Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 531 Conversation with Ember Leader

As the orange-red gradually saturated the surroundings of the black screen, a blurry humanoid afterimage slowly appeared on the black screen in front of the two of them.

And just by relying on this vague outline, Lin Lan, who had seen the black corporate portrait in the game, recognized it. The short-haired figure wearing a torn cloak on the opposite side of the screen was undoubtedly the corporate meta.

Enterprises are also staring at the familiar outline on the black screen.

She has never told anyone that she has had countless nightmares because of the other person's words.

She dreamed of battlefields filled with endless destruction, of countless companions dying in front of her eyes, of endless meteor clusters as brilliant as the entire sky collapsing...

But later, with the commander's company, she quickly got rid of these nightmares.

As long as the commander is by her side, she can overcome any fear.

At this time, after a long time, she once again faced the meta of the company with the same name as her. In addition to being wary, there was also a touch of complex emotions in her eyes.

If those nightmares were real experiences experienced by the other party, then the leader of Ember could become so strong only at the cost of blood and tears.

Just when Lin Lan was expecting the outline of the figure on the screen to become clearer, suddenly, a strong female voice that was almost exactly the same as the voice of the company next to him sounded coldly on the black screen:

Helena, your communication is very unstable. If there is something urgent, would you activate this emergency communication channel to contact me?

Hearing this indifferent voice full of vicissitudes of life, Lin Lan immediately realized that the corporate meta was also unable to see clearly what was going on here.

After all, the other party is not even in this different world now, and being able to successfully establish communication is probably the limit of Black Sea Mother.

Because the other party couldn't see his face clearly, the corporate meta also thought it was Helena meta who initiated the contact.

However, Lin Lan also knew very well that as soon as he opened his mouth, the other party would definitely be able to guess his identity, so he simply said bluntly:

Corporate meta, I'm sorry that I am not Helena meta, I am her commander.


After he spoke, the other party fell into silence for a long time.

Unknowingly, Lin Lan felt a layer of sweat forming on his forehead, and his heart was beating faster.

If the other party does not intend to communicate with him at this time...

Just as he was about to speak again, a response finally came from the black outline:

Commander, right? We met a long time ago, but as far as I know, your existence completely disappeared before, and even I can't find any trace of you.

Where did you go during this time?

Not sure if it was his misunderstanding, Lin Lan actually felt that the corporate meta's originally cold voice actually had a somewhat worried tone.

But since the corporate meta had no plans to hang up the communication directly, Lin Lan finally felt relieved.

As long as the other party is willing to continue communicating and does not hang up the communication, it will be fine.

As for what Black Enterprise said they had met before, it should be referring to what happened in the early plot of the game, Box Garden Therapy.

Speaking of which, as a player, he also led the White Eagle Fleet in a confrontation with the corporate meta and the Kaohsiung meta in order to solve the singularity that appeared in the Bermuda waters.

The current situation seems to be somewhat similar to that of that event.

It was during the plot of Hakoba Therapy that players learned that the singularity was not created by the Sirens, but was a technology mastered by Ember.

This is a long story. If you are curious, I will let Helena Meta explain it to you in the future.

Lin Lan did not directly answer the question of corporate meta, but postponed the question later.

Unlike his fellow shipmates, he still doesn't know the purpose of corporate meta until now.

The purpose of the other party's actions so far is unclear, and it is impossible for him to explain clearly to the other party that he has traveled back in time.

After all, he has not made a vow with the corporate meta, and it is not certain whether the other party will believe his words.

Before the corporate meta could ask another question, Lin Lan gritted his teeth and stated his request directly:

You should have known by now from the meta ship girls who joined me in the port area that I am currently in the singularity world that you are about to launch.

You are going to take them to forcefully open the singularity point in this world that is contained by the sirens, but...corporate meta, let me be blunt, I hope you can give up on opening this singularity point.

With the siren's blockade, the probability of this singularity opening successfully is too low, and it is likely to turn into a war.

Meta ship girls who join me in the port area, Helena Meta will convey my thoughts to them. After all, once the singularity collapses during the battle to open the singularity, the consequences will be disastrous, so...


As compensation, I will...wait, you agreed?!

Before Lin Lan finished speaking, he heard the corporate meta agreeing directly and readily.

This sudden response not only short-circuited his brain instantly, but also the companies around him were stunned. They did not expect this development.

Originally, Lin Lan was thinking that it would not work out, so he promised to help Yu Ember open a new singularity in the future, but the other party agreed without saying a word...

When did the leader of the Embers become so talkative?

It seemed that he agreed too quickly, and the explanation from the company meta came immediately:

I owed Frederick a favor, and this time I will repay her.

Hearing this, Lin Lan immediately remembered that in the game plot, Frederick the Great had led the High Seas Fleet to cooperate with Ember for a period of time.

It seems that Frederick and the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls of the High Seas Fleet helped the corporate meta a lot.

But just when Lin Lan breathed a sigh of relief and was about to express his gratitude to the Ember leader, the next words from the corporate meta made him stunned on the spot:

However, even if I agree to give up opening the singularity, the process started by this singularity can no longer be interrupted by me alone.

What do you mean by this? Isn't Singularity a technology that you Embers have mastered?

It was Enterprise who spoke. Her surprising words made the Enterprise meta in the communicator seem stunned. After a moment, she slowly spoke again:

It turns out that 'you' are also with the commander.


When Enterprise heard the other party's voice full of complex emotions, for some reason, his heart was filled with a hint of bitter emotion.

At this moment, she actually had a vague illusion. She felt that the meta ship girl who was obviously very powerful and had the same name as her seemed to recall a painful memory.

After Lin Lan was initially shocked, he quickly understood the meaning of what the corporate meta said. He forced himself to ask calmly:

Enterprise meta, you said that you alone cannot interrupt the process started by the singularity. Is this singularity no longer under your control?

Although it's not as simple as you said, this is basically the situation.

The voice from the enterprise meta returned to a cold tone, first confirming his idea, and then patiently explained:

The expansion of the singularity requires injecting a large amount of meta energy into a point on the world wall as a singularity in advance. This meta energy will spontaneously begin to expand.

When the intensity of meta energy reaches a critical point of qualitative change, it will evolve into the singular point that you have seen before after activation.

The technology used by Antix to contain the singularity is called an inverse meta storm, which is the large black storm that you see in the NY waters, wrapped outside the singularity.

After hearing this, Lin Lan finally understood how the Siren contained the Singularity.

As the corporate meta said, Siren once used this technology of relying on large storms to wrap singular points in the plot of large-scale battles in the game.

This black storm filled with meta energy not only affects a wide range, but also affects the local magnetic field, causing a large-scale communication short circuit.

While Lin Lan was thinking, the corporate meta finally revealed how to completely close this singularity:

I have injected enough meta energy into this singularity, but now this meta energy has been disturbed by the reverse meta storm created by Antix in the world and cannot be recovered.

If I forcibly close the singularity at this time, these uncontrolled meta energies will still cause the singularity to collapse.

So, this requires you to destroy the inverse storm controller around the singularity in the world, so that I can recover all the meta energy in the singularity and safely close the singularity.

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