Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 69 The Demon King’s Army from Liaozhou

What the hell is this...

Lin Lan watched this strange black shadow penetrate into his body. Before he could finish his words, severe pain that he had never experienced before suddenly erupted from all sides of his body.

He fell to his knees directly on the ground, his eyes widened, and he wanted to scream but no sound came out.

Z23 and Z46 immediately helped Lin Lan, who was kneeling on the ground, and kept shouting Lin Lan's name.

They looked at Lin Lan's face, only to find that the same black mist that was on Zhang Wei's face was spreading in their commander's eyes.

At this time, residents from other districts who came from around also came to them.

Lin Lan had also closed his eyes, completely paralyzed and lost consciousness.

When the Liaozhou people who were approaching saw Lin Lan, they all suddenly screamed and backed away, as if they had seen something extremely terrifying, and made frightened sounds:

This, what kind of monster is this? Oh my God, what is this disgusting monster?!

On the contrary to these Liaozhou people, the ordinary people in Oran looked at these abnormal Liaozhou people with blank faces, not understanding what these people were afraid of.

Observing this extremely strange scene, Hu Teng became increasingly anxious.

She never expected that such a thing would happen in the end.

If something goes wrong with the commander, how will she face the other companions in the port area!

At this time, when he finally left the factory, the old man with white hair and dog ears and glasses who lived in the inner area also came to inquire.

When he saw Lin Lan being tightly protected by Hu Teng and Mainz, he seemed to have seen something unbelievable and sat down on the ground.

The elderly Liaozhou man did not bother to wipe the muddy water on his pants, and made a trembling voice caused by fear:

How, how is it possible?

Catching the old man's movements, Hu Teng immediately handed Lin Lan, who had fallen into a coma, to Mainz and quickly rushed to him.

Staring at Hu Teng's bronze eyes, the old man felt as if he was suffocating.

Tell me, what do you know?

An extremely majestic and terrifying aura emanated from Hu Teng, making the surrounding air seem to become sticky.

Only then did people around notice the woman with short black hair.

They had never noticed that Lin Lan had such a terrifying ship girl beside him before.

Old Liaozhou, who was being looked at directly by Hu Teng, swallowed his saliva, closed his eyes, used all his strength, gritted his teeth and said to Hu Teng word by word:

Thousands of years ago on the Nine Islands of Liaozhou, the Demon King's army was completely defeated by the brave and sealed away...


Jie Jie Jie, is it painful? Despair? Damn human beings, do you know what kind of existence you are facing? You actually want to kill me?

So what if you have such a powerful ship girl? You are just a mortal after all, and you can't escape my grasp!

A cold and sharp smile exploded from Lin Lan's brain, making Lin Lan feel extremely painful and spinning.

Seeing his girls picking him up, with anxious and crying expressions on their faces, Lin Lan found that he had lost control of his body.

The sharp pain felt like being chewed away, making him feel as if his soul was being continuously disintegrated.

As the surroundings fell into darkness, in this painful state, Lin Lan saw a twisted monster whose whole body was surrounded by thick black mist, with only one red vertical eye exposed, standing in front of him.

Is this...your true form, monster?

Lin Lan held back the severe pain all over his body, looked at the monster, and tried his best to ask.

Jie Jie, it's okay to be ignorant.

The scarlet giant eyes with vertical pupils let out a cold smile, staring at Lin Lan who was unable to move.

Originally, as long as we killed all the untouchables in Liaozhou, no one in this city would be able to see through the body that I am parasitizing.

I can continue to accumulate strength in this country that knows nothing about our power, and wait for the Demon King to return to the world.

But if you insist on ruining my good deeds and completely destroying my soul core, then you can't blame me.

The surrounding thick black mist surrounded Lin Lan and pulled him in front of the giant red vertical eye.

Being stared at by this giant red vertical eye, he felt as if he was facing an ancient evil spirit from ancient times. He was so insignificant.

You actually know that Ship Girl, you are indeed Siren's...experiment!

Although Lin Lan was in pain all over his body, he still struggled desperately while looking at the giant pupil and roaring.

But all this is in vain, he is now in his own spiritual world, and no one can help him.

Jie Jie Jie, sirens, yes, those soulless beings do call themselves sirens.

But even if you know, so what? Do you think you can escape? I want to taste your soul bit by bit, bit by bit, to let you know that you have offended the commander of the Demon King's Army, Abbott The end!

The scarlet vertical pupils that had been extremely close to Lin Lan suddenly brightened up. After saying all this in a proud tone, it sprinkled red light all over Lin Lan's body.

Just when Lin Lan looked desperately at the terrifying giant pupil in front of him, turning his face to the side and preparing to wait for death, suddenly, the vertical pupil of this big scarlet eye suddenly shrank, and he let out a shrill scream!

Ah! What is this? What is this?

Following this shrill scream, Lin Lan suddenly felt the severe pain all over his body suddenly alleviate, and the black mist that restrained his body disappeared.

How can a weak human like you have such huge soul power?

Are you... a brave man? A brave man! You can't be wrong! You are a brave man!! You are also the damn brave man from other worlds!!!

Lin Lan was shocked when he heard the crazy howl of the demon king's army named Abbott, which contained huge resentment.

It...can actually know that it is a person who has traveled through time!

You must, you must be eradicated before you grow up! Give me...go to hell!

As Abbott roared, Lin Lan's eyes widened and he saw hundreds of sharp blades condensed from black weapons appearing around the vertical pupils of this big scarlet eye.

For the Demon King to live forever!!!

The roar carried extremely terrifying madness and murderous intent, shrouding Lin Lan's soul.

Hundreds of pitch-black blades responded to this roar and stabbed fiercely at Lin Lan.

I'm sorry!

Lin Lan watched in despair as these blades got closer and closer, as if he had already seen that in the next second he would be pierced by thousands of arrows and his soul would be shattered.

But just as the tip of the blade closest to him touched his nose, all the blades collapsed in an instant.


The big scarlet eyes suddenly swelled and were bloodshot, and he let out a shocking wail.

The next second, a ray of pure white light shone into this dark world.

The huge vertical pupil eyeball exploded instantly, and a large amount of black mucus splashed out was quickly purified into fly ash under the pure white light.

Why...this country has...the witch from Liaozhou...

The black mist continued to dissipate and disappear under the illumination of white light, and even the deepest black mist was pulled out and cleared away.

Lin Lan's soul felt fresh and comfortable after being bathed in it.

Abbott's voice was full of reluctance, hatred and weakness. He used his last bit of strength to shout out the last two words:


As the last ray of black mist was completely dispelled, an incomplete black-red cube emerged from the black mist.

Is this the Mind Cube? No, is this...

Watching the familiar broken black and red square slowly turn into powder, Lin Lan seemed to have grasped something.

But the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion surged up instantly, sweeping Lin Lan's soul.

Wrapped in this pure white light, he finally couldn't resist the sleepiness and slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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