Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 541: Combining the past, present and future of mankind (3600 words)

a few minutes ago.

Both builders and testers raised their heads on the sea, staring at the strange sight of purple lightning dancing in the clouds in the black sky.

Builder, there should be no abnormalities in the mirror system now, right? Where did these dark clouds and thunder and lightning come from?

The grim smile on the test subject's face disappeared, replaced by a serious expression.

Originally, according to Tempalance's plan, they should cooperate with Strenkus' fleet of agents to double-team them.

But now they only let the enforcers and mass-produced fleets fight, and they all tacitly just watch the show here.

...Tester, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?


The builder system has just received instructions directly from the host, requiring the experimental agency to immediately disable the mirror system here, shut down the reverse storm control device, and require us to upload all contact data about Stelenkus and Tempalus, and withdraw AL area.

Hearing the builder's words, the tester was suddenly surprised:

Could it be that weaving dreams...

The tester's face immediately froze before he could say anything.

Her tester system also received a warning from the host.

As the builders say, this is a direct order from the host to them.

This command not only represents the host giving them orders, but also represents one thing.

That is, now the two of them have been monitored by the will of the host, and every word and deed from now on will be completely recorded and known by the host.

Even testers who have always been cunning have already realized the seriousness of the problem.

You know, around the singularity, Antix's network would have been severely interfered with, not to mention that now they were all affected by Tempalance's ability.

But even in this case, the host still passes the direct command. What this means is self-evident.

Everything here has attracted great attention from the host. Even if a lot of energy is invested, this instruction must be passed to them.

The experimental agency had not reported his return, and Strenkus and Templars should have done the same.

Why would the host Antix, who manages countless experimental worlds, have such an accurate understanding of what is happening here and issue direct orders to them under such circumstances?

And once the data is uploaded, the host will definitely know about his return, so won't everything they do be in vain? !

Obey orders, tester, host...has noticed.

The builder just sighed softly. This is the only explanation for this situation.

...Tester received, so, what's the good news?

You will know when the mirror system and the reverse storm control device are shut down.

The Builder's golden gaze moved in front of them, focusing on the White Eagle Fleet that had destroyed dozens of Strenkus' agents and rushed anxiously toward the crack in the world.

This time, I can finally take a long vacation with peace of mind.


Lin Lan could hardly believe her ears when she heard the little loli's excited voice coming from the communication system.

Lord Yukikaze?

Snow breeze?

Heavy Sakura Fleet? !

How can this be? !

Having seen the map of this different world at Xinghai Base before, he understood clearly that the girls from the Chongsakura Ship were now on the Nine Islands of Liaozhou!

It would take at least more than ten days to reach Oran from Liaozhou, and it would also require constant fighting with the sirens along the way, consuming a lot of oil.

Let’s not talk about how the ship girls from the Chongying camp knew that this battle would break out in Huanyang City and came here from Liaozhou. Do they really have enough oil?

Questions emerged from his mind one after another, but the undulating explosions reminded him that now was not the time for him to think about it carefully.

Although they were caught off guard by the thunder and lightning, the two arbitration agencies finally showed their true strength at this moment.

The mechanism system and the interference mechanism ⅩⅣ=Ⅷ are changing to Ⅷ=ⅩⅣ, get out of my way!

As Stelenkus' cold voice sounded, Lin Lan immediately turned around and looked.

The black-skinned arbiter with long silver-gray hair was seen to have been enveloped in cyan electricity, and his long silver-gray hair was flying freely, as if filled with terrifying energy.

And the White Eagle carrier-based aircraft groups that approached her in the dim air seemed to have malfunctioned and fell directly towards the sea.

In an instant, Strenkus had locked his eyes on him, roaring towards him with a harsh sound that tore the air.

This arbiter actually planned to abandon all defenses and rush in front of him to capture him!

Damn it, why don't you give up?

Don't attack Stelenkus with carrier-based aircraft! Use naval guns to intercept her!

At the critical moment, dozens of White Eagle shipgirls headed by Enterprise finally galloped in front of Lin Lan.

The company, which was already soaked by the rain, had also discovered that all the carrier-based aircraft approaching Stelenkus had been interfered with and out of control, so they gave orders loudly.

She can't stay in this state forever! The attack order is activated, everyone, fire freely at Strenkus!

Cleveland, Wichita and other cruiser girls, whose clothes were also soaked through, had also pointed the muzzles of their ship's guns at Strenkus.

And as the blue transparent scanning ripples scanned towards Stelenkus, Helena also said loudly:

The radar scan has been completed, everyone hurry up and attack!



The dense artillery shells of different calibers penetrated the rain curtain and headed towards Strenkus like a gust of wind, declaring that the war had officially entered a fever pitch.

However, Lin Lan, who had an auxiliary enemy detection system to improve his eyesight, was horrified to find that all the cannonballs deflected before approaching Strenkus' body and landed on the sea behind him.

But Strenkus didn't even blink and continued to rush towards him at high speed!

Gravity field!

Lin Lan immediately realized this and was about to ask the destroyers and submarine girls to launch torpedoes, but...

Even torpedoes can't stop her! All the torpedoes we launched sank to the bottom of the sea out of control!

The voice of the big mackerel rang out from the communication system that was finally restored, and Lafite and other little lolita also reported that the torpedo could not be locked.

