Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 598: Someone come and give Purify Kiss the great memory recovery technique


After hearing Lin Lan's question, the Purifier repeated the word and asked him with a blank expression on his face:

Are you reading too many light novels and comics, or playing too many RPG games?

Lin Lan was stunned at first by such a Purifier.

Is it possible that even the Sirens don't know what a hero is?

But he realized in the next second that the Purifier was definitely playing dumb with him.

Just kidding, the sirens can even arrest the commander of the Demon King's army. If even the hero doesn't know what he is, the experimental agency can be declared disbanded.

Shimakaze, Ayanami, please turn around first. Next, we are going to use the Great Memory Restoration Technique. The scene is too bloody and not suitable for children.

After thinking about this, Lin Lan sneered and gestured to Akagi, Kaga and Dafeng. At the same time, he also said very thoughtfully to the two cute destroyer girls.

Seeing the three Chongying Ship Girls getting hints from Lin Lan, their faces showed eager smiles, rolled up their sleeves and approached him, the Purifier immediately panicked:

Wait, wait a minute! Don't do anything, ask them to stop first, I remembered! I found the hero's information in the database!

Hey, the processor in your brain needs to be updated. Searching for such simple information is so slow. Tell me.

Lin Lan was amused by the Purifier's light speed face change. It turns out that the Great Memory Restoration Technique is very effective even on Sirens.

How should I put it? Regarding the brave men, most of the information in our database is collected from the LD area...which is what you call the Liaozhou legend.

The Purifier explained to Lin Lan honestly:

Let me tell you the conclusion directly. Heroes do not belong to this world. They are humans summoned from other worlds by the demi-humans in the LD area through a method called the 'Brave Summoning Ceremony'.

A year ago, the tester observed the entire process of the brave summoning ceremony, but I only know that this ceremony is indeed beyond common sense and cannot be analyzed using any known technology.

After the tester uploaded the observation data to the host, it was encrypted by the host, and the tester also formatted it and sent it to the AL area.

Having said this, the Purifier let out a long sigh and actually showed a bitter expression:

So it's not that I don't want to tell you the data. The host takes this matter very, very, very seriously. I really don't want to become a tool like the tester!

Lin Lan nodded to the Purifier. This high-level siren girl said this, and it really didn't look like she was just pretending.

But this limited information was enough for him.

Since the existence of the Demon King's Army and the Purifiers cannot be directly explained to them, the specific information of the brave will definitely be zero-encrypted by the Dream Weaver.

From the limited information revealed by the Purifier, Lin Lan began to think secretly.

First of all, it is certain that the brave summoning ceremony held by Hui An Dasi in Liaozhou a year ago coincided with the time when he traveled to this world.

This also confirmed his previous suspicion that Hui An Dasi was definitely uneasy and kind to the brave and planned to use the brave's power.

But what Chief Hui An never expected was that the senior siren tester had actually observed the entire summoning ceremony.

Since the tester had already uploaded the data to the host and it was formatted, it shows that Dream Weaver Zero must have attached great importance to this matter.

It seems that I can't get any valuable information from the Purifier's mouth about the Hero and the Demon King's Army.

But I am a brave man myself. Yuki should also be found on Inaba Island. When we meet and help her retrieve her past memories, everything will be revealed.

After Lin Lan had a clear plan in mind, he stopped delving into the matter.

After all, he really didn't want this cute Siren 25 to be liquidated by the host.

But what he didn't notice was that the Purifier had been staring at him, the golden luster in his eyes flashing intermittently.

Then, as if the Purifier was sure of something, the corner of his mouth slightly tilted up into a smile that was not noticed by anyone.

After talking about the heavy matters, Lin Lan chose to change the topic and asked the Purifier:

Speaking of which, I remember that the person in charge of Liaozhou was probably the Purge. Dear Purifier, why did you come to Liaozhou?

Of course it's because that guy is so unreliable. She only eats and sleeps every day and plays games. She doesn't look like a high-level siren at all. The experimental field was also messed up, so the observers transferred me to help her.

And this answer also made Lin Lan and several other Chongying ship girls look contemptuous.

You guys actually have the nerve to criticize others?

But just as the Purifier finished speaking, the ghost girl Ayanami on the side was keenly aware of the elements:

You sirens also play games?

Yes, yes, we not only play online games, but also stand-alone games and console games, and let me tell you, the newly released games in the AL region are awesome!

The white-haired senior siren girl finished speaking proudly, and Ayanami's red eyes were already burning with fighting spirit:

When we arrive at the Siren Fortress soon, Ayanami wants to talk to you about the PK.

Shimakaze is coming to play too! We can also call Yukikaze and Beifeng and the others later!

At this time, Shimakaze also waved with bright eyes to express his intention to join, but the Purifier not only did not refuse, but instead puffed up his chest and said with a confident smile:

No problem. I am the number one game master in Antix. The system in the fortress stores games from various experimental worlds. I will give you all a copy when the time comes...

Oh! So awesome!

Lin Lan felt extremely funny for a moment when he saw the smiling pro-purifier successfully bribed the two destroyer girls.

The siren invites the ship girl to play games in the fortress?

He would never dream of such a thing.

Even Akagi and Suruga didn't know whether to remind Shimakaze and Ayanami that they were going to the enemy's lair, not outing as guests.

But seeing that Lin Lan didn't speak, they all had no choice but to sigh and give up.

After all, Lin Lan actually wanted to see what types of games Siren collected from various experimental worlds.

Opportunities like this to visit the Siren Fortress openly and openly do not come very often.

However, when he heard the Purifier say that she was the number one master of the Siren game, he secretly smiled.

Another guy who dares to call himself the number one game master in front of Ayanami.

And at this moment, a lazy and childish voice suddenly sounded from behind Lin Lan:

Huh? Meow? I seem to have smelled a business opportunity to make money from the commander, meow?

Lin Lan turned around and saw that it was the green-haired kitten he hadn't seen in the past few days, the little profiteer Akashi.

After Akashi greeted him, he also learned from Akashi why he hadn't seen the profiteer in the past few days.

It turned out that in the past few days, Musashi gave Akashi a task, which was to write a report on the customs and culture of each region she visited.

After hearing this reason, Lin Lan also expressed admiration for the green-haired kitten.

In order to find him, Akashi had been traveling around this different world alone, and now he was finally reunited with Shige Sakura's companions.

But before he could say a few more words to Akashi, the sad and angry voice of Jingchenqin suddenly sounded from behind him:

Okay, I almost forgot to settle the score with you, a profiteer!

You green-haired profiteer, give us back all the energy supply boxes, emergency repair boxes, energy storage containers...efficiency samples and mind cubes that you stole from us!!!

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