Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 564 The girl who appears inexplicably

Ah, by the way, Commander, did you know that Senior Mikasa temporarily adopted a human girl a few days ago?

After Shimanto vividly told Lin Lan how Nagato purified the spiritual monster, the conversation suddenly changed and the matter was brought up.

Mikasa temporarily adopted a human girl?

Lin Lan was stunned and asked in confusion:

I heard Musashi say that your temporary port area is on an uninhabited island. Are they people who were shipwrecked? And are you sure they are not Liaozhou people, but human beings?

If this poor girl was shipwrecked and accidentally ended up in Chongying's temporary port area, he wouldn't mind his shipgirl temporarily adopting her.

He believed that his ship girls would handle this matter properly, and it was not a big deal to him.

However, he noticed that Shiwanshi was talking about humans, not Liaozhou people.

This was the main point that puzzled him.

Is it possible that this girl is a descendant of the Oran people who came from Oran to work on the Liaozhou Islands?

She is a human like the Commander. She is different from the people on Inaba Island. Lord Shigure has seen her before.

It's just that she lost her memory and only remembered that her name was Yuki.

When Shi Yu introduced Lin Lan to this point, the little loli showed a thoughtful expression on her face:

As for how she met Senior Mikasa and came to our temporary port area... I don't know that.


After Lin Lan heard the name of the amnesiac girl, he always felt that the name was inexplicably familiar.

After reading it twice, he didn't think deeply about the origin of the other person's name.

The name Yuki is not uncommon. When he was at Blue Star, he often had people with the same name in the Shige Sakura comics or novels he read since he was a child.

This girl is most likely from Oran who was trapped in Liaozhou. Her parents probably gave her a Liaozhou-style name based on the local naming characteristics of Liaozhou.

But forget it, this Oran girl has lost her memory. Lin Lan looked at the thoughtful expressions on the faces of Shigure, Shimanto, and Ayanami, and it seemed that they didn't know how Yuki met Mikasa.

This is a bit strange. Didn't Yuki live in the Chongsakura temporary port area because of the shipwreck?

Heh heh heh, at this moment we really need Master Xuefeng to step forward.

At this moment, Xuefeng suddenly puffed up his chest, looked around his companions triumphantly, then set his sights on Lin Lan, showed a cute smile, and said with a smile:

Commander, Yukikaze-sama knows how she met Mikasa-senpai.

That day I happened to get up early and go to the cafeteria to prepare for breakfast. I heard a muffled sound coming from the courtyard of Lord Kamiko. That same day, senior Mikasa appeared in front of us with Yuki.

But as soon as Yukikaze finished speaking, Shigure immediately questioned:

How is this possible? Could it be that Yuki emerged from the ground in Lord Shenzi's courtyard?

Hmph, no matter what, this matter is absolutely true. It is impossible for Mr. Xuefeng to remember it wrong.

Lin Lan was puzzled for a moment when she saw Xuefeng rebutting Shigure's question so firmly.

No matter what, he couldn't figure out how the other party could appear in the Nagato courtyard inexplicably. It couldn't be that he really emerged from the ground like Shigure said.

But no matter what, when he arrived at Chongsakura's temporary port area and met Nagato and Mikasa, the truth became clear.

No matter what happened, he could go to Musashi and ask about the person's origins, and maybe Musashi would also be able to get a rough idea.

Anyway, before he leaves Liaozhou and returns to Hong Kong, he will ask the Tianou Group in Liaozhou to help find the family of this amnesiac girl.

As long as we look up the records of shipwrecks in the waters around the islands in the Chongsakura temporary port area during that time, we will definitely be able to trace Yuki's origins.

If Yuki was not on the Tianou Group's ship that crashed, it must be the residents of Inaba Island, and there are definitely not many Oran people on the island, so it would be easier to check.

Even if he really couldn't find out the other party's identity before he and the Chongsakura girls left Liaozhou, he could still send the girl back after Baiying and the Chongsakura girls opened the route between Oran and Liaozhou. The homeland of Oran.

After all, the United States of Oran has a special orphanage. After all, it is definitely more humane than the Liaozhou Nine Islands.

This matter was settled in Lin Lan's mind.

After that, he also learned from Shimanto how the water dragon paper was made.

This approachable Lord Dragon God did not hide his secrets, and immediately said that if he was interested, he would teach him how to fold the same style of water dragon through origami on the way to Liaozhou.

Learning a craft is a good way to kill the long hours on the road, and it is taught by a beautiful girl step by step. Of course Lin Lan nodded in agreement.

However, when exactly it would start, Lin Lan said that he would have to wait until he finished accompanying Akagi and Dafeng tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

He didn't think that these two heavyweights would stand by his side and watch him spend his spare time with other shipgirls.

At least he had to be more honest in the first two days and make these two happy first.

At this time, the sunlight outside the window shone into the bedroom through the window.

Lin Lan looked at the time on his cell phone, which had no signal. It was already past ten in the morning.

Okay, okay, let's stop chatting here. My body is fine. Ayanami, do you mind if we visit your dormitory today?

Lin Lan stood up from the bed, stretched and looked at the mouthless girl who had finished her breakfast, and asked with a smile.

Ayanami naturally happily agreed to the visit of the commander and her companions. Although her personality seemed cold, she was not a lonely girl.

Lord Dragon God Shimanshi had other tasks to do today, so after saying goodbye to Lin Lan and the four destroyer companions for the time being, he went to the first floor cabin alone.

Ayanami's dormitory is actually only one room away from Lin Lan's bedroom, so they can be considered neighbors.

Lin Lan, Yukikaze, Shigure and Yudachi followed Ayanami to the door of the dormitory. After seeing the bare-legged girl opening the dormitory door and seeing the interior layout of the dormitory, they all took a breath of shock outside the door.

In Ayanami's dormitory, which is not much larger than his bedroom, there are conspicuous large-screen LCD monitors hanging on the walls and various game posters.

On the desk in the dormitory, there is a computer curved display screen and a full set of professional peripherals.

In addition to these, there are various types of game consoles and controllers placed on the clean wooden floor in Ayanami's dormitory, as well as gaming chairs in front of the desk, and yellow Manchu pillows on the bed...

Lin Lan even saw a small bookcase filled with various comic books.

Although this relatively small dormitory looks a bit messy, to Lin Lan, this place is like a paradise for a housekeeper.

So much so that after the three little lolita came in and took off their shoes, he still stood at the door for a long time without coming back to his senses.

Commander, tell me if you don't want to come in?

Oh, sorry, I was a little stunned. Just come.

It wasn't until Ayanami leaned lazily on the gaming chair that he noticed that he hadn't entered the door yet, and cast a puzzled look at him to ask. Lin Lan then smiled and imitated Xuefeng and the others, who dragged their shoes at the door after entering and closed the door. Come to the door and walk into the house.

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