Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 597 The Disappeared Agent Fleet

Where have you been, Commander? How could you easily tell you about such a pest?

However, before Lin Lan could answer the Purifier's question, Dafeng snorted and decisively opened his mouth to give him the answer.

However, the sheer volume of what the Purifier said made Lin Lan fall into deep thought for a while.

No wonder.

No wonder his Minato and ship girls in the game appear in this different world.

The world-folding technology the builder talks about is indeed true.

Moreover, Siren's host machine, Dream Weaver Zero, actually used this technology to protect him and his ship girls.

In this case, there was no need for Purification to lie. Unexpectedly, the world where Minato was before had been destroyed by a mysterious enemy.

Then he and his ship girls may never return to the world where Minato was originally.

However, although Lin Lan believed what the Purifier said, it did not mean that other girls from the Chongsakura Ship would also believe it.

Akagi stared at the Purifier with great distrust and said sarcastically:

That's nonsense. Why didn't we find any trace of X around the port area?

That's because the arbitration organization blocked X outside the world! There are so many metas and ships in your port area, how could good Richard let you go?

The Purifier was irritated by Akagi's words and waved his fists, while Lin Lan keenly caught a familiar name.

If the degree of meta-ification increases, it will attract good people...

Lin Lan thought of the last unfinished words he had communicated with Meta, the leader of Ember, on the artificial island.

In the game plot, this crazy girl can transform into a terrifying black tornado, and possesses strange abilities that can metamorphize ship girls.

Unfortunately, until he traveled through time, the game officials still did not provide detailed information about Good Guy Richard.

The only thing Lin Lan knew was that this good man Richard was an aircraft carrier girl in the original world, and was most likely the first meta ship girl.

Good Richard, what on earth does she have to do with X?

Thinking of this, he looked at the Purifier who was still arguing with Akagi and asked.

Unfortunately, I, as an experimental institution, do not have the authority to access that guy's information.

The Purifier stopped arguing with Akagi, turned his head and answered Lin Lan in a very proud tone.

Haha... This is the first time I've seen someone speak out about his incompetence in such a confident tone.


Akagi smiled disdainfully and hit the target just right, allowing the Purifier to immediately break through the defense.

Forget it, then the next question is, why do you want to expel all the meta ship girls in my port area from this world, and also block the connections between various countries in this world?

Lin Lan put the good man Richard's affairs in his mind for the time being and asked the Purifier his most curious question.

Logically speaking, whether it is him, his ship girls, Ember, or the Sirens, they all regard the mysterious enemy X as their biggest enemy.

So why did Jose Ren have to do such unnecessary operations?

This has to mention the magic of this world.

The Purifier's mood changed very quickly. One second, he wanted to fight Akagi desperately. The next second, after hearing his question, he returned to the proud Erwuzi again:

I don't know exactly how magical this world is, but the command given to us by the host is to conduct variable experiments on different areas of the world.

As for the ships in your port area that have fallen into metamorphosis, I guess it is because after you disappeared, the host asked the arbitration agency to remove them from this world in order to prevent them from looking for you and destroying our experimental site.

After hearing what the Purifier said, Lin Lan couldn't help but clenched her fists.

This is indeed Siren's usual style, eliminating all hidden dangers that may interfere with the experiment.

Many of the meta ship girls who joined him in the port area are even former members of Ember, so they are naturally extremely powerful.

If they really searched for him all over the world, the experimental sites built by experimental agencies in various countries would definitely be turned upside down.

But now that he has traveled through time, it is inevitable that he will bring back all those meta ship girls.

As for the magic of this world, it is not difficult to guess.

Isn't it amazing enough to be able to withstand the Demon King's army that was influenced by a mysterious enemy thousands of years ago?

This can already be considered a miracle!

But no matter how much he thought about it, Lin Lan still couldn't figure out why the mysterious enemy that couldn't even resist the original world was defeated in the hands of Yuki, a brave man.

In his opinion, this is not a magnitude confrontation at all.

It seems that he still has to wait until he gets Yuki back, let Shinano help him retrieve his memory, and ask the brave senior for advice.

But since we are talking about the arbitration agency, you see, the red sea area is the central sea area that the arbitration agency is responsible for.

At this time, the Purifier raised his finger diagonally forward, interrupting his thinking.

He and the girls on the Chongqing Sakura ship on the deck looked in the direction pointed by the Purifier. The color of the water and sky there was indeed different from the sea area they were traveling in now.

All scarlet.

Just looking from a distance, Lin Lan could feel a sea breeze full of blood and killing blowing towards him.

Abyssal sea area?

Lin Lan realized that this was probably some kind of unique energy that could disturb his spirit. After shaking his head, he softly said the name of the scarlet sea in the game.

That scarlet sea area is the abyssal sea area guarded by the enhanced and amplified agent boss in the large-scale battle.

Huh? Shimakaze remembers that the last time he came here, there were agents of Tempalance in the abyss. Why are those agents gone now?

The white-haired bunny-eared little loli sounded curiously, and this also made Akagi and Kii realize this problem.

Shimakaze's words reminded them that when they came, they were warned by Purifier Qian to avoid being discovered by those agents.

But where are the representatives of Tianpalansi now?

Fortunately, the helpful Purifier stood up at this time and explained to everyone proudly:

Don't be nervous. This situation is normal. The Arbitration Agency does not stay in this world all the time. Especially not long ago, your meta companions made a big fuss at the AL-A Singularity. Tempalance and Strenkus must have been transferred away by the host.

Besides, if they hadn't left, I wouldn't have dared to bring you in like this openly.

I have to admit that the explanation given by Jingchengqin is reasonable and well-founded, and even Akagi can't find any fault with it.

However, Lin Lan couldn't help but sigh with regret as he looked at the empty abyss.

You know, in the game, there are huge rewards for defeating the agent boss who guards the abyss.

He really wanted to try it, if he and the girls from the Chongsakura Ship really destroyed the agent boss there, could they get some gold coins?

But this time it seems there is no chance.

Lin Lan shook his head. Now was not the time to think about this issue.

He looked at the Purifier and finally asked the question he was most concerned about before:

Purification dear, since your experimental institutions have been conducting experiments in this world for more than ten years, can you tell me how much you know about brave men?

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