Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 749 The biggest violation (3000 words)

Speaking of which, where did Shinano go?

After Lin Lan entered the room and sat down, he glanced around, but found that the lazy fox girl who was heavy on cherry blossoms was not in this spacious room.

And Musashi told him the whereabouts of Shinano with a smile:

Commander, Shinano is resting in the room upstairs. Just wake her up when we leave later.

Lin Lan smiled when he got the answer. The answer actually did not exceed his expectations.

Shinano, a member of the Shige Sakura Night Club, has always had this kind of personality.

He still remembered that in the game plot, Shinano would even sleep directly on the way to the mission of the Shige Sakura fleet.

Rather, it was very rare for Shinano to go out with them today.

Lin Lan saw that except for Shinano, all the girls from the Shigesakura ship had returned, and she knew it was time to get down to business.

As for the intruders who broke into the prison, Kuroshio and Xiaoji have informed the Lord.

Amagi sat with Akagi and Kaga.

She looked at Lin Lan with a smile, and after seeing Lin Lan nod, she continued to say to Lin Lan in a calm tone:

According to Mayor Fang's interrogation of the four adventurers, the identity of the intruder has been determined to be the captain level of the hidden crew.

The hidden crew often directly accepts the orders of the Chief Hui An. They can use the abilities of the Demon King's army. It is impossible for the Chief Hui An not to know.

My lord, Tiancheng will not play charades anymore. Tiancheng believes that the Great Master Hui An is likely to be controlled by X.

Hearing that Tiancheng was determined to point the finger at Hui An Dasi, even though Lin Lan had predicted it, he couldn't help but be surprised.

To be honest, no matter how much he hates that guy he has never met, Chief Hui An is still the co-leader of the nine islands in Liaozhou.

If the Great Master Hui An is really controlled by X erosion, although it can also explain that the hidden crew has the ability of the Demon King's army, there is still one biggest doubt.

That's why the Great Master Hui An spent so much effort to restart the brave summoning ceremony and summon him to this different world?

Seemingly seeing through the doubts in his heart, Amagi smiled softly and explained to him why she made such a judgment:

The Lord has told Tiancheng before that there has been a very serious civilization fault in the Liaozhou civilization.

But has your lord ever thought about it, if all of Gu Liaozhou's technology is really lost...

When Tiancheng said this, he glanced at Fang Jin who was listening on the side, and said to Lin Lan word by word:

How does Master Hui An master a technique as high as the Brave Summoning Ceremony and be able to use it smoothly?

Although Tiancheng's words were not loud, they were like thunder, making Lin Lan's eyes widen.

He really has never thought about this issue from this perspective.

That's right, now that the Liaozhou Civilization has fallen to the point where it cannot even defeat the United States of Oran, it is completely unable to compete with the Demon King's army.

Then why can Chief Hui An initiate the brave summoning ceremony?

The technology that could summon him from Blue Star to another world would be at the pinnacle of difficulty level in Ancient Liao Continent.

If Amagi hadn't caught this detail, he would have ignored this most unexplainable situation.

You are right Tiancheng. It seems that there is definitely something wrong with the Hui An Chief. I didn't consider it before...

Just when Lin Lan was a little annoyed that he didn't even notice such an obvious violation, Fang Jin, who had never dared to speak, suddenly spoke cautiously:

Well, Sir Commander, dear gods, are the brave men you call the brave men who defeated the Demon King and the Demon King's army on Liaozhou a thousand years ago?

After hearing Fang Jin's words, both Akagi and Falcon cast dissatisfied glances at him.

When the commander and Lord Amagi are talking, there is no room for outsiders to interrupt.

But this was still someone else's mansion after all. Even though Akagi and Hayabusa were dissatisfied, they didn't say anything out of etiquette.

Yes, we are discussing this.

Lin Lan noticed that Tiancheng knew that Fang Jin would tell these things here, so he did not hide it and admitted it frankly.

After receiving his confirmation, Fang Jin plucked up the courage, clenched his hands into fists, and continued to say to him with some excitement:

Sir Commander, according to the legend of Liaozhou, the brave man...should have died together with the Demon King a thousand years ago.

And now in Liaozhou, no one even knows the name of the legendary brave man, and the brave summoning ceremony is unheard of.

Fang Jin's words surprised Lin Lanpo.

Could it be that Chief Hui An hid the news and secretly started the brave summoning ceremony?

In his opinion, if Chief Hui An initiates the Brave Ceremony, he will definitely not hide the news.

Unexpectedly, the brave summoning ceremony was conducted in secret, or the information was blocked.

If Chief Hui An had no evil intentions, such an ancient summoning ritual that could not only enhance the cohesion of the entire Liao Continent but also strengthen his own centralization would never have been done so secretly.

Combined with the fact that the Great Master Kaguya placed many spells on the body of a generation of brave Yuki, he planned to control him into a puppet...

