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Because many readers said they couldn't understand the recent plot and were a little confused, some even expressed doubts about the author.

Here, the author first makes a self-criticism.

Sorry, my writing skills are limited, and many of the plot details and ideas fail to satisfy readers.

In this opportunity, the author will help the readers solve their confusion, hoping to be helpful to the readers.

Readers can regard the following content as the conclusion of a short story, and this chapter does not count towards the word count of today’s update.

The world that the protagonist traveled to is an imaginary world completely different from Blue Star.

In this world, in addition to the United States of Oran, where the current protagonist is located, which is developed with technology and is very similar to Blue Star, there are other countries whose development is completely different from Oran.

Oran, an industrial power mainly based on mecha technology; the Nine Islands of Liaozhou, which is still in a feudal kingdom and has not yet been fully civilized; the Saint Rosolon Teaching State, which believes in gods and can use extraordinary magic; and Nat, Oran's century-old enemy Lan Empire...

Due to the arrival of the Sirens, many changes and turmoil have occurred in various countries in the world.

Except for Oran, which was seized by a consortium, other countries have also undergone tremendous changes in this short period of ten years due to the emergence of the Mind Cube.

And behind all this, there must be someone behind the scenes who is fueling the flames.

Why is the Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce, which obviously relies on ship girls to defend the coastline, so hostile to Oran's patron saint, the Admiralty and ship girls, and even assassinates the commander?

In Liaozhou, who has released the demon king's army that has been sealed for thousands of years and returned to the world, and brought it to Oran, which has been cut off from its route?

I believe that many smart readers already have the answer in their minds.

After Oran's story ends, the next big chapter will be the Liaozhou story (tentatively planned) with the Chongsakura Fleet as the protagonist.

But before that, the story of the protagonist and the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls in the United States of Oran will continue.

And in the United States of Oran, in addition to the ship girls from the Iron-Blooded camp, ship girls from another major camp will also appear as the protagonists.

Readers, please trust the author. This book will still focus on the daily life of the protagonist accompanying his wives. This original intention will not change.

I hope this chapter can help readers solve their doubts after yesterday’s update.

The author will still take all his free time to update and read comments amidst his heavy work.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude again for your continued reading and support. If there is anything I am not satisfied with, please forgive me.

I wish the viewers a happy viewing.

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