Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 536 Experimental Organization, Arbitration Organization

Mirror system operation: stable.

Status of the Type IV Executor fleet in sea areas and urban areas: stable.

Operation status of reverse storm controller: stable.

Air meta energy concentration: gradually rising within a controllable range.

Maintaining the planned speed, the calculation concluded that the remaining time is 21 hours, 33 minutes and 12 seconds before the critical point breaks through the upper limit of the inversion storm controller.

On the sea, in the huge Siren fleet surrounded by the black storm, the builder in white is sitting indifferently on her huge deep water louse-shaped ship, carefully controlling the illusory system.

A transparent blue grid energy shield surrounded her, blocking all the black meta energy flow that overflowed from the storm, without any splashing onto her ship suit.

In addition to the builders who were getting into work conscientiously, the tall white-haired tester who unfolded his ship suit with a cold smile, and the arbiter Strenkus who had completely unfolded the terrifying dark blue ship suit, were also standing. On this sea.

However, like the builder, there is also a transparent and colorless grid energy shield in front of the tester.

Strenkus did not use energy shields to block the black thunderbolts that overflowed in the storm like these two comrades in the experimental agency.

The arbiter actually allowed the black energy thunderbolt to hit his body directly without even blinking.

I'm so envious. As an arbitration agency that has been fighting with metas for a long time, even if this level of meta energy flow hits you, it won't cause any damage to your armor.

The tester's mocking voice interrupted the builder's mechanical report.

Her eyes were shining with bright golden light, and she was staring at Strenkus who was looking at the black storm indifferently, as if she was analyzing the opponent's armor value.


Strenkus paid no attention to the tester and did not prevent the tester from analyzing her armor.

As an arbitration agency, their armor and weapon values ​​are subject to the highest level of encryption by the Antix host, and it is impossible for the experimental agency to parse out any valuable data.

I'm very curious as to why you specifically kept the humans and demi-humans in this city in the Mirror Sea for control. Obviously, clearing them out would free up more Executor fleets to defend the Inversion Storm Controller. .”

The subject stared at Strenkus and continued to ask questions.

A thick black energy lightning suddenly flew out of the storm and landed on Strenkus' dark blue metal ship, but it left no trace.

This time Strenkus finally did not ignore the tester, but replied coldly:

In order to trigger the collapse of this singular point faster, destroy it.

Meta energy will accelerate the efficiency of expansion under the influence of the desperate and painful emotions of the living body.

Hearing the cruel answer given by the arbitration authority, the cold smile on the tester's face became even bigger:

What an interesting experimental conclusion. This shouldn't be the first time our arbitration agency has done this, right? Is this the essence of meta?

As the node of the experimental organization, you talk a bit too much.

Strenkus's dark golden eyes glanced coldly at this cunning experimental device tester, and the other party did not continue to dwell on this topic.

Not sure if it was his own illusion, but Stelenkus always felt that the high-level nodes of experimental institutions in this world were different from other worlds.

Whether it was the observers who had not left the AL area before, or the testers and builders in front of her, they all made her feel a little weird.

It's like... having an independent mind.

If it weren't for the fact that there is data in her management machine that has not yet been uploaded, otherwise she would definitely remind the host computer to check all the experimental institutions in this world.

Antix doesn't need a heart, she just needs to faithfully execute the host's orders.

After being glanced at indifferently by Stelenkus, the tester did not continue to talk to Stelenkus. Instead, he controlled the huge manta ray suit and came to the builder:

Constructor, is there any movement among the experimental materials?

No, the Executor fleet deployed on the route still hasn't found any signs of the experimental materials setting off.

The builder said without looking back, still busy controlling the control systems of each facility.

It seems that Tempalance's jamming device is very effective.

Hearing the conversation between the two people in the experimental agency, Strenkus snorted and ignored it. Instead, he left here directly and sailed to the other side of the storm on the sea that had been dyed black.

She was going to join the fleet of agents that had just arrived here, and at the same time, she wanted to recover some valuable data from the records of the agents.

Seeing Strenkus leaving, the tester suddenly turned his head, lowered his voice, and asked the builder using only words:

What's going on with the Purifiers and Scavengers? How long will it take for those experimental materials to arrive?

According to the report passed 1 hour and 32 minutes ago, the mass-produced fleet they used to guide the way has been completely destroyed, and the experimental materials have also been lost. You can't count on them.

Tsk, so why did the observer let them be in charge of the LD area?

The cold smile on the tester's face faded slightly, and he actually smacked his lips and complained.

Obviously, she was very annoyed by the unreliability of those two guys.

But when he saw that the builder was still maintaining the various equipment here without raising his head, the tester couldn't help but ask again:

You don't seem worried at all? If 'that person' is annihilated due to the collapse of the singularity, the 'variable possibility' that we finally found again will be gone.

I believe in him. Not only is he going to come, but he's going to let you see firsthand the variables that we're going after.

The builder said it in an understatement, as if he was stating a fact that would definitely happen.

Then I'll wait and see.

The tester stared intently at the builder's cold gray-white face, as if trying to capture some clue of his expression.

But in the end, she just said with a sneer, turned around and prepared to drive in the direction of Huanyang City:

Are you going to continue to study those demi-humans in the LD area? Their 'innate skills', after being reproduced in the AL area for several generations, have become so weak that they have no analytical value.

The builder finished speaking coldly, but the tester just smiled coldly:

What if I say that I used the identity information network left to me by the previous observers to find some demi-humans who came from the LD area in the past ten years?

The builder did not continue to answer, and the tester also understood that the builder was indifferent to everything except his own work, so he just sneered twice before preparing to control the ship and leave.


Just as the tester was about to leave, the builder's voice suddenly rose a little higher.

The tall, white-haired siren suddenly turned around. Just when he was wondering what this dull gourd with a cold voice was saying, he was suddenly stunned.

Her test system had sensed strong spatial fluctuations, letting her know what the builders meant by coming.

In the sea area surrounding the black storm, on the originally pitch-black sea, an unknown line of horizontal expansion appeared, and it continued to spread like a spider web...

Space crack!

Looking at the space on the sea that began to collapse, the tester finally breathed a sigh of relief and said with a gloomy smile:

Hey, Builder, it seems you are right. The variable we have been pursuing... has really arrived.

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