Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 581 Kaga Akagi’s most loyal accomplice

Chapter 581 Kaga—Akagi’s most loyal accomplice

Commander, after dinner later, I need you to join me for today's summary meeting.

Seeing that the sun had reached the sea at the end of the fleet, just when Lin Lan thought that his work was over for the day, Akagi came over with Kaga.

Wrap-up meeting?

Lin Lan looked at the charming fox who hugged his arm tightly with an evil smile on his face under the dusk light, and couldn't help but ask doubtfully.

I discussed with my sister just now. If we want to compile a summary of the elemental control technology that the commander taught us today, it will be more secure if you are here to preside over it.

It was Kaga who answered him. At this time, the cold and arrogant short-haired white fox girl had taken off the white fox mask on her head, looked at him and said lightly.

Lin Lan nodded. Through Kaga's explanation, he also understood the meaning of the summary meeting, which was to help the Chongsakura girls record their elemental control techniques more efficiently.

After all, it is not easy to compile the skills you have mastered into teaching materials so that others can learn them.

With him presiding over the meeting, the members of Shigesakura's aviation team can share their experiences more actively, and finally determine the most convenient way for Soryu to record it in the textbook.

I understand, let's go have dinner together first.

Of course, Lin Lan is willing to participate in the summary meeting that is beneficial to improving the strength of Chongying Kanniang.

But he really didn't expect that Akagi would actually agree to let him come.

He thought Akagi would definitely take him back to the dormitory after today's skill show.

Commander, are you wondering why I agreed to let you come to the meeting?

Yes...ah no, I didn't!

Just when he felt that Akagi's behavior was a bit unreasonable, a charming voice spoke his heart to his ears.

And this also made him blurt out, and he immediately realized that something was wrong. When he looked sideways, he found that it was Akagi who was staring at him with eyes full of love and laughing playfully in his ear.

Hehehe~ It is precisely because you are extremely important to me that I want to take you to the meeting to declare my sovereignty over you to others.

Wait until the meeting is over, uh hehe, hehehe~

Akagi stuck out his tongue and licked his lips gently. A blush appeared on his tender white face due to the anticipation of the night, and he let out an uncontrollable evil laugh.

The fiery red eyes of the long brown-haired nine-tailed fox girl were filled with unabashed possessiveness, making Lin Lan almost feel like his breathing was stagnant.

He knew without even thinking that tonight, he would definitely bear the overwhelming love from Akagi in the dormitory.

Sister, it's time for us to take the commander to dinner.

Fortunately, Kaga's calm voice interrupted Akagi, and Akagi seemed to have regained his senses. He smiled evilly and hugged Lin Lan's arm, and walked towards the cabin together.

Although it was undoubtedly a pleasure to be hugged tightly by the sexy and alluring fox girl with her soft and delicate body, Lin Lan had to admit this.

But the problem was that Akagi seemed to be deliberately rubbing his arm while walking, causing the white collar of the kimono on his body to keep sliding down, and it seemed that it would be gone soon.

This exciting scenery already made Lin Lan extremely excited, not to mention that the other members of the aviation team in the cabin corridor had not gone far yet.

He was really afraid that when Dafeng saw this scene, he would be unable to control his anger and come to Akagi to apply for a duel.

Akagi! Stop hugging me, your collar is going to fall down.

Uh hehe~ Commander, what do you have to worry about? There are no outsiders on this mass-produced ship, so there is no need to pretend to be serious~

...Is there a possibility that I am worried because there are no outsiders?

Kaga, who was following the two of them, heard this interesting conversation, and a relieved smile appeared on his originally cold and arrogant face.

In a voice that only she could hear, the white fox lady looked at the two people relaxing in front of her and whispered softly:

The right person that my sister has been searching for all this time is, indeed, you, and only you can take on the role.

However, this really makes me a little envious...

At the end of the sentence, Kaga's blue eyes also focused on Lin Lan, which was a bit complicated.

Kaga, please pull your sister away! Her collar is really going to slip off!

Kaga! Don't meddle in other people's business!

But the next second when Jiahe sighed, Lin Lan suddenly turned his head and asked her for help in a panic with his face flushed.

But how could Akagi let Kaga ruin her good deeds? He also turned to look at Kaga who was stunned and shouted fiercely.

Pfft, you guys are really...

Kagami was stared at by both of them, and could no longer maintain his cold and arrogant expression, so he covered his mouth and burst into laughter.

Then, under the somewhat surprised gazes of Lin Lan and Chicheng, she walked forward quickly, shaking the white fox ears on her head.

But this white fox girl actually chose to imitate Akagi. In Lin Lan's shocked eyes, she stretched out her arms and hugged his other arm tightly with her body.

Sister, with my help, the commander won't be able to resist.

Well done Kaga, you are indeed my good sister, hehehe~

Lin Lan was dumbfounded when she saw the evil tacit understanding between the two big fox ladies.

How could I be stupid enough to ask for help from Akagi's accomplices? Am I out of my mind!

So, with the bitter wail in his heart, he was held hostage by two big foxes on the left and right, walked into the cabin, and walked in the corridor towards the canteen.

After enjoying the Chongsakura-flavored dinner with the girls of the Chongsakura ship in the mess hall, Lin Lan also came to the cabin conference room where the summary meeting was held.

This is a conference room on the first floor of the mass-produced destroyer, which is more spacious than a dormitory.

However, due to space restrictions on the ship, this conference room was still slightly crowded after the members of the Chongsakura Aviation Team took their seats.

But Lin Lan felt that this kind of arrangement was quite suitable for everyone to discuss and speak, and it gave a more conference atmosphere.

Lord Yukikaze, Lord Shigure and Yudachi also cleaned the conference room before Lin Lan and others took their seats, and placed tea, pens and paper on the long conference table.

But to Lin Lan's surprise, Musashi did not come to the summary meeting.

After asking Yukikaze, he learned that Musashi was trying to regain the dream link with Shinano today and had been sleeping the whole time.

It would also be great if I could contact Shinano and wish them well.

After that, Lin Lan, as the host of the meeting, began to arrange the meeting process.

It is said to be a meeting process, but it is actually very simple and there are no complicated procedures.

He asked Soryu to follow the order of the elemental skills he showed the girls of the Sakura ship today, and let everyone speak one by one to express their own experiences and discuss how to control them more conveniently.

In addition, the modified versions and additional effects of some elemental skills must also be recorded, and this work is naturally performed by Canglong.

After all, he couldn't get involved in the discussion of the Sakura Kan girls' use of elements. After all, he could use elements by just clicking on them in the skill bar.

Therefore, after he decided on the meeting process at the beginning of the meeting, he began to act as an observer and watched several Chongsakura girls put forward their opinions.

Of course, when there is a discussion, there will naturally be different opinions.

For example, Xianghe and Akagi soon started to have a dispute over a defensive skill called Fire Ring, which skill was more practical and easier for people to learn.

Both aircraft carrier girls have their own opinions, and no one can convince the other.

Seeing that the situation was at a deadlock, Canglong didn't know how to record it for a while, but Lin Lan suddenly had an interesting idea in his mind.

As a brave man, he can directly use the brave skill bar to release elemental skills, which is convenient and trouble-free.

But can he also learn from scratch how to truly control the elements and release elemental skills without using the Brave Skill Bar like his other Sakura Ship girls?

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