Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 535: Residents in the shelter (3000 words)

Mom, I'm so hungry...

In the large underground shelter that used to be the Tianxing Consortium Building, thousands of citizens who had taken refuge here were sitting weakly with their heads buried on the ground.

The dim light shone on these Oran people who seemed to have lost their souls. The dirty smell filled the air, but no one was nauseated.

They have already adapted to the smell.

Compared with the people who were unable to hide in the shelter and were still freezing and frightened in the ruins of the city on the ground, they were already much luckier.

But even so, the portion of food delivered per person has become less and less, making it increasingly difficult for many refugees to eat.

And those former employees of the Tianxing Consortium were already ashen-faced, and some were even lying weakly on the ground, with their soulless eyes covered with bloodshot eyes. They had obviously experienced severe psychological trauma.

There is no way, the truth that Zhao Tianyi, the powerful director of Tianxing Consortium, is a siren in disguise is enough to make any consortium employee feel that their worldview has collapsed.

If it weren't for Zhao Heyan, the eldest daughter of the Tianxing Consortium who returned, stepped forward during this period, organized several large shelters, took the lead in establishing a death squad, and opened up a supply line to the food production area.

I am afraid that the people in the underground shelter have already completely collapsed due to hunger, fear, and despair.

But even so, the automated equipment and robots in the food production area have received inexplicable electromagnetic interference and cannot be used, resulting in less and less food.

Until yesterday, the only food left for these refugees was porridge and coarse-grain steamed buns, and they were not enough to eat.

The voice was made by a little girl who was a resident of Liaozhou with a pair of rabbit ears on her head. She was curled up in the arms of her mother who also had rabbit ears. She had to plead with her mother because she was hungry.

And her words about being hungry also resonated with many people around her.

It's almost noon now, but this morning they didn't even wait for anyone to distribute food.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that there is less and less food in Huanyang City, and there are wandering sirens everywhere outside.

With robots and all automated vehicles paralyzed, the members of the death squads are using their lives to deliver supplies to them.

They don't blame the heroes, but...

That doesn’t mean people in shelters can’t find someone to vent their stress to.

Since the food sent by the death squads has become less and less, why...not deprive the residents of the interned food share?

A skinny young man wearing glasses looked at the rabbit-eared mother and daughter from Liaozhou, and whispered softly, as if the words were just for himself.

But this seemed to open a hole, and the surrounding Oran people looked at the Liaozhou native mother and daughter with slightly strange changes in their eyes.

That's right, since they don't even know whether Oran still exists, do they really need to treat these foreign races as the same kind according to Oran's laws?

Feeling the changes in the gazes of the people around her, the little girl with rabbit-white ears had buried her head tightly in her mother's arms out of fear, not daring to make any more noise.

And her mother hugged her tightly, with fear in her eyes.

She and her daughter both came to this country ten years ago with her husband, who worked for Tianou Group.

At first, she was a little worried. After all, this was a completely unfamiliar country and whether the people in Oran would discriminate against her family.

But with the outbreak of the Siren Disaster, even in the severe environment at that time, the Oran people still did not harbor any discrimination against them, and even took the initiative to help them.

This also made her almost forget that she was not an aborigine of this country. husband is also a member of the death squads. He, he...

Just as the mother of the Liaozhou residents was panicking and preparing to explain because of the strange looks from the people around her, suddenly, a weak voice of a young man sounded from the crowd:

Don't worry, they won't really do that.

I believe that the civilized order in Oran will not collapse so easily.

After all... this is a civilization that can fight our country for hundreds of years, with a thousand-year heritage...

This sound not only attracted the shocked eyes of the mother and daughter, but also the surrounding Oran people looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a man with black hair and a sword, his whole body covered in bandages, leaning against the load-bearing pillar of the shelter, with his head hanging down, like a corpse.

Combined with the young man's words, his identity is self-evident.

Residents of the Natlan Empire.

His words also made many Oran people lower their heads in shame, including the young man wearing glasses who said he wanted to deprive the mother and daughter of food.

In fact, the young Oran man only vented his anger verbally and did not really want to do such a thing.

Don't worry, everyone, I have contacted my sister using my country's special method. They will come back soon with enough food... cough cough cough!