Lin Lan wanted to retreat, but he found that Tempalance's fleet of agents had also begun to attack without fear of death.

He actually planned to desperately block their retreat into the world rift.

Tsk! Prepare for close combat and protect the commander to the death!

Seeing that Strenkus was about to rush into the formation just formed by the White Eagle Ship Girls, New Jersey also loudly asked all the White Eagle Ship Girls to prepare for close combat.

Only then did Lin Lan understand how terrifying the arbitration agency's agency linkage mechanism was.

This mechanism allows arbiters to use their abilities with each other. Before that, he didn't understand how exaggerated this was.

At this moment, Stelenkus, who was approaching him at high speed, combined with Tempalans' electronic interference power, was able to become almost immune to all attacks!

I told you, you can't escape!

Facing the battle line formed by the White Eagle girls with determined expressions, Stelenkus's cold dark golden eyes were still locked on Lin Lan.

Lin Lan saw the arbiter moving at high speed and stretched out the dark blue mechanical arm of his right hand towards him, as if he wanted to capture him at all costs.

Keep attacking! Her gravity field can't be turned on all the time!

The voice of the company sounded again, which also reminded Lin Lan that Strenkus would never be able to maintain this state forever.

As long as Little Jiajia and the others cause enough damage to Tempalance, they can break this terrifying linkage mechanism!

Facts have proved that the judgment of the White Eagle God of War was very correct. Under the intensive artillery bombardment of the White Eagle Fleet, Stelenkus soon could no longer deflect all the artillery shells.

A large amount of explosive flames began to burst out from Strenkus's body and the black and blue suit.

With the blessing of Helena's radar scanning, the bombardment of the White Eagle ship's girls can completely deal a very effective blow to this arbitration institution!

But even so, Lin Lan saw that Stelenkus still pressed forward step by step without changing his expression, and his dark golden eyes were still looking at him.

I'm not a fragrant steamed bun. Shouldn't your arbitration agency go to Yi Yan to settle the score?

Looking at the lonely figure that continued to charge towards him despite the gunfire and torpedo sea, Lin Lan couldn't help but clenched his fists, feeling extremely shocked.

Even though Strenkus's grasping posture was so majestic, he felt that his vision was blurred for a moment.

He actually had the illusion that Strenkus at this time... was more like a drowning man, trying to grasp the only straw that could save him.

And the other party is no longer an arbitration agency, but more like a heavy fate that he cannot refuse is approaching him.

At this time, the cyan arc light around Stelenkus's body weakened a bit.

He looked sideways, and at this time, Tempalans was forced to summon a huge white mechanical jellyfish suspended in the air under the intensive bombing of the White Eagle carrier-based aircraft.

In the game, he is too familiar with this move of Tempalance, which means that Tempalance has begun to use the separate combat module XIV to provide himself with a damage-free state.

Although this detached combat module had little lethality, it was also shot wildly by White Eagle light cruisers from San Diego and Seattle who were good at air defense, emitting large clouds of black smoke from anti-aircraft shells.

But it is very difficult to destroy this thing in a short time.

However, the good news is not without it. Lin Lan has noticed that when Tempalance uses the separate combat module, it will affect the connection effect on Stelenkus's side.

So he made a decisive decision, and he must first destroy Stelenkus, who was the most threatening.

The current situation has become a tug of war.

Or, his White Eagle ship girls would completely destroy Strenkus, who was approaching at high speed despite gunfire.

Or, Strenkus rushes into the White Eagle ship's defense line and captures him directly!

At this moment, Strenkus's high-spirited voice suddenly resounded across the battlefield, penetrating the sound of artillery fire and explosions, leaving Lin Lan standing in the center of the White Eagle line stunned:

You represent the possibility of modifying the Judge's plan, you represent the variable that can change everything!

You can't forget the past, you can't forget your mission!

You must accept the responsibility entrusted to you by the Judge! Save Antiques, the past, present and future of mankind...

The voice of this arbitration authority is no longer as ruthless as before, but instead carries the determination of a last-ditch fight.

But what really stunned Lin Lan was that the Arbitration Organization should have its own mainframe just like other sirens.

Even if this body is destroyed, it can be resurrected an unlimited number of times.

Why is Strenkus so determined to capture him now, which is completely different from the attitude shown by the experimental agency?

Could it be that... the sirens also have different ideas?

And what exactly did Stlenkus want to say?

Stop talking nonsense! As long as we are here, you will never be able to touch a hair of our commander today!

Enterprise, Essex and other White Eagle ship girls stood in front of Lin Lan and raised their respective ship-mounted weapons.

The person who interrupted Stelenkos's words was holding a bow and arrow, aiming at Stelenkos' company.

The purple eyes of the White Eagle God of War were faintly burning with golden luster.

Since the carrier-based aircraft cannot be used, they will directly use their respective ship-mounted weapons to attack Stelenkus!

If the opponent rushes into the battle line, use the ship's armor to directly fight Strenkus until it is completely destroyed!

They will never give in, even if they sink, they will fight to the death to protect the commander!

Regardless of what the arbitration body says about the commander's mission, don't forget the most important point.

They will always be with the commander, even if it is hell, they will accompany him to the end.

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