Thinking of this, Lin Lan couldn't help but feel a little hairy behind her back.

The co-leader of the Nine Islands... is very likely to have been corrupted and distorted by X.

But another problem arises.

Yuki was sealed together with Kamire Sakura a thousand years ago. During this period, they were basically dormant and did not really experience the ravages of thousands of years.

But is it possible that the Great Master Hui An has lived for more than a thousand years?

Lin Lan narrowed his eyes. How many years Hui An Da Si had lived was not important to him.

Now that this guy and the Nine Islands Alliance have been inferred by Amagi to be connected to X, he will no longer regard the Nine Islands Alliance as a tool.

The top priority right now is to rescue Yuki from the hidden crew.

If Yuki falls into the hands of Kaguya Daiji who is controlled by X, no one knows what will happen to him.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan stopped talking nonsense and said directly to Fang Jin:

Let me tell you this, Mayor Fang, the co-leader of the Nine Islands in Liaozhou, Hui An Taisi, has probably got together with the Demon King's army.

The brave man and the demon king back then did not die, but the brave man used himself as a medium to seal the demon king and the four commanders of the demon king's army for a thousand years.

The Demon King and the Demon King's army are actually your compatriots who were corrupted by X... and were corrupted by evil spirits.

Hearing Lin Lan's words, Fang Jin, who had always been calm, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him with disbelief written all over his face.

How do you know...

When Fang Jin saw the calm eyes of the gods around her, she immediately realized that the Chongying gods had already known about this situation.

Seeing Fang Jin's dull look, Lin Lan sighed softly and continued:

The Yuki we asked you to help search around Xueying Town was the brave man who once saved Liaozhou and the world.

It's just that because of her amnesia, she was captured by the hidden crew of the Great Master Hui An. It is possible that the Great Master Hui An, like the former Demon King, was corrupted by evil spirits and distorted his mind.

The co-leader of the Nine Islands you call may be the real demon king who will bring disaster to the world again in this thousand years.

By the time Lin Lan finished speaking, Fang Jin was trembling all over and seemed unable to accept the truth.

At this time Tiancheng spoke to Lin Lan and said:

My lord, just now Tsukuma has told Amagi the rescue plan you and Mikasa mentioned.

Amagi believes that the rescue plan formulated by the Lord does not need to be modified.

The first counselor of Chongying looked thoughtful, swaying her fox tail behind her, and spoke her opinion unhurriedly:

In the next three days, the Shigesakura fleet can prepare for the expedition in advance and wait for the oil supplies from Awazu Castle to be delivered.

After the master has conquered the ancient ruins of Inaba Island, he can lead the team to the Tianou Group headquarters on Zhubian Island, and then move to Yanrong Island.

The follow-up finishing work of the island core ancient ruins on Inaba Island can be left to the supervision of our partners who stay in the Yukisakurajima Port area. Your Majesty, you can rest assured.

After Amagi finished speaking, Mikasa, Chongyakura's senior, also looked at Lin Lan and said with a firm tone of assurance:

After I return to the island at noon, I will write these arrangements into a plan and hand them over to Nagato and the Great Sage in person. I believe they will support the commander.

Musashi, Akagi, and other girls from the Sakura ship also nodded, saying that they would go all out to implement Lin Lan's arrangements.

After all, before this, their threat assessment to the Nine Islands Alliance was just that of an ordinary weak force in another world.

Even if Yuki is captured by the hidden crew, they are confident enough to rescue Yuki.

But now, through Amagi's judgment, they have understood that the Nine Islands Alliance and Hui An Dasi are very likely to be enemies that have been corrupted by X distortion like the Demon King's army.

This matter is related to the invasion of the mysterious enemy

All the girls from the Sakura ship present, including Yukikaze, Shigure, and Yudate Shimakaze, knew that the crisis was approaching.

In order to protect the commander, everyone must tide over the difficulties together, and we must never be as relaxed as before.

After that, Lin Lan also learned from Tsukuma that Jiang Jianmu, the general agent of Inaba Island, and Inaba Rong, the head of the Inaba family, were about to arrive here.

So Lin Lan stood up and planned to let Shimakaze wake up Shinano.

He planned to take everyone around Xueying Town, go to the trading house to purchase supplies, and then return to the port area of ​​Xueying Island.

Matters after Xueying Town can be left to the mayor of Tu Er, who is still in a daze, to handle it himself.

He has paved the way for the future development of Xueying Town, enough to repay Fang Jin for his previous help to the Chongying camp.

But just when Lin Lan was about to say goodbye to Fang Jin, the mayor of Rabbit Ears had red eyes with tears at the corners, and his eyes were locked on him.

Lord Commander, who are you...? How did you learn about the existence of the Hero Summoning Ceremony and the true origin of the Demon King's Army?

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