Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 589 Reunion with the Purifying Mother

After Lin Lan heard the investigation situation reported by Cang Long, his face condensed slightly, and he was not too surprised.

It can be said that this situation was completely unexpected by him.

After all, the news he had received from Ariel before this only showed that the Siren had abandoned the experimental site of the United States of Oran, which did not mean that the Siren had completely disappeared from this other world.

Let Yukikaze and Shigure prepare the mass-produced destroyers, and use the mass-produced destroyers to take the lead in entering the mirror sea.

Lin Lan remembered the tactics he and the White Eagle Ship girls used in Huanyang City before, so he suggested it.

Well... Now that we are no longer short of oil, we will use the mass-produced model to break into the mirror sea first. While collecting intelligence, we can also attract firepower. Soryu, just do as the commander says.

Musashi only thought for a moment before agreeing to Lin Lan's proposal, while Akagi didn't have any objections and cast an appreciative look at Lin Lan.

Today, they are no longer like when they came, unable to use mass-produced models due to insufficient oil supplies.

When they were on the artificial island, they also learned about the whole process of the battle in Huanyang City from the White Eagle Ship girls.

With the entire country's oil supply in the United States of Oran and the technology to mine oil, their greater use of mass-produced models will inevitably be an indispensable part of the subsequent battle with the Sirens.

And when Soryu had just called Yukikaze, Shigure, Yudachi, and a little girl with short silver hair and feather ears holding an Odachi together, he was preparing to give them a mission...


A sudden violent explosion suddenly exploded from the empty light blue sea ahead.

Before Lin Lan and the girls from the Chongying ship could react, a sharp-mouthed monster with flapping black wings rushed out of thin air over the sea in front of them, which was originally empty to the naked eye!

This monster's black, hairless wings are more than ten meters long when spread out.

And its body was still emitting thick black smoke. It was obvious that the explosion just occurred from its body.

At the moment, it seemed to be in a panic, flying straight towards the direction of the Chongsakura Fleet.

What kind of monster is this?

Lin Lan looked at this strange monster, and the creature closest to this monster - the pterosaur - immediately appeared in his mind.

Yes, the appearance of this monster is very similar to the long-extinct pterosaur of Blue Star. The only difference may be that the body of the pterosaur is not black.

The target of this jet-black pterosaur monster that flapped its wings and flew at high speed was not the Chongsakura Fleet, and its scarlet eyes did not even look towards the sea.

But unfortunately, this monster chose the wrong direction to fly.

How could the girls of the Heavy Sakura Ship let it fly from above?

Without Lin Lan ordering an attack, as the monster got closer and closer to them, the Chongying aircraft carrier girls' fighter jets, which were still hovering in the air, immediately surrounded and suppressed them from all directions.

The sound of dense airborne cannon and machine gun fire suddenly rang out over the vast ocean.

And with its flesh and blood, this black winged dragon monster is no match for the Chongsakura Aviation Team's fighter group.

That huge black body is a living target for fighter jets.

Under the firepower of a large number of ship-based cannons and machine guns, without the support of the anti-aircraft guns of other Sakura ships, in just a few seconds, this pitch-black monster fell to the sea with a tragic hissing sound, and let out The sound of plop falling into the water.

Um, Musashi, when you came to Oran...have you seen this thing in the sea controlled by the sirens?

This pterodactyl monster disappeared just as quickly as it came. Lin Lan turned his head and looked at Musashi, who looked thoughtful, and asked in shock.

Commander, we have hunted a lot of this kind of monster called the bat-winged dragon by the locals in Liaozhou, but this is the first time we have seen one that is completely black.

We left the Liaozhou territorial waters and entered the waters controlled by the Siren. We did not see any monsters except the Siren fleet.

Musashi told Lin Lan the name of the monster and also answered Lin Lan's question.

Then Musashi looked at Azuma, who had been behind her, and ordered:

Let the fleet stop here first. Azuma, you take Bei Feng and Xuefeng to the place where the body of the black manta pterosaur fell and see if you can find anything.

Okay, Master Musashi.

Lin Lan watched Azuma, who was holding a sheathed command sword, nodding to Musashi and him before turning towards Yukikaze and the others, and also set her sights on the location where the manta pterosaur crashed into the sea.

Liaozhou monster, bat-winged dragon...

Lin Lan whispered the monster's name.

Previously, at the bottom of the Xinyang artificial island, he and Big Blue Fish and the others saw the giant chrysanthemum snail, a monster that also came from Liaozhou.

Originally, he thought that it was relatively normal for monsters to migrate from Liaozhou to the United States of Oran.

But in the past few days, he had never seen a Liaozhou monster appear.

Coupled with what Musashi said, the siren's blockade of the ocean between Oran and Riaoshu is likely to contain monsters...

So how did this manta-winged dragon and the giant chrysanthemum snail that he and the White Eagle ship girls had eaten pass through the waters controlled by the Sirens and reach Oran's territorial waters?


At this time, Lin Lan suddenly saw that where the bat-winged dragon fell into the sea, there seemed to be faint black marks on the sea surface.

Lin Lan looked at that location carefully as his vision was enhanced by special military equipment.

He soon saw clearly that the black marks on the sea were the body of the black manta pterosaur floating on the sea, and the black area around its body that continued to expand towards the sea.

That should be the blood of the bat-winged dragon, but this monster's it black?

Lin Lan just felt a little weird and planned to activate his weapons and follow Azuma, Xuefeng and the others to see the corpse of the monster.

But the next second, a girl's angry voice echoed across the sea, and suddenly exploded from the front of him and the Shige Sakura fleet:

That guy from the Purge, who is so obsessed with playing with things, can he let such a highly threatening experimental material escape? I have to kill her when I get back later... huh?!

The originally angry girl's voice changed her tone at the end, turning into a tone of shock mixed with sluggishness and confusion.

Lin Lan and the girls on the Chongying ship on the deck looked at this familiar voice and were stunned.

Oh, isn't this a coincidence?

Lin Lan couldn't control the smile at the corner of his mouth, and looked at this white-haired single ponytail senior plug who suddenly appeared in front of their carrier-based aircraft and main guns, riding a black and gold hammerhead shark suit and suspended in the air, with his mouth wide open. Ren girl waved and said hello:

Purifier...oh no, dear Purifier, long time no see.

Yes, what appeared in front of them at this time was the purifier, the high-level siren of the experimental agency whom he had met before in the mirror sea of ​​Dongyun City.

As the shocked Purifiers appeared, on the seemingly empty sea, Type IV mass-produced models with a faint green luster and Type IV Executors of various ship types also emerged from the mirror sea. Body shape.

In just a few breaths, the huge Type IV Siren fleet formed its formation and lay in front of them.

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