This man from the Natlan Empire wanted to speak to comfort everyone, but mid-sentence, he coughed up blood, causing the Oran people around him to move away from him.

What's more, they are even ready to call the guards of the shelter to send him to the medical isolation area.

Don't worry, everyone... This is just a trauma. I... was transferred here from the hospital... cough cough cough cough cough...

After hearing this, the surrounding Oran people all breathed a sigh of relief.

In today's filthy and closed environment, if someone suffers from an infectious disease and is not isolated and treated, the consequences will be disastrous.

After learning that the suicide squad members were about to return, the people in the shelter no longer looked at the Liaozhou mother and daughter, and once again fell into uneasy waiting.

Hey, what you, a resident of the Natlan Empire, just said is quite interesting. Since you have mastered the secrets of the Natlan Empire, you should be pretty good at it. What happened to this injury? Where did you get it?

Just as the black-haired man from the Natlan Empire lowered his head and prepared to close his eyes to rest, two Oran young men who were also bandaged came over curiously and took the initiative to talk to him.

Ha... I'm ashamed to say that this injury was caused by the gunfire attack from the ship girl on the Western Continent.

Hiss! Are you a criminal? How could the ship girl attack you innocently? No, no, you can actually survive the ship gun attack from the ship girl?!

His words caused the two young Orans to widen their eyes and make alert movements.

Ahem, cough, cough... don't worry, I'm not a criminal.

I was previously in the Western Continent, providing work for Ye Zhanke, the big boss of Tomahawk Military Industry.

It's just that in order to unify the Western Continent, the Navy Ministry suddenly launched an attack and destroyed the Tomahawk Military Industrial Headquarters building where I am located. I was lucky enough to save my life among the collapsed ruins.

It was only after the Natlan man explained in a weak tone that the two Oran young men suddenly understood.

As early as the leader of the New Alliance made an emergency broadcast, they had already learned that the Western Continent had been unified by the New Alliance.

Only now do they know that Ye Zhanke, the boss of Tomahawk Military Industry, was beheaded by the Navy Department of the Western Continent.

But that's not a bad thing.

Ye Zhanke has never been very popular in the hearts of most Oran people. This death actually prevented the outbreak of civil war in the Western Continent to a certain extent.

Hey... Brother, you are also a miserable person. You have just returned to the Eastern Continent not long ago. I don't know how long it will last.

The two Oran young men were so talkative that the Natlan man slowly raised his head and looked at the two men.

Compared with most of the people around who looked desperate, the faces of these two bruised young people looked much more energetic.

It's as if they still have hope for the future in their hearts.

This made the Natlan man feel a little strange. Do they think that in this situation, there will be reinforcements to save them?

You know, even when he was a child, he read the records of the God-killing War thousands of years ago in the Imperial Capital's Secret Codex, and the horrific descriptions of divine punishment were far inferior to the black sun and black storm created by the sirens. of shock.

What is it that keeps these two Oran young people from falling into despair in this situation?

I bet you that the leader of the new alliance will rescue us all within three days.

Three days? Are you underestimating him? I think just today, all those bastard sirens will be beaten to shit.

Huh, why didn't you say that after he drove Siren out of Huanyang City, he restored the continent-wide communication blockade and ascended the throne as the president on the spot?

How do you know that my eldest brother who joined the death squads told me this?

Hearing the banter and quarrel between the two people getting louder and louder, many people from the surrounding Orans also came over after hearing the news and joined in the conversation.

The originally lifeless underground shelter became somewhat alive because of the discussion caused by this topic.

It's time to eat, it's time to eat! All evacuees, please line up according to the serial numbers previously issued to you and come to the elevator to receive your meal!

At this time, the sound of a horn came from the shelter elevator in the distance.

Brother, your Natlan secret technique is really good. What's your serial number? Do you need us to bring you food?

...I accept my kindness. My sister will bring me food. You two can go first.

After declining the kindness of the two young Oran people to help with the meal, the black-haired man from Natland looked blankly at the crowd who were still discussing the topic even though they had already started queuing up to receive the meal. He was a little dazed for a moment. .

If that leader can really lead Oran through this disaster in such a desperate situation...

Then he must be the one our father sent us to Oran to look for...the person who can resolve the god-killing curse.

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