Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 530 Aosta’s letter (2800 words)

To Anjie:

Long time no see. Thinking back to the last time we met, it was at the Ocean Federation military press conference when it was announced that the company had obtained the code: G.

I am ashamed to say that during this period the project I was responsible for fell into a bottleneck period.

ANTI-X, an artificial intelligence life form that uses a modified version of the Energy Cube as its core, can never reach the level shown by Code:G in terms of speed and understanding of emotions, no matter how hard I try.

According to my speculation, this situation is most likely due to the mental Rubik's Cube you developed.

Although the energy contained in the Energy Cube is indeed confirmed by me to come from high-dimensional space, the Mind Cube is likely to have some unique changes than the Energy Cube. As a person who specializes in Rubik's Cube, you should know better than me. many.

Therefore, I think all the observation data of the [ship] born from the Mind Cube so far can also provide a certain degree of reference for the subsequent development of ANTI-X.

I will apply to the military for another experimental data docking meeting between our projects in the near future. At that time, I will bring the official body of ANTI-X to show you.

Presumably from the last meeting, you already know that all of my current ANTI-X designs are still at the level of virtual AI personalities. At most, they can only perform stereoscopic projection of their virtual images.

But this time is different. You will see the first ANTI-X that actually has a complete body.

Although I named her Observer Zero in the military's file registration, she is the first ANTI-X born in every sense, so I am going to give her a more memorable name. .


Before the conference application is approved, you can look forward to her body, which is guaranteed to surprise you.

By the way, one more thing.

You mentioned to me before that the student who was highly adaptable to the Rubik's Cube discovered at our alma mater. I heard that he is now your assistant and serves as Code:G's instructor in military operations and mental health?

If possible, please be sure to bring him with you to this meeting. I suspect that the adaptability of the human Rubik's Cube will also have a certain impact on the efficiency of assisting ANTI-X's emotional learning.

Finally, I wish you an early breakthrough in your current research project.

Sincerely yours,


Commander, commander. Wake up, commander.

Amidst the company's words, Lin Lan vaguely opened his eyes on the sofa.

And as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the worried face of the company looking down at him.

Only then did he suddenly realize that he had fallen asleep without realizing it last night while thinking on the sofa in the living room of the villa.

He is currently resting his head on the company's soft knee pillow.

Thank you for your hard work, long have I been asleep?

After Lin Lan sat up, he looked out the window. It was already dark outside, but the wind and snow still didn't stop.

He asked the company while recalling the dream he had just after falling asleep.

Commander, you have slept for a total of five hours. It is now half past seven, and there is still half an hour before the time Helena Meta made with you.

After hearing the company's answer, Lin Lan nodded slightly.

Fortunately he didn't oversleep, otherwise it would have been terrible.

But that dream just now...

He hadn't dreamed about the original world for a long time, and he thought he would never dream about the original world again, free from the influence of the sirens.

But in the dream just now, he remembered the content of Dr. Aosta's letter to Anjie very clearly, just like the previous times.

Obviously, he still has not broken away from the observer's control of his dream.

But he vaguely discovered that every time he dreamed about returning to the original world, Aosta was the main perspective.

When I think about it, the reason why he dreamed back to the original world was probably caused by the Siren. Could it be because the Siren only retained data related to Aosta?

Although he could not ask anyone to confirm this, the letter in the dream mentioned a lot of important content that he could not ignore.

Code: G, also known as key point G.

This name must be familiar to any player who has watched the game plot.

It is precisely the number that the corporate meta had in the original world as the first ship girl born, and it is also the name that the siren always calls the corporate meta.

I believe that the person Riosta mentioned as the corporate meta teacher is also very adaptable to the Rubik's Cube. With the title of teacher...

Could this be the player, me?

Lin Lan recalled that in the game's storyline, York City and other ship girls all called him teacher, and couldn't help but think of this possibility.

Once he had this direction, Lin Lan immediately recalled another piece of strong evidence that could prove it.

