Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 604 Look at the child being hungry

When Dafeng saw this, he suddenly realized, covered his mouth and laughed softly.

I knew that the Commander must have deeper thoughts.

Not long after, Akashi walked up to the Purifier with a steaming hot pot and handed it to him.

And this unscrupulous siren girl was not polite. After taking it, she picked up the chopsticks and started to eat vigorously.

Lin Lan, who was holding a camera in his hand, couldn't help but look surprised as he watched the Purge finish a bucket full of self-heating hot pot in just three strokes.

He took the photo, but he really didn't expect the Purge's eating habits to be so exaggerated.

That was a bucket full of self-heating hot pot. In less than two minutes, all the soup and vegetables were wiped out by the purgers?

Moreover, he saw the cleaner looking down at the empty plastic bucket in a daze, as if he still had more to say.

The Purges are obviously high-level sirens after all. With the siren's methods, it shouldn't be difficult to collect food, right?

How come the child is so hungry?

That, that...

Sure enough, the Purifier raised his head and looked at him again, his tone less hostile than before:

Can you treat me to another bucket of hot pot?

Lin Lan smiled. Since he had decided to invite the Purges to dinner, he naturally didn't care about this one or two buckets.

So he shouted to the busy little profiteer:

Akashi, after you're done with the work at hand, ask the purger what she wants to eat, and she'll be satisfied with everything. Just keep the old rules and keep my account.

No problem, meow!

Akashi naturally agreed happily. As long as she could make Hongjianjian, she didn't care who she sold the food to.

But what Lin Lan didn't expect was that what happened next would shatter his outlook on life.

Half an hour later.

In the originally bustling core hall of the Siren Fortress, the girls from the Chongsakura Ship had finished cleaning up after lunch and were standing next to Lin Lan in shock, without saying a word.

The only sound in the hall was the sound of snoring and swallowing.

At this time, there were a mountain of plastic lunch boxes and self-heating hotpot buckets piled up next to the Purge, and she was still holding a half-eaten green pepper rice roll in her hand, chewing happily.

Um, um, Sister Shimanto, are you sure what you gave her was the rice dumplings made from the green peppers you grew?

Yukikaze pulled the hem of the miko costume of the white-haired Dragon God girl next to her, and asked in a tone that was so shocking that she was trembling.

Ah...well, I didn't expect that I would finally find my soulmate here...

However, compared to the shock of the little loli Xuefeng, Shimanto watched intently as the Purge stuffed the remaining green pepper-stuffed rice into his mouth, and was actually moved to tears in the corners of his eyes.

Lin Lan naturally heard the conversation between the two ship girls, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch slightly.

It is no longer a matter of whether the Clearers can enjoy the Dragon God's Disaster.

Could it be that this siren girl, who looks short and even petite, has a bottomless pit in her stomach?

He knew that the ship girls were big eaters, but he never expected that the Siren's appetite was even more exaggerated than the ship girls!

Moreover, the ship girls are still able to chew their meals carefully, but the way the purgers eat is like swallowing a juicy meal!

In terms of efficiency alone, the food that the Cleaners ate in just half an hour was completely comparable to what other ship girls ate in three hours.

Even the inventory of Akashi convenience store was almost wiped out by the liquidators.

And this also made the little profiteer Akashi feel as if he had seen the financial owner, and he was so happy that his tail behind him was raised.

Lin Lan even noticed that Akashi wanted to go up to him and ask if he wanted to eat something else after he noticed that the purger had finished eating the green pepper rice dumpling in his hand.

Lin Lan had no doubt that the purgers were not satisfied with the food, and once Akashi came forward to ask, he would definitely order a lot more.

Did the co-author of the Purge think of him as one of those buffet restaurant owners in Lihu County?

So he reached out and held the little profiteer's shoulders, and walked in front of the purifier himself.

He was just about to open his mouth to talk about other topics, but when the Purge saw him approaching, he raised his head first and smiled proudly at him in a vigorous tone:

Ah hum, you didn't expect it. This is my revenge on you. I will devour all your food and make you struggle painfully with hunger!

The sudden onset of chuunibyou disrupted even the words Lin Lan had just organized in her mind.

This stupid girl really made him angry and funny.

But when he saw the short-haired siren girl narrowing her eyes and a happy smile on her face, he finally sighed.

That's all, it's rare to see such an expression on the Siren's face. Anyway, Akashi has the entire United States of Oran as his supplier, so just eat what you want.

You're being cruel...but this is the first time I know that you sirens can actually eat food.

I'm kidding, I'm a high-level Antix. Unlike those mass-produced executors, in order to collect data, I have a complete taste system and digestive system in my body. Although I don't need to eat, it doesn't mean I can't enjoy delicious food. !”

The Purifier was in a good mood now. The grievances he had just experienced had been wiped away, and all the hostility towards him was gone. He smiled unpreparedly in a show-off tone.

Taking advantage of the clearer's good mood, Lin Lan raised the corners of his lips slightly and suggested to the siren girl:

When we came here, we heard from the Purifier that you have a lot of games here. You see, everyone is idle now. Why don't you take us around the fortress?

Although he said it was related to games, his main purpose was to focus on the warehouses in the Siren Fortress, the Siren's black technology, and information about this other world.

Although the Purifier's personality is off-kilter, as a high-level siren, his IQ is still online and not so easy to fool.

However, the purifier in front of them might be able to bring them some unexpected surprises.

After the words came out of his mouth, Lin Lan originally thought that the Purge would fall into deep thought, and prepared other words in his heart.

But there was almost no hesitation. As soon as the purger heard his proposal, he patted his chest happily and showed him a bright smile:

Oh? You actually want to defeat me in the game field? Originally, those games are treasures of the world, but for the sake of the tributes you brought, I will be merciful and give you the opportunity to challenge me!

With such a hearty answer, coupled with that bright and innocent smile, the Purge just barely managed to say the words You're quite a nice person.

This also made Lin Lan feel a strong sense of guilt inexplicably in his heart. He never thought that there were such easy-to-deceive people among the sirens.

Although it was only half way through today, this short half-day had already completely refreshed his knowledge of the Sirens for several years.

After experiencing the condemnation of his conscience, Lin Lan returned to the Chongying ship girls and began to divide the work among the ship girls present.

After a while, he will take Tai Feng, Akashi, Suruga, and the children of the Jue Sakura Destroyer to play games with the Cleaners, and at the same time try to hack into the Siren's fortress central control system and copy intelligence and technology.

As for Akagi Kaga, Azuma, Noshiro and Sake, after following them past the fortress warehouse, they quietly moved the Siren's supplies.

Musashi and the other girls from the Sakura ship were resting in the hall, waiting for the Purifier and the Second Air Battle to come back, ready to respond to emergencies.

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