Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 525 The Selection Criteria for Santa Claus in Minato City

So Enterprise, how did you get to the roof just now? Don't tell me that you flew up on a flying reindeer sleigh.

When the company was handing over Christmas gifts to Eldridge, Lin Lan couldn't help but asked the Port District Santa Claus out of curiosity.

Haha, of course that's impossible, Commander. That kind of reindeer sleigh can only be found in the Teaching Kingdom of this other world.

After hearing what Lin Lan said, the company explained with a hearty smile:

Of course I climbed straight up.

Then how do you give gifts to other people at night? If they live in a high-rise dormitory, do you have to climb up from the outer wall and climb through the window?

Regarding this Santa Claus in the Port District who relied on physical power to enter his house, Lin Lan still asked him what he was most worried about at night.

That's not a big deal, but I have this.

As the enterprise spoke, a large set of keys and a thick access card appeared in his hand.

At night, after the children have gone to bed, I will quietly go in and put the gifts in the socks next to their pillows.

Seeing so many keys and access cards, Lin Lan was stunned:

Then you, Santa Claus, sneak into other people's dormitories in the middle of the night, aren't you just like a thief?

Teacher, Sister Enterprise, is very just. She will not be a thief!

Before the company could answer, Anchorage waved his fist and corrected Lin Lan.

Well, Lin Lan was instantly awakened by Anchorage's words.

No wonder the Santa Claus in his port area is not only the company, but also the royal guardian knight Warspite.

They are really all ship girls with extremely righteous personalities.

If Ark Royal or Taiho Akagi were to be Santa Claus...

Lin Lan suddenly got goosebumps when she thought of this.

As a super lolicon, if the former entered the destroyer dormitory in the middle of the night, there would be no need to worry about the consequences.

He would probably be able to deliver meals to him in the Minato Prison the next day.

And if it were the latter two, he would be the one to suffer.

I understand, that company, I will accompany you to deliver Christmas gifts tonight.

Lin Lan just said this, but the company thought about it and rejected him:

Commander, I would be very happy if you could help me, but I personally think it would be better for me to deliver the gifts alone.

Lin Lan's eyes widened at the company's words. He didn't expect that the company was even on guard against him:

No, who do you think I am? I promise to only give gifts and not do anything else, and you are supervising me. How can I do this?

Pfft, Commander, you misunderstood me.

Seeing Lin Lan's excitement, the company couldn't help laughing and explained to him:

Commander, if everyone knew that you would come to the bedside to deliver gifts at night, do you think they would still be able to sleep and let you leave the dormitory?

Or is there a possibility that they just regard you as a Christmas gift?

Lin Lan touched his chin and thought carefully, it seemed like...

It really makes sense.

If the girls on the White Eagle ship knew that he would come to deliver gifts in person at night, they would definitely not fall asleep, but would deliberately wait for him.

This will delay the ship girls behind from receiving gifts.

Well, don't tell anyone about this. How about I come secretly to give you gifts at night?

Although what the company said made sense, it made Lin Lan want to experience being Santa Claus even more.

Seeing that there was still some hesitation on the company's face, Lin Lan immediately added:

Don't worry, I have the ability to conceal my aura. If you don't turn on the ship's radar, you probably won't be discovered.

After saying that, in order to prevent the company from believing it, he activated the breath blocking skill in his brave skill bar.

This is originally a very useless skill. The effect is that the user's breath can be integrated into the surrounding elements, so that the user's actions will not make any noise.

Although this is not as useful as the ability to become invisible directly, it is very suitable for use when giving gifts tonight.

And sure enough, after unfolding the ship's equipment, Enterprise closed his eyes, nodded and said:

If you don't specifically use the ship to scan, Commander, you will indeed not be discovered by us after you activate this ability.

That's enough. If someone with malicious intentions approaches us, we can still detect it.

Lin Lan removed the aura blockage and showed a slight smile.

As a commander, how could he harbor ill will toward his shipgirl?

After the company successfully handed over all the Christmas gifts, there was a knock on the door.

After Eldridge opened the door, those who walked into the house were Mrs. Yorktown, who was also wearing winter clothes and had a gentle smile, and the smiling cowboy sister Bumblebee.

After this handsome cowboy sister reached out and touched Eldridge's head, she looked at Lin Lan and the company and said excitedly:

Hey Commander, we're here to pick you up for the Christmas party!

Hearing Bumblebee say this, Lin Lan also smiled helplessly.

Sure enough, his White Eagle ship girls like to hold banquets from noon to evening.

So Lin Lan put on a cotton-padded jacket, tidied up, and set off with Ariel, Anchorage, and the others.

As soon as he walked out of the villa, Lin Lan felt a cold air blowing towards his face, accompanied by flying white snowflakes.

At this time, most of the scenery outside the house was already covered by white snow. Whether it was street trees, garden shrubs or roofs, they were all covered with a white coat.

After getting in the car, Lin Lan also learned from Mrs. York City that although it was Christmas tomorrow, the ladies of the White Eagle would have a holiday tomorrow, so the banquet was scheduled for today.

Hehe, this is just like the Spring Festival in Donghuang. On the New Year's Eve the day before, everyone has a New Year's Eve dinner together, and on the New Year's Day the next day, they will rest or visit relatives.

Bumblebee explained to Lin Lan with simpler and easier-to-understand examples, which surprised Lin Lan and asked:

Bumblebee, you actually know this?

Commander, the most grand event in the port area every year is the Spring Festival. Do we still know the common sense about Donghuang Festival?

After Bumblebee said this, Lin Lan thought about it and it was true.

He vaguely remembered that in the game, the port area was very lively during the Spring Festival activities, with fireworks and wild lion dances.

The Donghuang Ship Girls even built an ancient town with Donghuang characteristics in the port area, and hung up many lanterns every Chinese New Year.

But when he was celebrating the New Year in his hometown in Blue Star, the flavor of the New Year was getting weaker and weaker due to various modern reasons.

Well~ Commander, why are you still depressed? What Christmas gift did you prepare for Lord Bumblebee today? Can you tell me a little bit about it?

Seeing that Lin Lan was a little distracted, the blond cowboy sister thought that Lin Lan was homesick and quickly changed the topic.

Of course you have to wait until you open a gift to experience the surprise. This is what you taught me.

Lin Lan, whose memory was interrupted, blinked his eyes with a smile and said with a smile, while Bumblebee was stunned for a moment, then reluctantly grabbed his arm and acted coquettishly.

No, no, commander, you can't do this! Just reveal a little bit~

Seeing her sister's appearance, Mrs. York City, who was sitting in the front seat, also laughed softly:

Hehehe, Commander really learned bad things from us~

Of course, until the car drove to the banquet venue on the top of the artificial island, Lin Lan still didn't reveal any information to Bumblebee.

Seeing the itchy cowgirl's angry look after getting out of the car, he also smiled and patted Bumblebee's lower back:

Okay, okay, waiting for the surprise to be revealed is a process that you have to enjoy. My Lord Bumblebee still needs to know how to taste it.

Hmph, Commander, if you don't tell me, I'll ask Sister Enterprise later.

Lin Lan became even happier after hearing Bumblebee hum.

If the sexy cowboy keeps clinging to him, he might actually spill the beans.

But if you ask companies...

Never mind that even the company doesn't know what gift he gives to every ship girl.

Even if he knew it, given the professionalism of Santa Claus in Minato City, which the company has maintained over the years, he probably wouldn't even say it out loud.

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