Under the deep black starry sky, the main island of Shushu Island, the largest main island of the Ryoshu Nine Islands, was still brightly lit.

This is a large city full of ancient style.

Within the towering city walls, Japanese-style wooden buildings built from Liaozhou's unique wood are closely adjacent, but the streets extending in all directions in the city are even more noisy than during the day.

The hearty laughter of drunkards in Liaozhou, the sounds of singers wearing bright gauze and animal ears soliciting customers, the cries of various street vendors, the screams of monsters that are not yet dead, and the squeaking of the wooden wheels of the oxcart team. Rattling sound...

All kinds of noisy sounds jointly weave the world of this central city on the nine islands of Liaozhou.

The Tianouhai caravan who brought special products from various islands and the Liaozhou adventurers who brought monster trophies they hunted to sell were the most important people in this city.

If you look closely, you will see that the street lamps and shop neon lights used to illuminate the streets of this city are modern lamps powered by electricity.

The telephone poles and wires in the air standing inconspicuously on the road silently tell that this Liaozhou city has achieved freedom of power supply.

On the pier near the seaside of the castle castle, there are a large number of giant wooden sailing ships and large ocean-going cargo ships engraved with the Tianou Group's logo.

Such a prosperous and lively dock is not inferior to large cities in the United States of Oran.

If you don't count the huge and dying monsters of various shapes that were moved off the cargo ship by mechas, as well as the passengers who were almost all carrying portable melee weapons, this dock is almost exactly the same as the United States of Oran.

Castle Castle is such a complex but prosperous city.

In the central area of ​​​​the city, there is a majestic white wooden palace separated from the outside world by tall walls.

Hundreds of masked Liaozhou warriors wearing armor and holding sharp spears were quietly guarding each exit of the palace wall.

This wall and the guarding warriors seemed to divide the castle into two worlds from the outside to the outside. No matter how noisy the sound was, it was completely blocked and isolated here.

The lighting tools inside the wall are completely opposite to those outside the wall. They are all composed of butterflies of light locked in wooden cages.

Compared with the outside world, the interior and surroundings of the tall white wooden hall, which is tall, simple, full of supreme majesty, are so peaceful, as if it is a hidden place isolated from the world.

On the observation deck on the top floor of the hall, stood a white-haired old man wearing a black and white floor-length Yonghua robe, dragging a long cyan tail.

With his hands behind his back, he silently looked down at the prosperous and bustling streets of the castle castle below. There was no emotion at all in his deep, vertical pupils on his wrinkled face.

He is the current ruler of the Nine Islands in Liaozhou, and the co-leader of the Nine Islands is Hui An Dasi.

At this time, a silent distortion suddenly occurred in the black shadow behind him.

As the dots of black tentacles spread to form a human shape, a sharp-eared Liaozhou man wrapped in black slowly emerged and knelt on the ground on one knee.

How did things go?

Chief Hui An did not look back, but spoke coldly.

There seemed to be a chilling majesty in the old voice, which made the sharp-eared native tremble all over.

Back to Dasi, everything is going according to plan.

Lu Feng, the director of Tianou Group, has transported the boys and girls from the four islands who have not yet awakened their talents in batches by fleet. Only a few of them were intercepted by the ghost tribe.

The rest of the main islands, except for the owner of Kakuiki Island, have also kept their promises...ahem!!!

Just as the sharp-eared Liaozhou man was midway through his respectful report, he suddenly felt something clamping tightly around his neck and lifting him off the ground.

The pain and fear made him unable to make any sound. He looked at Hui'an Dasi who slowly turned around with pleading eyes, not knowing what he said wrong.

That's not what I'm asking about.

Hearing what the supreme leader of the Nine Islands in front of him said, he immediately suppressed his pain and squeezed out the words:

Wei, we have investigated clearly the massacre on Shimmer Island and it was indeed the work of the Demon King's army.

It's the four commanders of the Demon King's Army, A, Abbott and...

When Chief Hui An heard this, his pair of golden vertical pupils flashed with suppressed rage. He stared at the painful subordinates in front of him word by word, and said coldly:

That's not what I'm asking about.

How long will it take for your hidden crew to find the person back?


There was a crisp cracking sound of the neck. Before the sharp-eared Liaozhou native could answer, the dark purple elemental wrist behind him clamped his neck and pinched his neck in half. He could no longer answer the question.

Incompetent bungler!

Chief Hui An snorted coldly and controlled the elemental wrist to release the body of the sharp-eared Liaozhou man.

The next second, the body that fell to the ground began to be gradually eaten away by the shadows, and disappeared without a trace in just a few breaths.

Chief Hui An turned around and looked down at the prosperous castle city, but at this moment, his eyes already contained endless hatred.

The first generation of braves escaped from control and disappeared, and the second generation of braves failed to summon.


The old Nine Islands leader repeated these two words in his mouth, and the anger in his voice became stronger:

You are obviously just a tool, why do you disobey me again and again?

Why did you incompetent people choose to hand over the fate of Liaozhou to such outsiders?!

Since the gods are dead, I want to take back all the power those gods gave to all living beings in Liaozhou. I...want to become the new gods myself!!!


Along with the angry voice of the Great Master Hui An, as if in response to his anger, a deafening muffled thunder sounded in the cloudless night sky, causing many Liaoshu people in the castle to suddenly raise their heads and look at the sky.

Realizing his gaffe, Hui An Dashi quickly suppressed his emotions and regained his previous calmness.

Then he reached out from his robe and slowly took out a dark purple crystal filled with an ominous aura.

The moment he took out the crystal, his whole body trembled because he truly felt endless pleasure from it.

And his originally old face has become much younger, and a lot of white hair among the white strands has turned back to black.

What Hui An didn't notice was that when he took out the dark purple crystal, his originally golden vertical pupils were covered with a touch of purple.

With the help of this god-given object... I will definitely recover all the divine power of Liaozhou and completely ascend to the divine land.

By then, whether they are brave men, sirens, demon kings, or Oran people, they will all die!

Feeling the changes that had taken place on his body, Master Hui An was slightly satisfied and put the dark purple crystal back into the space storage bag in his robe.

Kakuuki Island...heh, haven't you always been thinking about the friendship with the brave man from thousands of years ago, and are you unwilling to obey the management of the successive co-masters of the Nine Islands?

Then, let's start with you ghost clan.

Chief Hui An narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly as he thought of the island owner who had lived for a thousand years but had only allowed the Liaozhou ghost tribe to enter the island.

The first target of his plan has been locked.

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