Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 540 nanoda in communication system (2900 words)

Discover Tempalance and its agent fleet! Protect the commander!

Due to the sudden arrival of Tempalance and her fleet of agents who were suddenly out of stealth, the aircraft carrier formation led by Little Gaga could no longer cooperate with New Jersey and the others to suppress Stelenkus.

In other words, the girls of the White Eagle ship who were in a fierce exchange of fire with Stelenkus, after seeing the appearance of Tempalance and the agent fleet, had all distanced themselves from Stelenkus and turned back to Lin Lan. here.

This also resulted in the fact that even though Stelenkus' whole body was in a mess due to being constantly attacked, the transparent energy shield surrounding his body showed that he still retained a lot of combat power.

And as an arbitration agency, she still has maintenance modules that have not yet been used.

VIII, where is your fleet of agents? If you single-handedly challenge this group of ships that have obtained the power of mental breakthrough, with such a ridiculous fighting method, your management machine will really be destroyed by them.

Tempalance's voice sounded again, but this time she asked Stelenkus directly.

I just want to confirm with my own eyes whether he is really that person. Now I have confirmed that the combat effectiveness parameters of these ships have indeed been further improved, and he is indeed our target.

I am very satisfied with this hearty fight, but since you have established a combat plan to cut off their retreat, it is time to end it. My fleet of agents has arrived at the planned destination, and they are not needed here.

Strenkus's cold voice echoed across the ocean, and this also made Lin Lan's pupils shrink sharply.

Because through what Strenkus said, he suddenly realized that the purpose of these two arbitration organs appearing here at the same time seemed not just to contain the singularity...

But for him!

What do you want to do to the commander?!

Saratoga and the other White Eagle girls beside Lin Lan also realized this, and they all surrounded Lin Lan tightly.

At this time, explosions sounded once again in the distance on the sea near Huanyang City. Although Lin Lan did not look over there, he had already guessed where the explosions came from.

Strenkus' fleet of agents may have intercepted the companies that came to support them.

This means that the White Eagle Ship girls beside him must face the two arbiters of Stelenkus and Tempalance at the same time, as well as Tempalance's fleet of agents.

Just as Lin Lan was thinking frantically about how to support the company until they arrived, Tianpalansi suddenly raised his hand, pointed it straight at him, and said in a cold voice:

If you want to protect your ships, let them give up their useless resistance. You, just follow us. As long as you do this, we don't have to fight each other...

you are dreaming!

Lin Lan categorically rejected Tianpalansi's words. How could he leave his ship girls and follow the arbitration agency?

Moreover, he was soaked in a nutrition cabin last time after he was captured by the observers. If he is captured by the arbitration agency this time, he might be sliced ​​into pieces!

At the same time, most of the White Eagle girls from New Jersey and the defense fleet had come to his side, surrounding him in the center with determination.

Although the little profiteer Akashi is now full of despair, he still controls the mass-produced repair ships around him to quickly help New Jersey and the others quickly repair the damage to their ship equipment.

Strenkus came from behind unhurriedly. Even though he was alone, the pressure he brought was no less than that of an entire terrifying fleet.

Then, it seems we can only use force as we did last time we met.

Tianpalansi was not surprised by Lin Lan's rejection at all, but his voice was a little lower and he said coldly:

The power brought by the awakening of the mind gives your ships the capital to fight us. However, based on their current combat power, it is impossible to face me and VIII at the same time.

Seeing that Tempalance was preparing to control a large number of agents to launch an attack, Lin Lan took off the head mask of the armor suit, stared at Tempalance and asked loudly.

So, why are you looking for me?

He knew very well, just as Tempalance said.

Based on what he had just observed about Strenkus's current combat effectiveness, he and the White Eagle girls in the defense fleet beside him were indeed unable to face the attacks of the two arbitration agencies.

He just hoped that he could do his best to delay the time until Enterprise and the others could deal with Strenkus' fleet of agents and join them.

In this case, they would have a chance of breaking out of the blockade of Tempalans and retreating to the artificial island.

But at this time, neither he, the White Eagle Ship Girl, nor Templarus and Stelenkus noticed anything.

At some point, a large number of billowing dark clouds had gathered in the originally dark sky. Purple strips of lightning flashed silently in the dark clouds, making the sea surface around the reverse meta storm look extremely oppressive.