When he first entered Ariel's virtual world Utopia, the room he woke up in seemed to contain books on military science and education!

Good guy, this is a real deal.

Lin Lan let out a long sigh of relief. He really didn't expect that in the official setting of the game, the commander would have such a past.

Now everything made sense.

In the original world, he might really be Dr. Anjie's assistant. In addition to studying Rubik's Cube, he was also responsible for being the teacher of the ship girls.

Thinking about it this way, he was really omnipotent in the original world.

If the game official can use the Commander's experience to make a Granblue prequel galgame, it will definitely be a big seller.

This idea came to Lin Lan's mind inexplicably, but he didn't want to think about such nonsense right now.

Even if he has obtained this information now, there is still a big question mark as to whether the corporate meta will still have its old feelings for him.

In the game plot, the corporate meta does not directly confront the player, but the opponent did not join the port area until he traveled through time, which is enough to explain the problem.

Moreover, none of the meta ship girls who joined the port area seemed to have taken the initiative to mention this matter. In the end, this was just his speculation.

After all, it is still unknown whether the content of the dream created by Siren for him is true or false.

If there is any deviation between this dream and the real past in the original world, the corporate meta's neutral attitude towards him may worsen.

Commander, do you really don't need me to contact Sara and the others? I think this matter should be discussed together by everyone.

It's not that I don't trust the commander, but if something unexpected happens during the communication with that person...

Enterprise looked at the serious thinking face of the commander in front of her and asked with some concern.

She didn't want the commander to bear this heavy burden alone, but hoped that the commander could make more use of everyone's strength in White Eagle.

Hearing what the company said, Lin Lan took a deep breath, and then turned his attention to the strong ship girl sitting next to him.

Why doesn't he know the concerns of enterprises?

But now, even with Sarah, New Jersey, and the others for reference, his ship girls may not know as much about the corporate meta as he does as the commander.

It is almost impossible to discuss how to dissuade corporate meta in such a short period of time.

As for the singularity point located in Huanyang City, his White Eagle Ship girls had no time to close it.

What's more, if the singularity collapses on the way to Huanyang City, it will harm the girls of the White Eagle.

So Lin Lan showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, reached out and gently touched the company's fair face, and said in a pretended confident tone:

Don't worry, Enterprise, just leave this matter to me. Helena meta won't harm me, so having you by my side now is enough.

After being comforted in this way, although the company didn't say anything, as a ship girl, she could completely sense that Lin Lan was just trying to show off.

After all, for the commander, there are many people in the Eastern Continent that he cares about in this other world.

But the commander suppressed all these pressures in his heart and would never be as confident as he seemed.

But in the end, companies nodded.

All he could do at this time was to support the commander by his side.

Now that the Commander is ready to face the powerful Ember Leader with her namesake, she will face it with the Commander without fear and go all out.

But her heart was already filled with anger towards the arbitration agency.

If the Arbitration Organization hadn't expelled all of Minato's meta comrades from this world...

Just when the company couldn't help but clasp hands, suddenly, something unexpected happened to the two of them.

In the center of the living room in front of them, a large group of black crystal particles gradually appeared out of thin air.

These black crystal particles continued to gather and gradually formed a black screen like a rectangular window.

The black crystal particles at the edge of the black screen window slowly began to turn orange-red, as if they were beginning to burn under high temperature.

Isn't there still half an hour left?

Lin Lan's eyes widened when he saw this strange scene, and he realized that this was probably what Helena meta said, to help him establish a one-person communication with the corporate meta.

Enterprise, who reacted very quickly, immediately stood up from the sofa, and the aircraft carrier suit and mechanical longbow immediately appeared around her body and in her hands.

Lin Lan also stood up, took out his cell phone from his pocket and checked the time, confirming that it was only around seven-thirty.

Although it was unclear why the time to start single-person communication came early, but now, he had to face the leader of the Ember Organization in advance.

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