As soon as this idea appeared, Lin Lan's eyes lit up.

When he was in Xinghai Laboratory, Memphis expressed concern to him whether such sudden heroic power would bring backlash to him.

He himself has always believed that it is essential to be on guard against others, not to mention that the leader of the Nine Islands of Liaozhou, Hui An, summoned him to this other world for who knows what purpose.

He was always a little uncomfortable using a power of unknown origin that was not his own.

In this case, why not take this opportunity to try to learn these elemental skills with the girls of the Chongsakura Ship?

In this way, even if the hero's skill bar disappears one day in the future, he will not have to worry about being unable to use these transcendent powers.

After all, what you learn by yourself is what truly belongs to you.

The more Lin Lan thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed to her, and then she said to the two Chongying ship girls who were still tit-for-tat:

Akagi, Xianghe, I have a good idea, you guys...

After he expressed his idea, all the ship girls in the conference room began to think about the feasibility.

It's not that they don't support the commander, but that the commander's change of status as both an instructor and a student made them feel a little inconsistent for a while.

The first person to break the silence was Xianghe's sister Zuihe. She smiled heartily and said:

I think the commander is right, what you learn is your own. And it just so happens that the method we summarized allows the commander to learn from scratch. It can also prove whose method is more effective, right?

After Ruihe said this, Bailong, Dafeng and Feilong all felt that this was indeed the case.

Hmm, if that's the case, then it's up to the commander to decide which method summarized by me or Akagi-senpai is more effective.

Uh-huh~ That's very good.

Xianghe and Akagi both agreed with Lin Lan's idea, and then asked Canglong to record the techniques they had learned and handed them to Lin Lan.

Looking at the two fire element control methods with different methods placed in front of his desk, Lin Lan was temporarily troubled.

Just now, he had just made a hot-headed suggestion, but now he realized something that he had just ignored:

If there is no hero skill bar, he is just an ordinary human being after all, without any talent that can be called cheating like the girls from the Sakura ship.

Can he really follow the method summarized by the two aircraft carrier girls and use the human body to gather fire elements to release the ring of fire without using the brave skill bar?

Soon, however, his problem was answered.

Because he had no choice but to discover something that made him laugh or cry:

Now, after selecting passive skills such as Elemental Affinity, Elemental Recruitment, and Elemental Mastery, he can already control elements without using elemental active skills.

The brave skill bar does not really have the point-washing function like the skill bar in those online games. These are like passive skills that permanently improve his physique and talent. Once he learns them, he cannot get rid of them.

Okay, it seems that this brave skill column is tied to me.

After Lin Lan complained in his mind, he discovered that he could indeed control the elements to reproduce those skills according to the method of the Chongsakura girls without using active elemental skills.

At least he can actually help him, the Sakura Ship girls, to test whose skills and methods are more practical.

And he can also use his mental power to clearly judge which method to use elemental skills to save more mental power.

After going to the deck and releasing the flame ring according to Akagi and Xianghe's method, Lin Lan finally came up with a comparative result that surprised him.

He asked Soryu to record the time he spent learning the skills. First he discovered that the skills of the two aircraft carrier girls were actually easy to understand, and the time he spent learning them was almost the same.

Then he discovered the most fundamental difference between the methods summarized by Akagi and Xianghe:

Although Akagi's method shortened the elemental gathering time to release the flame ring compared to Xianghe's method, it also consumed more mental energy.

All in all, the methods summarized by the two people have their own merits, and it cannot simply be defined whose method is more perfect.

But this did not faze Lin Lan. He immediately asked Canglong to identify Akagi's method as the mainstream.

After all, the mental power of ship girls is almost equal to max. Shokaku's method of saving mental power may be good for ordinary people, but when used by ship girls, it is not as big as the increase brought by reducing the time for element gathering.

Everyone returned to the conference room. After listening to Lin Lan's explanation, Xianghe generously recognized that Lin Lan's judgment was correct.

As for the subsequent skill summary, although there were occasional situations like this, in order to save time, Lin Lan did not choose to try it again in person. Instead, he asked Cang Long to collect them all and let him compare them together the next day.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the summary meeting also officially ended.

Thank you for your hard work, Commander! See you tomorrow morning! Hey, I didn't expect Commander to be quite capable~ Then I'll leave first. See you tomorrow!

After bidding farewell to the aircraft carrier girls of the Chongsakura Aviation Squadron one by one, Lin Lan was left with only Akagi, Kaga, and Tai Feng.

Dafeng, the possession of the commander today belongs to me. Do you want to break the agreement with Musashi?

Akagi looked at Dafeng playfully and asked with a sneer in a triumphant tone.

Gu... Of course I haven't forgotten. I just want to remind Master Akagi not to accidentally lock the commander in the dormitory tomorrow morning.

Dafeng stared at Akagi without fear. After gritting his teeth and saying this, he turned his attention to Lin Lan.

And the expression on Dafeng's face suddenly turned into a charming smile:

Lord Commander, Dafeng will come to visit you personally tomorrow morning, please look forward to it~

After saying these words, Dafeng turned around and left the conference room, with reluctance written all over his face until the end.

But although the other Chongsakura girls had left to rest, Lin Lan knew that his work was far from over tonight.

Ha~ All the troublesome guys are gone.

After watching Dafeng leave with an evil smile, Akagi looked at Lin Lan slightly with uncontrollable excitement in his tone.

Being stared at by Akagi with such greedy eyes, Lin Lan suddenly felt like the scholar in the folk tale who was targeted by the fox demon.

Um, Akagi, let's go upstairs to the bedroom first, right?

Lin Lan swallowed stiffly and suggested with a trembling tone.

He looked at Akagi who was walking towards him step by step. The nine furry fox tails were already raised. How could he not know what Akagi was thinking in his mind at this time.

Hehehe~ Commander, don't make any more unnecessary attempts. Akagi doesn't want to wait any longer~

Kaga, close the door and the lights, and don't let anyone else come.

After hearing Akagi's words, Kaga sighed slightly, turned around and walked out the door, and said at the same time:

Sister, there will indeed be other people passing by here. It would be better to take the commander back to the dormitory early.

But even though she said that, Kagami also knew that her sister could no longer listen at this time.

She still had to clean the conference room thoroughly later.

As the lights in the room were extinguished, Lin Lan's night battle finally officially began.

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