Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 599 My fortress is quite big. You are welcome to come in and play.

Lin Lan and several other Chongying ship girls were stunned when they heard the purifying pro-in-law yelling out a series of nouns in an extremely sad and angry voice, as if announcing the names of dishes.

He knew that Akashi had been a field merchant in large-scale battles and had also been wandering in this different world for a long time.

But looking at the cute and harmless maintenance ship cat-eared little Loli in front of him, he never expected that Akashi would actually collect so many things from the Siren's stronghold.

However, after Akashi was frightened by the Purifier's voice at first, he first looked at Lin Lan, and then at the Purifier who was controlled by several Zhongying companions.

After confirming that both the commander and himself were safe, Akashi finally showed the traitorous and sinister smile on his face:

It's a purification kiss, nya~ Those things are Akashi's trophies, nya. They've all been sold, nya.

If you want to blame it, just blame it on the fact that your siren stronghold warning system has too many loopholes, meow~

After saying that, Akashi held Lin Lan's hand very proudly and smiled more sinisterly at the Purifier.

Seeing this little guy talking so confidently made the Purifier's lungs explode with anger.

But there was nothing she could do. Akagi and the others were still staring at her with unkind expressions.

Lin Lan was even less likely to blame Akashi, and even gave Akashi an encouraging smile to keep up his efforts.

At the same time, the words of this little profiteer also woke him up from the side. After they arrived at the Siren Fortress, it would be unreasonable if they didn't try some local specialties.

The entire Chongying fleet moved forward unimpeded in this purple sea. Soon, the scarlet abyss sea was left behind by everyone.

But what no one, including the Purifier, noticed was that not long after they left, small groups of bubbles began to rise from time to time in the red water of the abyss.

Since neither the executor fleet nor the mass-produced fleet of the experimental agency will enter the abyssal sea, such an inconspicuous anomaly did not trigger an alarm in the entire mirror sea area.

If Lin Lan was still a little novel about this purple world when he first entered the Hidden Sea, he felt a little tired after more than half an hour.

Except for those large black and red facilities, only the patrolling siren fleet was left on the purple sea.

Monotonous, boring, even the color of the ocean and sky is a single purple.

If used for militarized purposes, this sea area would undoubtedly have been successfully deployed by the Sirens.

But from the perspective of viewing and living, this place is definitely not suitable for people to stay for a long time.

Lin Lan finally understood why sending ship girls to fight all the time in the game would lower his mood.

If you stay in this kind of environment for a long time, you will be in a good mood.

Fortunately, they had a tour guide named Jingchenqin along the way. Under Jingchengqin's introduction, he also understood the purpose of those large black and red facilities.

Maintain the Rubik's Cube energy transmission nodes of the mirror system, and increase the combat effectiveness of the Executor fleet in each zone.

After hearing the explanation from the purifier, Lin Lan also recalled that in the game's large-scale operations, when he attacked the fortress sea area, he needed to send ship girls to capture five strongholds surrounded by these huge facilities.

It seems that he and the girls from the Sakura ship are getting closer and closer to the Siren Fortress.

About ten minutes later, Lin Lan finally saw the shadow of a majestic black metal fortress appearing on the sea ahead.

Seeing the appearance of the Siren Fortress, all the girls on the Sakura ship on the sea and on the deck were in high spirits.

The destination is finally coming.

Lin Lan looked at the increasing number of experimental machine fleets on the surrounding sea. Suddenly he remembered something, looked at the Purifier and asked:

By the way, dear Purifier, did you tell the Purge that you brought us here?

No, if you tell her, how could you be let in so easily? But it's not a big problem. I'll explain it to her later.

The Purifier assured him confidently, slapping his chest, as if he was not worried about betraying his companions.

I suddenly feel a little pity for the Clearers... Forget it, you can just take care of it in a while, otherwise don't blame us for giving up this fortress.

Don't worry, I'll give her a thumbs up, and I guarantee that you can safely return to the LD area through the mobile facility.

However, despite the Purifier's assurance, Lin Lan still asked Dafeng to notify Musashi and others on the sea through the fleet communication channel to take precautions.

Although there are two types of purgers, like the purifiers, they are high-level sirens in experimental institutions who trade intelligence for strength and are responsible for fighting.

Who knows if that middle-class girl will use her weapon one step faster than her brain after seeing them, before the Purifier has a chance to explain?

