After walking into Ayanami's dormitory, Lin Lan came to the lazy girl and looked at the brand-new computer equipment on the desk.

Although there is no Internet, Ayanami's computer desktop has many stand-alone game icons, many of which he has even played in Blue Star.

It’s just that the wallpaper on the computer desktop is actually a photo of him feeding breakfast to Lafite and Nicholas who just woke up?

When was this photo taken?

Commander, Ayanami asked Lafite and Columbia to help install most of these computer equipment. As for the wallpaper... Ayanami asked Gridley for it.

The girl who was leaning on the gaming chair saw Lin Lan being attracted to the computer on the table and opened her mouth to explain.

It's a good thing you didn't go directly to Akashi to pick up your computer, otherwise the profiteer might have figured out how to kill you.

Lin Lan burst into laughter when she heard that Lingbo asked Columbia, a computer expert, to help configure the computer.

He vaguely remembered that when he was at Blue Star, desktop computers like this were very particular. If you were not a professional, you would be ripped off if you were not careful.

At the same time, he also remembered that since he was no longer in the port area, the young reporter Gridley no longer had to run a newspaper, so this young reporter liked to send secretly taken photos to Baiying's communication group.

Looking at the wallpaper, the background of the room seems to be on White Eagle's mass-produced destroyer. It was probably taken by Mori at the door when he went to Hongye City.

Well, Commander seems to know a lot about computers, but Akashi's game consoles and peripherals are pretty good.

After Ayanami finished speaking, Yukikaze also happily came to the chair of the ghost girl, holding a CD she had just discovered in her hand.

Is this the movie starring the Commander that we didn't watch that day?

Master Yukikaze looked at Ayanami with gleaming eyes and asked. The ghost girl nodded and replied calmly:

Yeah, it's a limited edition, I borrowed it from Cleveland.

Okay! The commander happens to be here too, so you can watch it with us!

After receiving the answer, Yukikaze, Shigure, and Yudachi all shouted excitedly.

Lin Lan looked at the three happy little lolita running towards the DVD player on the wall, and couldn't help but look at Ayanami in confusion and asked:

I didn't expect Cleveland to lend you this DVD. How could she let it go?

Ayanami saw that the three companions were gathering around to put the CD into the player and did not notice her and Lin Lan, so she pulled the corner of Lin Lan's clothes and motioned for Lin Lan to lean down.

After Lin Lan put his ear to Lingbo's mouth, the ghost girl lowered her voice and told him the truth:

Actually, Colombia was used as a bet to challenge Ayanami. She lost to Ayanami. Of course, she was defeated by Ayanami in the end.

Well, after getting the answer, Lin Lan couldn't help but observe three seconds of silence for Colombia.

If Dad finds out that this limited edition CD is gone, he will definitely show it to Colombia.

Just as he was about to straighten up, he suddenly felt something heavy in his pocket, and Ayanami put something in his pocket.

Before he could ask any questions, Ayanami whispered in his ear:

This is the key to Ayanami's dormitory. Commander, if you have time, you can come to Ayanami at any time.

Looking at the mouthless girl in front of him who smiled faintly at him on the chair, Lin Lan smiled and nodded, then reached out and touched Lingbo's head gently.

This kind of mouthless girl's smile was too lethal to him.

After whispering to Ayanami, Yukikaze had already adjusted the DVD.

So he sat on the ground with the four Sakura Destroyer girls, and was forced to once again appreciate his and the company's experience in the virtual world.

At the same time, as the video played, he also continued to answer various questions raised by the four Sakura Kangirls.

When she saw the scene of him summoning the Burning Heaven Divine Weapon, Ayanami, who was sitting next to him, poked his waist thoughtfully:

Commander, can the Reality Lens be used to create anything you can think of in the virtual world, except Rubik's Cube creations?

Probably so. After all, exaggerated things like the Burning Sky Divine Weapon can be realized. Ayanami, do you have any new ideas?

After Lin Lan answered, he noticed the thoughtful expression on Lingbo's face and asked.

After getting the answer, the barefoot, mouthless ghost girl raised her hand and pointed to the cabinet filled with comic books in the dormitory.

Ayanami felt that Commander, you still had more room to perform at that time. Those moves in comic books and anime can provide Commander with future reference.

The most important thing is that the commander will be cool.

Looking at the cabinet full of comics, Lin Lan suddenly felt that Ayanbo's suggestion seemed to make some sense.

Since he has a reality lens that can manifest anything, his fighting methods in the virtual world can really be learned from those characters in comics and animations.

You're right. It seems that I really need to study hard with you and expand my imagination.

Lin Lan nodded and smiled, deciding to come to Ayanami to read anime and manga when he has free time in the future.

This is definitely not fishing, but it can actually improve one's combat effectiveness in the virtual world without any problems.

After the movie was over, it was time for lunch.

Lin Lan didn't even need to check the time. Xi Li's growling stomach had already reminded everyone that it was time for lunch.

There is also a separate canteen on the second floor of the mass-produced destroyer, so Lin Lan followed the four destroyer girls to the canteen on the second floor.

It's the smell of barbecue! There is barbecue in the cafeteria today!

Before anyone could enter the cafeteria, Yudachi had already sniffed out what was in the cafeteria's lunch today and let out an excited cheer.

Hey, I really envy you that you can be happy as long as you have meat for every meal.

Shigure looked at his unfulfilled sister and sighed:

Don't you feel that the taste of this meat is too average compared to the monster meat from Liaozhou?

As long as the commander is around, even if the food in the cafeteria is not meat, Yuri will still find it delicious, hehehe~

The dog-eared little loli twitched her tail and answered without hesitation, as if she had no idea at all.

While Xi Li was answering, Lin Lan also smelled the aroma of barbecue coming from the cafeteria.

After touching Yudachi's little head, he looked at Shigure and smiled:

The monster meat in Liaozhou is indeed delicious. If conditions permit in the future, we will bring some monsters back to the port area to breed them. Then we can eat monster meat every time.

Breeding...that's right! We can breed monsters to eat in the future. Commander, you are such a genius!

After hearing Lin Lan's casual suggestion, the black-haired little loli Shiyu's eyes suddenly lit up, as if the door to a new world had opened:

If we can bring monsters back to the port area for breeding, then Shigure-sama can prepare delicious monster meat for everyone in the future!

Seeing the happy Shigure, Lin Lan just smiled and said nothing more.

I'm afraid that the monsters in Liaozhou are just like the crops that lost their high-yielding characteristics after being taken away from the nine islands of Liaozhou. Even after breeding, they are not as delicious as the original ones.

Of course, although this is logically the case, Lin Lan feels that she must give it a try when the time comes.

After all, monsters are extremely harmful to ordinary people, and the Oran people may not have had the opportunity to bring live monsters back to Oran for breeding experiments.

Thinking like this, Lin Lan and others also walked into the cafeteria.

The layout of the cafeteria on the second floor was similar to the one on the first floor he went to in the morning, except that small facilities for barbecues were already placed on the tatami tables.

In addition to the two barbarian chefs who were placing slices of raw meat on the dining table, there were two Chongsakura girls in the cafeteria who were already kneeling on the tatami to eat. When they saw Lin Lan and others coming in, they asked them Cast his gaze.

But when Lin Lan saw clearly that the two Chongying ship girls were smiling after seeing him, he paused in his steps and blurted out:

Xianghe Zuihe, why are you here?

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