Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 748 Shimakaze’s “Growth” (2800 words)

Huhu~ Yukikaze-chan, Shigure-chan, don't fight~

However, just when Yukikaze was about to continue arguing with Shigure, a gentle and healing voice sounded from behind them.

It is Kashino, the girl of the Shige Sakura transport ship who has the biggest heart in Minato and a warm smile on her face.

At this time, the transport ship girl, who was panting because her chest was too heavy, finally walked up to Lin Lan with Akashi and Shiranui.

After Kashino finished speaking to Yukikaze and Shigure, he looked at Lin Lan with his purple eyes and said with an apologetic tone and a smile:

Commander, it seems that the original purchase plan in Xueying Town is going to be delayed.

Tianou Trading Company in Snow Sakura Town suddenly closed its doors today. Kashino can only take everyone in the transport fleet to another town to purchase goods later. He will not be able to return to Snow Sakura Island with you and all the adults at noon.

Hearing Kashino's words, Lin Lan smiled slightly.

Isn't this a coincidence?

The Xueying Town Trading Company agent who was about to run away with the bucket was caught by him on the way here.

Don't worry, everyone, the commander has captured the agent of Xueying Town Trading Company. There is no need to go to other towns to purchase.

And the commander has also contacted the supplier of oil and Haichen coins. Oil should be sent here tomorrow~

However, before Lin Lan had time to tell Kashino and others about this, a smiling voice came from the yard.

He looked sideways and saw that it was Musashi, Tsukuma and Fang Jin, the mayor of Xueying Town, walking out of the wooden house in the yard.

The person who opened his mouth to explain was none other than the smiling heavy cruiser Tsukuma.

Really, that's great~ Commander has really helped everyone~

After Kashino heard what Tsukuma said, he happily hugged Lin Lan into his arms, with a cute and relaxed smile on his face.

Lin Lan, who was wrapped in Kashino's soft facial cleanser, also smiled.

It seems that whether it was the scene that just happened at the entrance of the town or the order he gave to Jiang Jianmu and Ineye Rong in the Tianou Group's army, they were all observed by Chikuma's water reconnaissance aircraft.

Tsukuma's intelligence gathering ability is really strong.

Commander, as well as all the gods, please come to the humble residence to rest for a while.

Seeing Lin Lan being held in Kashino's arms, Fang Jin hesitated again and again with a red face, and invited everyone.

After all, in the impression of the mayor of Xueying Town, such intimate contact can only be carried out as a couple.

But Fang Jin then thought about it, maybe it was not impossible that the commander in front of him and these gods and adults were husband and wife.

Although monogamy is the mainstream on Inaba Island, there are still many Liaozhou main islands that still retain the polygamy system.

But what Fang Jin didn't know was that Lin Lan not only made a vow with all the Chongsakura ship girls present, but also made a vow with hundreds of ship girls from other camps.

If he knew this, the mayor of Xueying Town would definitely have his worldview collapsed on the spot just like Shen Lianying.

Lin Lan, who left Kashino's broad mind, also realized that there were outsiders here, so he coughed with a reddish face and followed Fang Jin to the wooden house in the yard with a group of Chongsakura girls.

During this period, Zhumo also smiled and said to Lin Lan:

Commander, the agent of Inaba Island and the head of the Inaba family have arrived at the entrance of Xueying Town. The agent of the trading company who left his post without permission was fined and his salary was deducted for three years.

He said that he planned to run away because he was frightened by the Demon King's army attack in the early hours of yesterday and did not want to lose his life in this remote town.

Hearing that Tsukuma was still paying attention to the situation there, Lin Lan joked to the sexy rabbit-eared heavy patrol:

Only three years of salary deduction is relatively light. If I were to punish him, I'm afraid he would have to stay in Liaozhou to shine for the rest of his life.

He and Zhumo just had a very leisurely conversation, but the content shocked Fang Jin who was following behind.

The agent of Tianou Trading Company in Xueying Town mentioned by Lin Lan and Zhumo can be said to be arrogant in Xueying Town. Not only is he extremely stingy, he also does not take her or the people in the mayor's office seriously.

But for such a disgusting greedy guy, she could have easily killed him, but when facing him, she could only swallow her anger and was forced to make many compromises to him.

After all, there is already no Adventurers Association in Xueying Town. If even the people from Tianou Trading Company evacuate, it will be even worse for the residents of Xueying Town.

As the leader of a town, she shoulders the heavy responsibility of protecting all the residents of her hometown. She is no longer the high-spirited adventurer she once was.

