Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 566: Cutting Hu in the Fifth Aviation Battle

That's right, the two tall Sakura-chan girls dining on the tatami are the aircraft carrier sisters of the Fifth Air Battle.

She has long silver hair and a gentle smile on her face. She looks like a gentle big sister to the Shokaku-class aircraft carrier I-1, the Guardian Yu Shokaku.

And her sister, Zuihe, the lucky crane with a smart tan long single ponytail and a cheerful and enterprising personality.

The pair of aircraft carrier sisters were both wearing pure white kimonos with long crane wing sleeves and hoods, and the swords in their scabbards were still hanging on their waists.

Lin Lan did not see the Shuanghe from the Fifth Aviation Battle in the morning, and thought they would go to help Musashi and others today, so he was so surprised.

Haha~ Commander, please come sit down with the four children~

After Xianghe put down the chopsticks in his hand, he gently smoothed his bangs, and his blue eyes narrowed into a crescent shape.

She invited with a slight smile, and was not in a hurry to answer Lin Lan's question.

However, her younger sister who stood up to make room already told the reason frankly:

I knew I would meet your commander here today, so I specially asked my sister to have dinner here after completing the reconnaissance mission. It seems that my intuition is quite accurate, hehe~

Hearing Ruihe's explanation with a happy tone, Lin Lan had to sigh, Ruihe's prediction was really accurate.

After sitting down with the four destroyers, Lin Lan was successfully invited by the Shuanghe sisters to sit between them.

Seeing Xianghe placing the dishes in front of him with a smile on his face, Lin Lan also thought to himself that Akagi and Dafeng should be considered to have been cut off.

As for why Xianghe and Zuikaku were not arranged by Musashi to help together today, he quickly analyzed the reason.

Xianghe is indeed a perfect big sister with a gentle personality and even a little naughty. Due to another game, many players also call her Mrs. Xianghe.

But Xianghe, who is so gentle and considerate, has an inexplicable obsession with Akagi, and is often irritated with Akagi and the others.

It's not that Xianghe has a bad personality. Lin Lan has seen Xianghe's history, and he can more or less understand why Xianghe is so prejudiced against Akagi and the others.

Due to the Battle of Coral Island, the injured Shokaku and Zuikaku were unable to participate in the Battle of Midway.

However, the seniors of the First and Second Air Forces whom they regarded as their idols were all sunk by the three York City sisters in the Battle of Midway, so she and her sister Zuihe had to become the new First Air Forces and shoulder the heavy burden.

Losing all his seniors at once, Xianghe would definitely feel abrupt, confused and at a loss.

Because of this, Xianghe finally thought that her seniors were not strong enough and abandoned her and Zuihe, causing her to give all her tenderness to her younger sister Zuihe.

This is reflected in the fact that Shoukaku and Zuikaku always acted as the victims in many subsequent battles.

Even after becoming a ship girl, Shoukaku is still tit for tat with Akagi. He is one of the few people in Chongzakura who is not afraid of Akagi and even dares to take the initiative to provoke him.

Of course, after he made a vow with Shokaku Zuikaku, Shokaku's tenderness and consideration also included him.

If Musashi really arranges the Five Aviation Battle with Akagi and the others today, there may be much commotion.

As Chef Manju delivered portions of barbecue ingredients to the table, Lin Lan soon discovered that Ayanami and Yukikaze were obviously not as restrained as they were with Akagi and the sisters, and were very relaxed. .

Zuikaku even took the initiative to pour drinks into the cups of the four lovely destroyer girls, and Yukikaze and Shigure happily discussed the movie they had just watched with Zuikaku.

Xianghe also put some vegetables into Yudachi's bowl, and gently told the little dog not to eat only meat.

Originally, Lin Lan was a little worried that Xuefeng and the others would feel uncomfortable seeing Xianghe and Ruihe here, but it seemed that he was overthinking it.

The Shuanghe sisters are like the approachable big sisters next door, and are very popular among the Chongsakura children.

Commander, it's not like your character to just stare at the barbecue in a daze. I remember that you always wolfed down your food when you were eating, for fear that you would eat too slowly~

Xianghe noticed that Lin Lan's bowl was empty, and helped him get some grilled and fragrant meat slices, smiling and jokingly saying to him.

You still remember all this...

Lin Lan shrugged and smiled after hearing the gentle silver-haired elder sister's joke.

He used chopsticks to pick up the pieces of meat Xianghe had picked up for him, blew on them and put them into his mouth.

What Xianghe was talking about was, of course, when he was eating at the Blue Star construction site.

At that time, he was under too much pressure from work, so every time he ate, he would gobble it up while playing games during his short break.

And he had set up Xianghe as a secretary ship, so he wasn't surprised that the other party still remembered him eating, but when he mentioned it now, he felt like he was in another world.

Haha~ Of course Xianghe remembers it, I even remember that even though Commander didn't like drinking at that time, he was always dragged to drink with others~

And every time you get drunk, Commander, you like to talk nonsense and do some surprising things. For example, the iron-blooded witch August was caught by you after you got drunk...

At this time, Xianghe was like a sister with whom he had known each other for a long time. While bringing him the freshly roasted meat, he laughed and teased him about interesting past events.

And not only that, Xianghe also didn't forget to invite Xuefeng and the others to chat about interesting things about him, which made Lin Lan quickly integrate into the relaxed atmosphere at the dinner table.

In this pleasant and warm dining atmosphere, everyone's conversation slowly shifted to their time on the artificial island.

Ruihe held a bunch of grilled brown fish in his right hand and said to Lin Lan in a depressed tone:

Hey, Commander, you don't know. Originally, I thought that after mastering some new powers and skills in Liaozhou, I thought I could defeat the 'Gray Ghost', but I didn't expect that her strength has become much stronger. I was there yesterday. Another challenge failed in the afternoon.

After saying that, Ruihe took a bite of the grilled fish and seemed to vent his frustration on the food.

Lin Lan smiled and filled Ruihe's cup with juice drink as a gesture of comfort.

The gray ghost mentioned by this enterprising and capable elder sister refers to the enterprise. It seems that Ruihe lost the one-on-one battle with the enterprise yesterday.

Unlike her sister Shokaku, Zuikaku is more obsessed with her old enemies Enterprise and Lexington.

Of course, for Zuihe, who has become a ship girl, this old enemy is just an opponent who simply wants to decide the outcome, and there is no deep hatred.

But to be honest, Lin Lan was a little surprised that Ruihe still failed to defeat the company after he learned to master the new elemental power in Liaozhou.

It seems that the companies are not standing still, but are getting stronger all the time.

Ruihe still has a long way to go to challenge.

After seeing Lin Lan filling up his cup, Ruihe quickly regained his fighting smile and smiled confidently at Lin Lan:

Thank you, Commander, don't worry, I won't give up easily. Next time I challenge Gray Ghost, I will definitely call you to come and witness with your own eyes how I defeated her.

When Lin Lan saw Ruihe who was so motivated, he was about to agree and encourage him, but Xuefeng interrupted excitedly, shaking his little ears:

Yukikaze-sama will also come to see you then! Yukikaze-sama will share his luck with Zuikaku sister!

Oh! Thank you, Xiao Xuefeng. With your luck, my luck, and the commander watching the battle, I will definitely take down this gray ghost!

Ruihe immediately nodded cheerfully and agreed to Xuefeng's request, but Lin Lan covered her mouth when she saw this interesting scene, trying not to laugh out loud.

Although it was a bit unkind to say this, he always felt that Ruihe's chances of winning the next time he challenged the company were still not optimistic.

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