The lively Christmas party lasted from noon to evening.

As the White Eagle camp advocates freedom, the banquet process is naturally very relaxed and free, with no mandatory formality at all.

In addition, there are various programs and venue special effects prepared by the talented party organizer Seattle, as well as idol performances by Little Gaga and Benson-level little lolita.

This grand Christmas banquet really brought Lin Lan a full surprise.

It is worth mentioning that many of the White Eagle girls are wearing Christmas-style clothes.

After all, ship girls are not afraid of the cold, and they only wear clothes according to the seasons, which also allows Lin Lan to feast his eyes on it.

As for the remaining buffet food at the end of the banquet, there was no waste at all. It was all packed up by the big mackerel and others, ready to be fed to their friends in the ocean.

After saying goodbye to Saratoga and New Jersey who sent him back to the villa, and asking them to look forward to the Christmas gifts tomorrow morning, Lin Lan returned to the bedroom and put on the Santa Claus suit that St. Louis had chosen for him.

After seeing that her attire was fine in the mirror, Lin Lan pinched her belly.

I always feel like I'm a little fat... It's really easy to lose weight in Baiying.

Recalling that since he met the White Eagle girls, almost every meal he had had was big fish and meat, plus a variety of high-calorie fried foods and sweets, Lin Lan showed a wry smile.

Although the Kitchen Goddess said in the Xinghai Base two days ago that he was not overweight yet, he seriously doubted whether Bai Ying and Dong Huang had the same definition of obesity.

It seems that before returning to the port area, I still have to control my diet and exercise regularly.

Otherwise, Queen Elizabeth and Bismarck will be pissed to death if they see me being made fat by the girls of the White Eagle.

After Lin Lan finished speaking self-deprecatingly, he came to the living room and waited for the arrival of Santa Claus.

Based on his understanding of the company's rigorous character, I am afraid that after counting the number of gifts, he will find that there will be one more gift.

Well, although I don’t know if I will have a chance to give this extra gift, but I am always prepared.

While waiting for the company to come to him, Lin Lan also took out his mobile phone and prepared to read the headlines of the news website.

Today at the banquet, he had been accompanying the girls from the White Eagle Ship who were chatting and acting coquettishly with him. He really didn't have time to look at his mobile phone.

But it was okay if he didn't look, but when he took a closer look, he discovered something strange.

The first is that his mobile phone did not receive any push today, and the headlines of the news website did not publish a news.

That's not right. Could it be that my phone is disconnected?

Lin Lan was confused and refreshed several times and found that it was still the same, so he checked the network connection.

But his mobile phone signal was clearly full, and in the chat group between him and the White Eagle girls, Gridley was still uploading the photos he took today.

It seems that there may be a problem with the network signal in the Eastern Continent.

However, if there was an emergency, Ji Chenlin and Jian Qianou should have silenced his call through their respective channels.


Just when Lin Lan was wondering, suddenly, the movement from the fireplace attracted his attention.

Commander, you've been waiting for a long time, let's go!

Well, seeing this handsome silver-haired lady appear in front of him with a smile on her face, Lin Lan understood that the company had chosen to climb into his house through the chimney during this festival.

Why didn't he realize that the White Eagle God of War had such a naughty side?

Now that companies are here, Lin Lan first keeps the problem of network signal failure in the Eastern Continent in mind, and prepares to find Xiaojiajia early tomorrow morning to ask what the situation is.

After he got up and followed the company to welcome Xiaoxue out, he was startled by the vehicle prepared by the company.

Is this... a sleigh?

That's right, parked on the snow-covered road outside the courtyard of his villa was a red electric sled that could seat two people.

Commander really knows the goods. I have been using this Christmas sleigh I bought from Akashi for many years.

Santa Claus Enterprise took Lin Lan into the car and sat side by side. He held the steering wheel and turned his head to start the car, with a show-off smile on his face.

Lin Lan looked carefully at the outer shell of the sled car, only to find that the car looked like new, with no traces of being used many times.

However, he quickly realized that this Christmas sleigh was only used once a year and was not used normally. It looked like new and it was normal.

Since the street trees and street lights on the artificial island have been decorated with Christmas ribbons and bell chains by Rubik's Cube energy robots, Lin Lan feels like walking through the beautiful scenery in this quiet night snow scene and facing the falling snow. Illusions in fairy tales.

I almost forgot, how can we miss this on Christmas Eve?

At this time, Enterprise suddenly smiled and pressed a button on the sleigh.

Jingle bells~ jingle bells~ jingle bells~

Cheerful music started to play, and it turned out that the car speakers were playing the unvoiced version of Jingle Bells.

This move by the company also made Lin Lan laugh out loud:

Yes, the music is just right, but it's a pity that our two Santa Clauses didn't use reindeer to pull the cart.

Regarding this, Enterprise, whose long silver hair covered by a white cotton hat was flying in the wind, had no regrets:

Santa Claus also needs to keep pace with the times. I originally tried to use a carrier-based aircraft to pull the car into the sky, but later I found that it still didn't work. It's good like this.

The company's words reminded Lin Lan of a picture of seven or eight carrier-based aircraft dragging a sled flying into the sky. This was too inconsistent.

The sleigh driven by him and Enterprise was obviously modified to be silent. Apart from the sound of crushing snow, there was basically no sound of the engine.

And they also arrived at their first destination, the dormitory of the destroyer girls.

Commander, do you still remember this place?

After parking the sleigh at the door of the tall building, the two walked into the elevator entrance of the lobby on the first floor.

Of course I still remember it. I remember you discovered it right after I woke up from a coma.

After the two entered the elevator, Lin Lan said with a smile.

On the top floor of this destroyer dormitory is the hospital on the artificial island. Of course, no one except him will go there.

When I hugged you from the arms of Cleveland and Raffi, I saw you transformed back into your youthful appearance. I thought you were dreaming.

Enterprise recalled while taking out a large bulging bag of gifts from the ship's storage space.

You were unconscious on the hospital bed at that time. I was afraid that you would disappear as soon as I closed my eyes, just the port area.

At this time, Lin Lan suddenly found that the voice of the company seemed to be a little low.

He looked at the handsome silver-haired lady's face and found that the corners of Enterprise's eyes were actually a little moist.

And he suddenly remembered something.

Before he traveled through time, the last secretary ship he set up seemed to be an enterprise.

Enterprise, you...

Lin Lang just wanted to open his mouth to comfort Enterprise, but Enterprise wiped his eyes with his sleeves and showed a happy smile again:

I'm fine Commander, haha, I just remembered some past events. After all, you are so real now, why bother to recall those unhappy past events?

Seeing that the strong enterprise had readjusted its mentality, Lin Lan also breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and at the same time gently held the tall, silver-haired shipgirl in her arms.

As expected of a company, it is great to be able to come out of the shadows of the past so quickly.

Not every ship girl can still hold on so strongly after witnessing the disappearance of the commander.

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