Based on his knowledge of the Purge, this was likely to happen.

In this way, until the heavily armed Chongying fleet finally arrived at the berth of this black fortress, what Lin Lan worried about did not happen.

He didn't even see the Purge.

So much so that Musashi and the girls from the Shige Sakura boarded the fortress dock, the boarding ladders for the mass-produced destroyers were set up, and the entire Siren Fortress was quiet without any precautions.

After the boarding ladder was set up, a little girl in black silk stockings walked up wearing a dark blue heavy cherry-style dress, a dark blue short windbreaker and one-armed white furisode.

This cute little loli wears a yellow bow headband on her head, and a pair of white feather ears that look like two feathers.

In her hand she held a sheathed sword that was longer than her height, and standing on the handle of the sword was a little pigeon wearing a blue sailor uniform and a navy hat.

Lin Lan recognized the identity of his serious-faced Chongying destroyer little Loli at a glance, the Chongying second-phase scientific research ship, the super Qiuyue-class destroyer Beifeng.

Commander, and all my lords, we have completed our investigation. Except for the working Executors, no other enemies have been found around the dock of Siren Fortress.


Such a cute little loli originally reported to Lin Lan and Akagi in a serious manner.

But Lin Lan didn't expect that after Bei Feng finished his report, the little pigeon in sailor uniform on the handle of her knife also cooed twice and saluted him with its wings in a very humane manner.

Thank you Beifeng for your hard work. Speaking of which, you really trained this little guy to become a general.

Lin Lan looked at the little pigeon in surprise for a while, then came back to his senses and praised Bei Feng with a smile.

He still remembered that the little Lolita from the Super Akizuki-class scientific research ship holding an Odachi told him in the game that he wanted to train this pigeon.

Looking at it now, it seems to be very effective.

That, that's for sure, after all, it was agreed with the commander...

Hearing his compliment, little Loli's face instantly turned red, she lowered her head slightly and responded in a low voice.

After Lin Lan reached out and touched Bei Feng's head, he asked Akagi and the others to hold the Purifier hostage and arrived at the Siren Fortress dock occupied by the girls from the Chongsakura ship.

After greeting Musashi, Soryu and others, he looked at the surrounding environment of the dock.

This is the second time he has come to such a large maritime fortress. The last time was when he was rescued from the passenger ship by the Iron-Blooded ship girls and brought to the floating island fortress built by Iron-blooded ships.

Therefore, he did not have much novelty in his mind, but was looking for the difference between the Siren Fortress and the Iron-Blooded Floating Island Fortress.

Soon, he discovered the biggest difference between the two.

The floating island fortress of the Iron-Blooded camp also has a magnificent underwater structure under the sea. Therefore, once the floating island module is deployed, it becomes extremely difficult to move.

Lin Lan noticed that there were a lot of black equipment that looked like engines on the dock of Siren Fortress.

In addition, when he looked up, he found that there was not a single window that could be opened in this magnificent black fortress, and some had only fixed, sealed glass windows.

Combined with his previous deep-sea escape experience from the Siren Stronghold, Lin Lan quickly realized that this huge Siren Stronghold definitely has the function of underwater navigation.

Okay, Purification dear, it's time to activate the mobile facility network for us.

Lin Lan withdrew his gaze and turned sideways to speak to the Purifier.

At this time, the Purifier was stared at eagerly by a group of girls from the Sakura ship, and he also felt a lot of pressure.

Especially the three little lolita, Yukikaze, Shigure and Yudachi, they were all the main players who once kicked her head like a ball.

After hearing Lin Lan's words, the Purifier hurriedly said:

To activate the mobile facility network, I have to go to the central control room to control it, and the mobile facility network also needs four hours of energy storage time.

Four hours? Haha, when did your Siren fleet act like this? Are you trying to delay time?

Akagi stared at the Purifier unkindly and said, while Lin Lan also frowned.

Four hours is indeed a bit too long. This is the Siren's lair after all. Who knows if anything unexpected will happen if they stay here for a long time.

However, the Purifier saw that everyone's faces were full of distrust towards her, so she shrank her head and carefully made her suggestion:

Isn't it just four hours... If you don't want to be bored staying here, my fortress is quite big. You are welcome to come in and play. When you are tired, just go to bed. No problem.

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