having fun at the consortium's nightclub...why didn't he answer the phone?

Zhao Heyan frowned. Before she returned to Huanyang City, she had learned from her channels in the consortium that Zhao Hesheng should be in Huanyang City.

Not answering the phone is not Zhao Hesheng's style.

Since Zhao Hesheng didn't answer the phone, Zhao Heyan stopped paying attention and decided to go home first.

Zhao Tianyi must still be in Tianxing Building now. Ever since the third-generation robot went out of control, she learned from the employees who were still in the consortium that her father had almost never been home.

While waiting for the automatic navigation car to arrive at the platform, Zhao Heyan was suddenly attracted by the chat topics of the people around her who were also waiting for the bus.

Lao Luo, I've been really unlucky these past two days. The new mobile phone I just bought has not been used for two days, and for no reason it often loses signal. When I called the after-sales service, I was told that the number of people in the queue has reached the limit. Isn't this nonsense?

Hey, don't tell me, my mobile phone has been having this problem lately. I was like this when I was on the phone with a customer today, which caused all my business to go to waste.

Is there something wrong with the signal tower in Huanyang City? Those robots laid off many people before, but after the robots disappeared, the Tianxing Consortium recruited a lot of new people to fill the positions.

Damn, it's unlucky to mention that. Those robots sold by the Tianxing Consortium almost scared me to death when they lost control...

Conversations like this one after another made Zhao Heyan, the daughter of the Tianxing Financial Group, lower his head unconsciously.

The incident of the third-generation robot may be just an episode for the citizens of Huanyang City, but for the Oran people in other cities, it is simply a catastrophe.

And those robots will self-disintegrate inexplicably, and there is no definite explanation until now.

The most mainstream theory on the Internet is that the Tianxing Consortium has launched the self-destruction program of the third-generation robot. This is also the most credible theory.

But some people say that this was Lin Lan, the Red Leaf Covenant winner of the new alliance, who turned the tide and found a CNC method to destroy the third generation robots.

However, Zhao Heyan believed in the second statement more than the first statement.

Not only her, but the other classmates of Momiji Naval Academy too.

Back in Hongye City, Lin Lan and his powerful ship girls brought them hope. In addition, Ji Chenlin and several generals from the Navy recognized Lin Lan's identity.

Perhaps, her junior student really has the ability to change Oran's future destiny.

After getting in the car, Zhao Heyan kept reading the latest news about the new alliance and Lin Lan on his mobile phone.

Although Lin Lan has not appeared since that emergency broadcast, the new alliance is very active.

Distribution of materials between cities, large-scale job recruitment, signing of various cooperation agreements between the three consortiums, transportation of materials to the Western Continent...

And whether it is the various port commanders within the Navy Department or the greedy city agents, they all fully cooperate with the implementation of the new alliance's policies.

It is hard to imagine that such a newly formed temporary alliance can handle all aspects of domestic affairs in such detail.

Contrary to the prosperous new alliance, the Tianxing Consortium seemed to have disappeared after absorbing the Noah Desin Consortium and has not made any moves.

Not even a press conference was held.

As Zhao Tianyi's daughter, she keenly felt that this was very abnormal.

Looking out the window at the bustling urban streetscape and the rushing river reflecting the lights, Zhao Heyan always felt that something was wrong.

Why are there no ships on the river today?

She did not see Huanyang City's announcement on river control on the home page of the news website. Logically speaking, there should be many sightseeing boats or cargo ships on this wide river.

But at this time, there was nothing on the river.

For some reason, she always felt like there was some terrifying existence under the river staring at her, as if it wanted to swallow up the entire city.'s a psychological effect.

Zhao Heyan didn't dare to look any further, so he quickly looked away from the river and sighed softly.

Jiang Mian's control may have been issued when the third-generation robot went out of control, and it has not been lifted. It is not too surprising that the announcement did not appear on the home page.

Compared with this, she would have to find clues related to the sirens from her father tomorrow, which was what she should be worried about most at the moment.

In this way, with deep worries, Zhao Heyan finally returned to the villa area built by Tianxing Consortium. After entering the community, he came to her door.

But just as she dragged her suitcase and opened the door, preparing to have a good rest tonight, a putrid smell suddenly blew into the room.

Cough, cough, cough, cough!

The disgusting stench made Zhao Heyan feel a strong retching sensation in her throat, but she restrained it and rushed into the house while holding her breath.

This smell comes from upstairs. What is it that smells so bad?

After Zhao Heyan scanned the empty living room vigilantly, he immediately determined that the source of the smell should be on the second floor.

And when she quickly walked up the stairs and came to the corridor on the second floor, her eyes suddenly widened, as if she saw a scene that made her soul tremble.

Hanging on the wall at the end of the corridor was the body of a man who had been dead for a long time and was completely rotten.

It was her biological brother, the person Lin Lan hated the most—Zhao Hesheng!

No...impossible, what on earth...

Such a shocking scene made Zhao Heyan feel cold all over, and even felt like the world was spinning.

Although she hates Zhao Hesheng extremely, despite his twisted personality and murderous nature, he attaches great importance to his family.

And the posture of Zhao Hesheng's death made Zhao Heyan even more frightened.

His neck has been severely deformed, and the reason why the body is hanging on the wall is because his neck was dented into the wall!

It was as if the murderer had terrifying brute force. He grabbed Zhao Hesheng's neck, crushed it in pieces, then smashed the wall with a punch and embedded it in!

Zhao Heyan endured the grief and fear in his heart, tremblingly took out the self-defense pistol from the inside of his cotton-padded jacket, and walked to Zhao Hesheng's body step by step.

When he saw that the wall was even cracked like a spider web because of the depression, Zhao Heyan couldn't hold back any longer. He collapsed weakly on the ground and cried bitterly.

Her crying was not just about Zhao Hesheng's death.

Especially for her father, Zhao Tianyi.

In Oran, there are only three types of people who can kill Zhao Hesheng, the young master of the consortium, in this way.

The first is the out-of-control third-generation robot.

However, the degree of decomposition of Zhao Hesheng's body was not very serious, and it must have occurred after the third-generation robot disappeared.

Second, there are the residents who came to Oran from the Natland Empire and the Nine Islands of Liaozhou. Some of them still have supernatural power, and they may also have this ability.

But although Zhao Hesheng is a pervert with a twisted personality, he is not an idiot.

Are those killers and bodyguards under Zhao Hesheng, and even the gate guards of the villa area who have to strictly check their identities when entering and exiting, are they free of charge?

Then the only identity of the murderer is the third possibility...

Zhao Heyan's mind flashed back to her father Zhao Tianyi's cold eyes full of silent murderous intent towards her last time in the conference room of Tianxing Building.


Zhao Heyan clenched his fists and confirmed all this.

Her face was covered with tears. Just when she was about to get up and ask someone to collect her brother's body, her eyes were suddenly attracted by the scene outside the window where Zhao Hesheng's body was hanging on the wall.

Her pupils suddenly shrank, as if she had seen some strange sight.

It’s snowing in Huanyang City.

But if it was just snowing, it would not be enough to shock her who was feeling so sad at this time.

The snowflakes that were supposed to be white falling outside the window turned out to be... black, full of terror and ominousness.

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