Fortunately, with the arrival of the Chongying gods, she was able to cooperate with the gods to bring extremely precious monster materials to Tianou Trading Company in exchange for a large amount of Haichen coins, and slapped them hard in the face.

Now, after Fang Jin heard that Lin Lan could easily determine the life trajectory of this annoying guy with just one sentence, she once again couldn't help but guess who Lin Lan was.

Although she is an Oran, she is the partner of these gods who are so powerful that she cannot look up to them.

It would be fine if Lin Lan was just a reclusive master who didn't care about worldly affairs.

But the other party not only seemed to have a very close relationship with the Tianou Group that occupied the four main islands of Liaozhou, but also had the strange ability to transform into black air currents.

To be honest, if Fang Jin hadn't known that he was the commander of the Chongying Gods in the early morning, Fang Jin, who witnessed Lin Lan using the power of breath, would have almost thought that Lin Lan was the devil on the spot.

However, Lin Lan did not intend to explain his identity to Fang Jin too much. In his opinion, the other party would not have much interaction with him in the future.

What he planned to do in Xueying Town today is basically over, and he just plans to take a short rest here before leaving.

When setting off from Xueying Island in the morning, Amagi specially listed for him what matters needed to be handled in Xueying Town.

It can be said that this resourceful Chongying counselor solved most of the problems for him that required him to use his brain.

However, such an excellent Tiancheng also brought a lot of pressure to him.

He didn't want to habitually rely too much on Amagi before returning to Minato.

Although Lin Lan also knew that his ship girls would never harm him.

But he also knew that as the commander of the port area, he also needed to constantly improve himself.

This kind of growth is what Tiancheng hopes to see.

At this time, in the three-story wooden house, all the original soldiers were arranged by Fang Jin to maintain order in Xueying Town.

Soon, as Lin Lan and others arrived on the second floor, Lin Lan saw the three sisters Amagi and Kii who had been waiting for him for a long time, as well as Izumo and...

Island breeze?

Oh, Commander is finally back! The fastest and strongest Shimakaze has been waiting for you here for a while!

As soon as he saw him open the wooden door of the room, Shimafeng flew into his arms like a gust of wind, rubbing and coquettishly.

Huh? Shimakaze, why are you here? Haven't you been incorporated into the transport fleet?

Seeing this lively and slim girl with rabbit ears rubbing her cheek in his arms, Lin Lan asked in surprise while gently patting Shimakaze's head.

He had been a little puzzled since just now, not seeing Shimakaze, Yukikaze, Kashino and others together.

Originally, he thought Shimakaze was getting lost out of habit.

Just because of Tsukuma's existence, he wasn't worried that this naturally lively little cutie would get lost. He just thought that Shimakaze was wandering around Yukisakura Town for adventure.

With Shimakaze's strength as the Thunder King, what he needs to worry about is that those who are not discerning and dare to provoke Shimakaze will be beaten up.

Hey hey~ Because the business is closed, Shimakaze was sent by Kashino-san to deliver the news to all of you. However, Tsukuma-san said that you guys will be back soon, so I asked Shimakaze to wait for you here~

But as soon as Shimakaze finished speaking, Yukikaze-sama hummed from the side and told the truth:

Shimakaze, you were obviously running too fast, Shigure and I didn't stop you.

Everyone can use the fleet channel to transmit communications. This is not a mirror sea, so you don't need to rely on you to convey messages verbally!

Hearing what Yukikaze said, Shimakaze's small amber eyes were filled with great shock.

Ahhh... yes, this is not in the Mirror Sea... Wow! Then Shimakaze, isn't this causing trouble for everyone again? I, I will reflect on it!

Seeing that Shimakaze felt guilty because of his reckless behavior, Lin Lan smiled, pinched Shimakaze's face, and said softly:

It's okay, it's okay, at least Shimakaze you have grown a lot.

Ah? Commander, is it true?

His words made Shimakaze stunned for a moment, and he looked at him with some joy and asked.

However, Lin Lan's next words made all the Chongsakura girls present laugh out loud:

Of course, my good Shimakaze, at least you didn't get lost this time and arrived directly at your destination. You've grown a lot more than before.

Whoa--Commander, please don't bring up those old things again!

After hearing the kind laughter from her companions around her, Shimakaze suddenly blushed, and then realized that Lin Lan was teasing her.

The white-haired bunny-eared girl angrily buried her head in his arms again, making a shy and cute sound.

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