Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 603 What a pair of sirens, the crouching dragon and the phoenix chick


The Purge was crying loudly, thinking that she would not escape this time, when suddenly, there was a crisp shutter sound in her ears.

Okay, okay, let them all loosen up. This silly girl is scared.

Lin Lan's suppressed laughter sounded, causing the purger, who still had tears on his face, to sit on the ground blankly, not understanding what was going on.

It wasn't until the ropes around her were untied by Xianghe and Zuihe that the Purge realized that she was free and immediately jumped up from the ground.

She frantically wiped the tears on her face with one hand, and pointed at Lin Lan who was still holding the camera with the other hand and said angrily:

You, do you think I will forgive you if you let me go? How dare you...

I still have the photo of you crying just now, Purge, you don't want me to show this photo to the testers, builders, and observers, do you?

Although Lin Lan was pointed at by the senior siren girl, she continued to fiddle with the camera in her hand without raising her head, and laughed again using this standard threatening grammar.


Being threatened by Lin Lan, the Purge instantly became mute, and most of the anger that had just arisen suddenly subsided.

She understood that although her body was free, her self-destruction program and communication program were really cut off.

If the photo of her crying just now was actually given by this human to other senior siren companions, then she would be completely embarrassed to see anyone.

Lin Lan saw that the Purifier finally calmed down, so he smiled and said:

We are not here to ask you to fight the Purifiers or destroy your fortress. We just want to borrow your Siren's mobile facility network.

If you cooperate with us and leave through the mobile facility network, I will definitely return this photo to you.

After beating the stick, it’s time to give some dates.

So Lin Lan continued to reason and said to the purifier emotionally:

And think about it, Clearers, now that I have cut off the communication system with the host for you, the host has no idea what is happening here.

Even if an anomaly is discovered behind the host and traced, you and the Purifier will say that they were defeated after a fierce battle with us, and we can unlock the network permissions of the mobile facilities by ourselves.

Anyway, you won't be defeated by us once or twice. In this way, not only can you continue to fish here in the future, but you no longer have to worry about losing your reputation, right?

What's more, the host probably never gave you an order to annihilate us when you see us. Why do you need to fight and kill us?

Lin Lan's tone revealed sincerity, and the Purifier was stunned for a moment after hearing this series of words.

He really didn't want to continue to be an enemy of the Sirens. Now that he knew the existence of the mysterious enemy X, he definitely didn't want to continue the internal conflict.

In the face of the most terrifying enemy, internal friction is completely meaningless.

But Lin Lan also understood that before he wanted to reconcile with the Siren, he had to get all his ship girls back, so that he could have the confidence to negotiate with the Siren's host, the Dream Weaver.

In fact, if it were the other three senior sirens of the experimental agency, it would be easy to analyze the flaws in his words.

It is even possible to deduce the defection of the Purifier based on various clues.

But unfortunately, as the most effective scavenger in the experimental agency, his reasoning and analysis ability is also the weakest.

Purifier, do you think we can agree?

After the intensive operation of the analysis system, which only accounted for less than a quarter of the processor, the Purifier finally chose to compromise. He looked at the loosened Purifier beside him with pleading eyes and asked weakly.

He's right. Originally, we didn't have to fight them to the death. Let's just do it~

The Purifier had long expected that the Purifier would ask her for help in the end, and he spread his hands and smiled without any hesitation.

This scene also caused Lin Lan and the other girls from the Chongying Ship to suddenly have expressions on their faces. They turned their heads sideways and tried hard not to laugh out loud.

Stupid girl, you have fallen into this situation because you were tricked by the Purifier, and you still seek answers from the Purifier?

I was really sold and still helping to count the money!

Lin Lan could finally see that the Purifier and the Eliminator were really two strange flowers in the experimental facility.

One has no integrity and the other is short-sighted.

What did the observers think that they actually arranged these two sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks together?

As long as one of the testers or builders was sitting here, the situation would not have developed to this point.

The purifier... will go and activate the mobile facility network for you first. The purifier, you can accompany them here first.

Seeing that his companion had been successfully dragged into the water, the Purifier smiled playfully and stepped forward to pat the grimacing Purifier on the shoulder, comforting him and saying:

Don't look unhappy. The matter has come to this. It's better to cooperate with them and send them away as soon as possible.

After saying that, the Purifier turned his head and gave Lin Lan a perfectly complacent look.

Lin Lan nodded very satisfied with the Siren 25th son, and then asked Canglong and Feilong to go with the Purifier to open the door network.

After taking Dafeng, Akagi and others off the Purifier's Hammerhead Shark Ship, and watching the Purifier and the Second Aviation Fighters float towards the center of the fortress, Lin Lan said to the surrounding girls from the Chongsakura Ship:

Everyone will rest here first, have lunch, and wait for the door network channel to open.

He took out his mobile phone, which had no signal, and looked at it. It was still noon. In four hours, it would be almost afternoon.

The girls on the Shigesakura ship all carry lunch boxes or dry food in the ship's storage space, and Kaga also prepares many snacks.

Akashi convenience store also opened at this time. This little profiteer not only prepared hot water, instant noodles and biscuits for sale, but also drinks and self-heating hot pot.

Lin Lan didn't know where Akashi got Donghuang's self-heating hot pot, but with these, all the Chongsakura girls could have a hot meal here.

Soon, the aroma of various foods filled the hall.

Yudachi even took out a barbecue grill from nowhere, lit a fire and started grilling meat in the hall of the Siren Fortress.

Dafeng also made a bento specially for him. Although it was a little cold, Lin Lan didn't dislike it at all. It would be better to say that he was very satisfied with the food.

You really think of this place as your home.

Lin Lan was enjoying the fresh fish fillets in the lunch box and chatting with the charming Dafeng when the purger's unhappy voice sounded from beside him.

He looked sideways and saw that the Purge was sitting on the ground with an aggrieved look on his face, looking straight at the lunch box in his hand.

Noticing his gaze, the siren girl snorted and turned her head proudly.

Aren't the sirens all robots? Do they still need to eat food?

Lin Lan was surprised and complained in her heart. The clearer's appearance was obviously complaining that he and the Chongying ship girls did not take care of her food.

He had never seen a siren eat before.

Not only in the game but also after time travel, in his impression, Siren should be powered by the Rubik's Cube technology in his body just like Ariel, the Rubik's Cube energy robot.

Akashi, bring a bucket of instant hot pot to the Purge. I'll take the expense.

Lin Lan tried to shout to the little profiteer who was making noodles for Ayanami.

This also attracted the shocked gaze of the Purge. The siren girl shouted to him angrily:

Don't, don't think that you can please me with those instant foods. I don't need to eat those organic foods you eat!

Pull him down, we are all old acquaintances, why are you still being polite to us?

Lin Lan chuckled, looking at the Purifier's reaction, he was sure that the Purifier was greedy.

After hearing what he said, the Purge thought for a moment and realized that this was what happened, so he did not continue to be harsh. Instead, he looked at Akashi who was busy with expectant eyes.

Commander, do you really want to invite the sirens to dinner? They don't need to eat, right?

Dafeng, who was sitting in front of Lin Lan, looked at him curiously. He didn't understand why he wanted to go to all the trouble and asked in a low voice.

Lin Lan thought for a moment, smiled and replied to Dafeng:

Whether you need to eat or not is one thing, but whether you are hungry or not is another matter.

Besides, will I let the Purge eat our meal for free? After I return the photo of her crying just now, I have to keep some trump cards, right?

After speaking, Lin Lan pointed to the camera that was still half exposed in his pocket.

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