It seemed like a terrifying thunderstorm was forming.

But under the influence of the black storm and the overflowing black energy lightning, no one noticed all this.

Originally, Lin Lan and the White Eagle Ship girls who were escorting him thought that Tempalance would not answer the call, but to everyone's surprise, the arbitration authority patiently replied:

You don't need to know so much right now. Just follow us and we will tell you what you want...


A strange muffled roar suddenly sounded in the air, and the next second, Stelenkus's unbelievable voice suddenly reached Tempalance's communication system, abruptly interrupting his words:

XIV! The energy of the reverse storm control device is weakening! The mirror system is also beginning to disintegrate, and the experimental mechanism is exposed!

Lin Lan has been staring at Tianpalan Si.

And at that moment, he keenly captured the fact that the face of the arbitration agency, which had always been calm from the moment he appeared, actually revealed...

A look called fear.

Lin Lan also suddenly discovered that at some point, the huge black storm in the sky had a tendency to dissipate.

In the center of the black storm, a black energy light ball suspended in the air gradually emerged.

Undoubtedly, it is the singularity that contains the majestic meta energy!

Combined with the weird sound just now, such a sudden change made Lin Lan immediately realize that there must be something strange happening inside the Siren!

This was the perfect time for him and the White Eagle Ship girls to take the initiative!

He didn't care that Templars and Stelenkus could hear his voice. He stood directly on the sea and loudly ordered the White Eagle girls with all his strength:

White Eagle camp! Launch an all-out attack on Tempalans!

Tempalance's ship uniform instantly emitted a terrifying blue light, and the white-haired girl from the arbitration agency also had a decisive expression on her face:

Tempalance's voice echoed across the sea almost at the same time as his:

Ⅷ! Don't miss this opportunity, take action! The mechanism system ⅩⅣ=Ⅷ combined interference mechanism...


Just as a battle between the two sides was about to break out, a deafening thunder suddenly exploded from the sky.

Immediately, the majestic purple lightning containing the power of destruction struck down from the billowing dark clouds directly towards Tempalans.

This unexpected lightning strike accurately hit the top of the black and blue jellyfish suit behind Tempalans, triggering an extremely brilliant explosion.

The downpour instantly fell on the sea, which was gradually returning to its original color, and this purple thunder and lightning was just the beginning!

One after another, majestic purple and blue thunder and lightning fell from the dark clouds, and a thunderstorm with great visual impact descended on the sea in front of Lin Lan.

But what shocked him was that these thunderbolts seemed to completely ignore him and the White Eagle Ship girls, and all attacked the Agent Fleet and the two Arbiters.

Even those blue and purple dense mines will actively avoid White Eagle's carrier-based aircraft group!

Commander! We are coming!

The voice of the enterprise sounded faintly from the distance, and then a large number of large-caliber artillery shells trailing flames cut through the rain curtain and landed on Tempalance and her fleet of agents.

Lin Lan turned his head and looked in the direction of Huanyang City. Sure enough, he could already see York City and Enterprise approaching them in the heavy rain on the sea.

It seemed that they had finally escaped the entanglement of Strenkus' fleet of agents.

In this way, the situation is finally reversed!

But at this moment, Saratoga, who was next to Lin Lan and controlling the ship's crew, looked up at the thunder rolling in the sky and said to him in an unbelievable tone:

Commander, could this thunder and lightning that can cooperate with our carrier-based aircraft in coordinated operations be...


Before Lin Lan, whose face was bathed in rain, had time to listen to what little Jia Jia had to say, he heard noisy sounds coming from the communication system that had been interfered by Tempalance.

Looking at Tempalance, which was swallowed up by the explosions and flames caused by the multiple attacks of lightning, artillery fire, aerial bombs and torpedoes, he immediately realized that this meant that Tempalance's interference ability had begun to weaken.

He originally wanted to try to contact the company, but the next second, he was stunned.

Not only him, but also Little Gaga and Lexington next to him, as well as the other White Eagle ship girls who were launching a fierce counterattack against the arbitration body, all looked stunned.

Because in the communication system, an intermittently familiar voice of a little loli with a signature tongue sounded:

HOHOHO! You are indeed Lord Xuefeng... 呲呲...

Everyone, if you hurry up... 呲呲... you will see the commander soon... 呲呲...

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