Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 583 Coincidence of the same name?

In a beautiful Japanese-style courtyard planted with various exquisite potted plants, two elegant fox ladies with proud figures and a pair of fox ears on their heads were sitting side by side on the spacious edge of the wooden house watching the scenery.

Shinano, and Musashi.

This is the dream world created by Shinano, and Musashi successfully made contact with Shinano in the dream.

So, you are already escorting the commander and are on your way back.

After learning roughly what happened to them after arriving in the United States of Oran from Musashi's mouth, Shinano sighed slowly in a lazy voice.

Exactly, if we really find the door network in the Siren Fortress, maybe the return time will be shorter.

Musashi had informed Shinano about the situation that Lin Lan analyzed for her last night. When she said this, she looked at her sister with some worry and asked:

How are you doing, Amagi-sama?


After hearing Musashi's question about Amagi, Shinano sighed softly and replied eloquently:

Her physical condition is not very optimistic. Lord Shenzi has taken action and created a barrier for her. It is a blessing of fate that you and Akagi went to Baiying to bring back the commander.

Musashi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Nagato took action to curb Amagi's physical deterioration.

As the divine son of Shige Sakura, she had great trust in Nagato's secret power of Shige Sakura. At least Amagi would be able to hold on until the commander arrived in Liaozhou.

But at this time, Musashi remembered something that had always made her feel strange, and asked Shinano:

After I met with the commander, he didn't seem to expect that I would arrive. You had already established a dream connection with him before we set off. Didn't you inform him about our trip to White Eagle?

The dream connection between me and the commander has been severed. I have been trying, but now I still cannot contact the commander in the dream.

Shinano was not surprised that Musashi would ask her this question. She lowered her white fox ears slightly, thinking and analyzing:

There are two possibilities. One is that the Siren tampered with the commander's body and blocked the dream connection between the commander and my concubine.

If not, I won't be able to see you in my dream.

After hearing what Shinano said, Musashi also swayed the purple fox tail behind him thoughtfully, and said with a somewhat solemn tone:

The commander was indeed captured by observers when he was in the Iron-Blooded camp before, but the commander also had dream contact with you in White Eagle. This cannot be easily concluded... What is the second one?


Shinano looked at the dream garden in front of the two of them and hesitated for a moment.

In the courtyard, the crisp sound of running water and exquisite bonsai are so peaceful and beautiful.

But she understood that not all dreams were so peaceful, and this was the reason for her hesitation.

The second is that the commander inspired a large number of memory fragments hidden in his subconscious, so that his dreams have been filled with these memories.

To put it simply, the commander did not enter the dream state after falling asleep, but was trapped in those memory fragments.

After Shinano finished speaking, he set his sights on Musashi again and asked with concern:

Has the commander mentioned to you recently that he dreamed about things in the past?

Musashi carefully recalled everything that had happened since she met Lin Lan, and then gently shook her head:

I will ask him about it after I wake up from the dream. Maybe he has dreamed about it but never mentioned it to me.

After saying that, Musashi slowly stood up and straightened his purple kimono.

The intelligence matters she was supposed to contact Shinano had been completed, and it was time to leave the dreamland.

Shinano watched Musashi getting up and about to leave. Suddenly he seemed to remember something and asked hesitantly:

Sister, do you still remember the child adopted by Senior Mikasa?

Musashi didn't expect that Shinano would actually mention this topic to her. She lowered her head and looked at Shinano and asked strangely:

You mean the child named Yuki who was released from the spell by Lord Shenzi?

Well, after she left a letter to help Amagi find medicinal materials, she went to Inaba Island alone according to the description of the destroyer children and has not returned yet.

Shinano said worriedly, but Musashi just nodded, not having any mood swings because of Yuki's disappearance.

She's just an outsider, but this child has a heart. As a local in Liaozhou, she will have the means to protect herself.

Musashi said calmly.

Snow Sakura Island, where Shige Sakura's temporary base is located, is not far from Inaba Island, and almost all monsters in Snow Sakura Island and the surrounding sea have been cleaned up by the Shige Sakura ship girls.

Since that girl planned to go to Snow Sakura Island alone to help Amagi, she probably wouldn't die so easily.

Even if the other party never comes back, it is not something worth worrying about for them.

She didn't understand why Shinano specifically mentioned this human girl to her.

Shinano changed the topic and once again asked Musashi a question that seemed to have nothing to do with this matter:

Sister, what's the commander's name?

Lin this related to this matter?

Musashi asked as he watched Shinano slowly stand up.

Her sister's usually lazy and indifferent face showed a rare serious look.

A thought flashed through her mind, could it be that the commander knew this girl?

But then Musashi rejected this idea with absolute certainty.

The commander told her that he had stayed in the United States of Oran since he came to this world, and it was completely impossible to meet this girl.

Before she left, I entered her dream and wanted to try to help her recover the forgotten memories in her subconscious.

Just as Master Shenzi and I guessed, Yuki does have a long memory capacity, but this time... lasts for nearly a thousand years.

Shinano's cobalt blue eyes looked directly at Musashi and continued to speak slowly:

She has spent almost all of these thousand years in darkness, as if she was sealed in a dark space similar to an enchantment, which has kept her looking like the girl she is today.

This is also in line with Miko-sama's previous conjecture. She and Mutsu did find traces of barrier techniques and spells cast on Yuki that night. Those spells were probably the cause of her amnesia.

When he said this, Shinano's voice was filled with mixed emotions of doubt, uncertainty and confusion:

I kept searching along her memory. Just before she woke up from the dream, I traced back in her dream the memory fragments of a few seconds before she was sealed into the barrier.

Before she was sealed in that black barrier, the name of the last important person in her heart... included the name of the commander.

Musashi was not intimidated by Shinano's powerful words. She gently put the knuckle of her right index finger on her mouth and fell into thought.

And Shinano didn't say anything to interrupt Musashi's thoughts.

For a moment, there was no sound in the courtyard in the dream except for the crisp sound of running water.

Maybe it's just a coincidence of the same name?

After a long time, Musashi finally spoke.

But it seemed that even she herself did not believe that there could be such a coincidence in the world, and she shook her head slightly.

Finally, she set her sights on Shinano and asked in a solemn tone:

How long has it been since Yuki left Yukisakura Island?

More than three days.

After receiving Shinano's reply, Musashi narrowed his eyes slightly and slowly told Shinano her arrangement:

After waking up from the dream, ask Lord Kamiko to send the children of the destroyer and the light fleet to Inaba Island to retrieve Yuki.

This matter concerns the commander. Even if it is just a coincidence, we must not be careless in the slightest.

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