Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 588 The Marginal Line on the Sea

Facts have proved that Lin Lan's conservative approach is undoubtedly correct.

After he and Ayanami held the handle of the ship-cutting sword together, as Ayanami gradually let go downwards, he immediately felt as heavy as a thousand tons in his hand.

The most terrifying thing was that no matter how hard he tried, he was completely unable to stop the handle of the knife from moving downwards. This was far beyond the weight that a flesh and blood body could lift.

Lin Lan couldn't help but look at Lingbo's slender arms.

This mechanical ship-cutting sword, which was about the same height as the ghost girl, was dragged to the ground by Ayanami with one hand, and did not show any signs of tension.

Okay, okay, Ayanami, you can take the ship-cutting sword back, I give up.

Lin Lan finally reluctantly took back his hand and said with a smile, it seemed that the ship-mounted weapons used by the ship girls to fight were not something he, a human, could use.

Well, Commander, don't be discouraged. This ship-cutting sword can only be used by Ayanami in the port area. The weapons of other partners are not so special.

Ayanami looked at Lin Lan in a calm tone and comforted her. At the same time, she easily lifted the giant blade that she had dragged to the ground and made it disappear in her hand.

After hearing Ayanami's words, Lin Lan also understood that this ship-cutting sword should be part of Ayanami's ship uniform, and could only be used by Ayanami himself.

Although the sabers of the other Sakura ships are specially designed to fight the sirens, they do not belong to the category of ship equipment.

He thought about it carefully and found that in his port area, there were quite a few ship girls who had exclusive ship-mounted weapons like Ayanami.

Such as the enterprise's mechanical longbow, Essex's mechanical crossbow, the Royal Guardian Knight's war-weary greatsword, Prince Eugen's mechanical shield...

Their weapons are equivalent to part of the ship's equipment, and naturally cannot be used by others.

After clarifying this point, Lin Lan finally regained some self-confidence.

Afterwards, he asked Ayanami to take a good rest, then said goodbye to the ghost girl who had finished the night shift and returned to his dormitory.

But before he even sat down, he heard the sound of a key opening outside his bedroom door.

Where did Dafeng get the key to my dormitory...

Lin Lan naturally knew who the visitor was, and looked towards the door with a soft voice.

As the door was pushed open, a delicate woman with long black hair wearing a low-cut red kimono skirt and twin tails walked in with a crimson smile on her face.

Hehe~ Good morning, Commander~

Should I choose to have breakfast first today, or eat Dafeng first like the day before yesterday~

Hearing these seductive words, Lin Lan helplessly covered his forehead and joked:

Let's have breakfast today, but Dafeng, tell me honestly, when did you secretly get a key to my dormitory?

Dafeng seemed to be very dissatisfied with his choice, but he just narrowed his eyes, walked up to him with the fragrance, showed him a sly smile, and reached out to caress his cheek:

Ah~ This is a good question, but Commander, are you still worried about Dafeng?

How could this happen? I'm just curious. Let's have breakfast first.

Facing the burgundy eyes of this lithe red-dressed shipgirl who was not only beautiful but also had an obsession with him, Lin Lan could only smile honestly.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Dafeng suddenly seemed to have discovered something. He grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into his arms, and then sniffed on his clothes.

Commander, you seem to smell like other children besides that guy from Akagi.

Lin Lan's ears heard voices of questioning. Dafeng had obviously discovered that he had just been in contact with Ayanbo.

So at this time, Lin Lan could only choose his special move when facing a yandere, and sincerely told Dafeng about his experience in Ayanami's dormitory just now.

Facts have proved that Dafeng is less yandere than Akagi.

After listening to his explanation, Dafeng did not continue to dwell on this issue. Instead, he smiled and told him that he would come to the meeting earlier next time to prevent this situation from happening again.

However, Lin Lan couldn't help but secretly wonder if the scene would be even more terrifying if Dafeng happened to bump into Chicheng when he arrived.

We will talk about what happened next. Lin Lan watched Dafeng, who was in a good mood again, humming a tune and taking out the breakfast made for him from the storage space, and his stomach began to growl.

At the same time, he also realized that starting from today, they should encounter the Siren Fleet again after officially entering the high seas between Oran and Liaozhou.

And in the non-stop high-intensity battles of the girls from the Shige Sakura ship accompanying him, there probably won't be many opportunities for him to have a leisurely breakfast like this.

After eating breakfast under Dafeng's blazing eyes, Lin Lan followed Dafeng to the deck, preparing to start today's elemental skills display.

But when he walked out of the cabin and onto the deck, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Because when he looked around, there was an endless dividing line on the sea surface in front of their mass-produced destroyer, dividing the sea water into two colors!

Around them, the ocean on the United States of Oran's side was a deep dark blue.

But in the sea area they were about to enter in front of them, behind the dividing line that connected the sky, the color of the sea water was as clear and light blue as the sky before the sun had risen.

Lin Lan once learned from Blue Star's geography book that oceans have different colors due to different compositions of seawater.

But when such a spectacular sight appeared in front of him, he was still shocked.

This is not the work of Siren, but the uncanny workmanship of nature in this other world.

A cool sea breeze carrying a salty and humid smell blew in, and the roar of carrier-based aircraft engines could be heard in the sky.

Lin Lan came back to his senses and looked at the girls of the Chongsakura ship who were standing on the deck, their hair and clothes flowing in the wind.

At this time, on the deck, in addition to Akagi and other aircraft carrier girls, not only Musashi, Azuma, Noshiro and Sake, Yukikaze, Shigure and Yudachi were present, but there were also several Shigezakura girls holding command swords and unfolding their ship uniforms.

Noticing his and Dafeng's arrival, Musashi, Akagi, and Kaga came over.

After greeting him, Musashi explained to him the reason why so many Sakura Kanji are present now:

Commander, we are about to leave Oran's territorial waters. We will probably engage in a firefight with the Siren fleet today.

Lin Lan nodded. It seemed that Musashi had made preparations for combat deployment in advance and arranged today's combat mission.

And his elemental skill display during this period should have come to an end, and he will have to wait until he enters Liaozhou territorial waters before continuing.

Once they cross the dividing line on the sea in front of them, it means that they have completely left the United States of Oran.

Don't look at the light blue sea in front of you now. It's very calm, as if there is nothing.

But Lin Lan understood that it was now considered the hinterland of the Siren-controlled area, and the calm situation at this time was most likely just an illusion.

It is possible that there are a large number of lurkers dormant under the sea surface, or that the entire ocean is already blocked by the mirror sea.

And his suspicion was soon confirmed.

Commander, Lord Musashi, Akagi-senpai.

The ship's outfit had been unfolded, and Canglong, the rabbit-eared girl with red and red umbrellas in her hand, walked over from the edge of the deck with a serious face and reported to Lin Lan and others:

Our carrier-based aircrew has completed the investigation and there is indeed the edge of the mirror sea in front of the fleet.

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