Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 605 The builder’s dirty information

After completing the next division of labor, Lin Lan, Dafeng and others said goodbye to Musashi and the others for the time being, and followed the purgers to the staircase corridor leading to the upper floors of the fortress.

While the group was walking on the stairs, Shimakaze and Yukikaze also struck up a conversation with the Clearers.

Purge, were you bored when you were in the Polar Fortress?

The person who asked the question was Shimakaze. This bunny-eared little loli was very active. She walked up to the purifier and asked.

Lin Lan heard Shimakaze's inquiry and remembered that in the game plot, the Purge was a high-level siren responsible for the entire polar region.

At that time, it was the ship girls of the Northern United camp who were fighting against the Clearers.

He still remembered the straight-shooting Northern Alliance destroyer, Little Lolita Tashkent, who was able to forcefully defeat this mysterious purger who had suffered from a secondary disease on his debut.

However, it is naturally impossible for the purgers to mention those embarrassing past events:

When I'm at the base and fortress, I can not only watch movies, but also play games. Except for the fact that the weather is a bit colder, everything else is good.

The siren girl walking at the front didn't mind the chatter from the Chongyakura girls at all, and instead answered with great interest.

Oh? Are you sirens afraid of the cold?

Xuefeng caught the key point of the purger's words, wagging her white cat tail, looking at the builder playfully and asking.

Hey, you little girl, don't look down on us. Of course we are not afraid of the cold, but if we can stay in a warm environment, who wants to go to that damn place in the polar regions?

The Purge gave Xuefeng a blank look, and then sighed:

The facilities built by the builder are all good, but he is too rigid in his pursuit of efficiency and did not install a heating system in the polar fortress. What a fool.

You said such bad things about the builder, are you really afraid that she has installed monitoring equipment in this fortress?

Lin Lan also joined the conversation at this time, while the Purge waved his hand nonchalantly:

What does it matter if she has a listening device? I haven't told the observers that she spends two-thirds of her working time slacking off.

How can a builder be as lazy as you say? You must be entertaining us.

Akagi smiled and deliberately used words to stimulate this senior siren girl who couldn't control her mouth.

And as expected, she got more dirty information about the builder.

When the purger heard that someone dared to question her, she immediately waved her fist, turned her head and said loudly:

Don't think that the builder is so diligent because he is forced by the observer. That guy is too lazy to even play the game!

And don't look at the builder who can complete the task perfectly every time. That's because she will complete the task content in advance, then find a place where it is not easy to be found in the experimental site to sleep, and will not upload the data until the task time is up. To the host!”

After hearing so much dirty information about builders, Lin Lan thought about it and found that this seemed to be something builders could do.

Although the little loli who always wears a white gothic nightgown always shows up, her work attitude is obviously not as positive as that of the tester.

I hate trouble, always want to solve problems as quickly as possible, and cherish words like gold...

I'm afraid even the act of talking has been calculated into energy consumption by the builder.

When he sees the builder next time, he must make fun of this fishing expert.

Whoa?! Isn't that the builder in front?

But just when Lin Lan was about to listen to the Purge to reveal more dirty information about the Builder, Shimakaze's shocked voice suddenly sounded.

And this also made everyone on the stairs, including him, perk up and look towards the entrance to the third floor passage of the fortress that they were about to arrive at.

Shimakaze was right. A short-haired siren girl wearing a white robe and an expressionless face was looking down at them at the entrance of the corridor.

Builder without a doubt!

After Lin Lan saw the builder's appearance, thousands of possibilities immediately flashed through his mind.

Could it be that the Purifier tricked him and Shige Sakura into the fortress and planned to kill them all?

Or did the Builder really hear the Purge saying bad things about her and commit suicide himself?

Protect the commander! Prepare...

Just when Akagi was about to give the order for all the Sakura ships to prepare for battle, the Clearer suddenly laughed arrogantly:

Huh hahaha! Look what scares you, that's just the builder's mass production machine that I use to inventory the warehouse. If the builder is really here, how can I be so free!

Okay, misunderstanding cleared.

Lin Lan and the other girls from the Chongying ship heaved a sigh of relief. In their desperation, they really forgot about the fact that the high-end siren had a mass production machine.

This is the Siren Fortress after all, and it is not uncommon to have mass-produced machines of high-level sirens.

Although the combat effectiveness of those advanced siren mass-produced machines is not much different from that of the main body, without the control of the main body consciousness, there is not much difference from the executor.

Lin Lan, who was relieved, also secretly winked at Akagi after hearing that the purger said that this lifelike builder's mass production machine was responsible for inventorying the warehouse.

Akagi smiled slyly, of course she understood what this meant.

Since the builder's mass production machine responsible for inventorying the fortress warehouse was at the entrance of that floor, it was time for them to part ways with Lin Lan and others.

Before Lin Lan set off, he had already asked Akashi what functions were turned off in the Purge's basking shark suit.

This includes radar systems.

This was also the reason why he could safely let Akagi and others go to the fortress warehouse to pick up the goods.

But even if the Clearers discover Akagi and the others, it doesn't matter.

He also has several ways to force the purgers to submit obediently, without worrying about the purgers turning against him.

The overall structure of the Siren Fortress is somewhat similar to the Iron-Blooded Fortress, with a total of five floors.

Lin Lan looked down from the stairs to the hall below. They were now on the third floor.

The Purifier had just flown to the fifth floor with Canglong and Feilong. It seemed that the central control room of the fortress that the Purifier wanted to take them to should also be on the top floor.

After Akagi left the team silently with the few Sakura girls he had arranged just now, Lin Lan walked forward quickly, preparing to talk to the Cleaner in case the second-year siren girl discovered something was wrong...

The Purifier suddenly stopped and stood on the stairs to the fourth floor, touching his chin and muttering in a low voice:

No, no, no, no, no.

Lin Lan and Dafeng and Suruga who followed him couldn't help but be stunned and looked at each other in surprise.

Could it be that as soon as Akagi and the others left, the Purge realized something was wrong?

It seems that the Cleaners are high-level sirens after all. They really can't treat the Cleaners as real fools.

Just when Lin Lan decided not to pretend anymore, and moved his hand to his pocket to take out the camera, the purger's next words made him pause immediately:

I can't take you directly to the central control room of the fortress. The Purifier guy is still there. If I take you there, she will definitely laugh at her.

I'll take you to another place suitable for playing games. Hey, hey, come with me.

Having said that, the Purge quickly climbed the stairs without looking back.


Lin Lan looked at the purger's back, and the expression on his face was extremely exciting for a moment.

Even Shigure sighed helplessly and complained:

The Northern Alliance failed to take down the Polar Fortress for so long. Were they all infected by the Clearers?

Well, regardless of whether Master Shigure's words were correct or not, Lin Lan had already secretly decided that it would be best not to be smart when talking to the Purifiers in the future.

Otherwise, the Purge will definitely bring your IQ down to her level, and then use her powerful firepower and rich experience to defeat you.

Until the Purge took Lin Lan and others into the passage on the fourth floor of the fortress, the second-level senior siren did not notice that the number of people behind him had decreased.

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