Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 817 The Illusion of Inner Heaven and Earth (3000 words)

After Lin Lan awakened the invisible breath, the black mist that controlled the breath swallowed up all the power of faith in these church magic props.

Originally, he was a little worried whether this formation would also suppress the power of the invisible breath.

It turned out that he was overthinking.

Since he and Qi are now almost integrated, he can also feel the state of Qi in this formation.

He even felt that the power of breath was more active in the light beam of this formation than in the outside world.

It seems that there is still a certain difference between the power of breath and the energy of X...

Lin Lan felt the satisfaction that came back after swallowing the power of faith, and silently made a judgment in her heart.

Afterwards, he waved with Yun Xian, Akagi and others, and under the light of the small beam of light controlled by the Purifier, activated the commander's uniform, and stepped onto the ruins of the collapsed island core altar in front of him.

Just like yesterday, when he came within reach of the original power that was completely eroded by X, strong negative emotions emerged from his heart.

In addition to the swirling aura of the surrounding black light mass flowing around him, wisps of pure golden light also surrounded his armor.

Commander, if something unexpected happens, please come back immediately.

Unzen's worried voice sounded from the fleet channel.

Well, if you find something wrong, don't stay here for a long time. You can evacuate first.

Lin Lan responded when he activated the Touch of Holy Mercy skill.

He didn't think he was in any danger.

On the contrary, if any emergency situation arises for his ship girls, it will be even more difficult for them to escape when they are surrounded by the incarnations of X.

After saying that, he no longer hesitated, raised his hand and reached into the black whirlpool.

Fellow Taoist, fellow Taoist?

With the breeze blowing on his face, a clear and clear voice of a middle-aged man came to Lin Lan's ears, making him look around blankly.

The crazy twisted and squirming incarnation of X, the ruins of the shimmering island nuclear core, and his ship girls and sirens, all disappeared at this time.

Even the commander's uniform on his body was missing.

He was actually alone in a quiet bamboo forest.

Almost instinctively, Lin Lan touched in his pocket.

Sure enough, only the Reality Lens was in his pocket.

Lin Lan realized that he had entered a world of hallucinations or memories just like yesterday on Inaba Island.

The light group of Shimmer Island's original power in front of him had long since disappeared, replaced by an earth-tile thatched hut in a bamboo forest with Donghuang characteristics.

Fellow Taoist, I have been waiting for you.

Only then did Lin Lan look at the person who had been talking beside him.

This is a thin man with black hair and black eyes wearing a white and blue robe, with a simple sword hanging on his back.

He has a handsome face, and his black eyes reveal an aura of vicissitudes of life.

You...can see me?

Lin Lan spoke in surprise.

Different from the memory fragment of Inaba Island yesterday, this man with extraordinary temperament in front of him could actually talk to him?

Hehehe, fellow Taoist, you are joking, since you can come here, I can naturally see you.

It's not in vain that I have waited for so many years, and finally I have waited.

Hearing Lin Lan's question, the man's face showed a bright smile.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Lin Lan felt as if she felt relieved after hearing his question.

Ah, I haven't introduced myself to fellow Taoists yet. My name is Zhuo Haokong, and I am the eighth generation head of Yantian Division.

Before Lin Lan could continue to ask him where this place was and how he got here, the other party introduced himself with a smile.

Zhuo... Haokong? Are you the great master of the Natlan Empire who died of poisoning after eating mushrooms on Shimmer Island?!

When Lin Lan heard the name, his eyes widened immediately and he blurted it out.

And this also made the middle-aged man with a free and easy temperament stiffen his face, and scratched his head with an embarrassed smile:

Ah haha, Taoist friend seems to know my life experience. I'm so ashamed, so sorry, but the roasted mushrooms smell so fragrant that I couldn't help it...

Seeing that the other party admitted the matter generously, Lin Lan took a deep breath.

He never expected that the kind-hearted middle-aged man in front of him was actually the Imperial Grand Master.

So where is this place? You should have been dead for more than four hundred years, right?

Although Lin Lan still had many questions in his mind that he wanted to confirm, he still chose to get straight to the point and asked.

This place is definitely an illusion, there is no doubt about it.

His ship girls are still anxiously waiting for him to purify the island's nuclear power. He can't stay here for too long.

Since the soul of fellow Taoist can come here, it means that fellow daoist must have touched the inner formation of the Haoyan Formation that I set up. Fellow daoist... must be the brave man in the legend of Shentu Liaozhou, right?

Zhuo Haokong saw that Lin Lan chose to get straight to the point, so he stopped being polite, the smile on his face slowly faded, and he continued to answer:

I traveled alone across the ocean to Shentu Liaozhou, and traveled around the islands for decades, just to find a way to unlock the god-killing curse in my emperor's bloodline.

I never thought that I would discover the truth about the God-killing War and the path of extreme power in this sacred land.

It's a pity that when I learned all this, I already knew that my end was coming and I couldn't return to my roots. I could only sacrifice my life to help my friend create this great formation, leaving a trace of my soul in the 'inner world' of the inner formation. Gou Yan.”

Zhuo Haokong explained his past to Lin Lan in a few words.

It turned out that Zhuo Haokong who appeared in front of Lin Lan was just a remnant soul.

This illusion known as the Inner Heaven and Earth was created by the energy provided by the vast formation that he set up during his lifetime to contain the spread of X.

Lin Lan's mind was running rapidly at this time, quickly sorting out all the information the other party said.

Four hundred years ago, at that time, the Natlan Empire should have just begun to have contact with the United States of Oran, and the long Hundred Years War had not yet begun.

And Zhuo Haokong in front of him could come to Liaozhou alone, which meant that he must have resigned from the post of Grand Master before setting off.

As for Zhuo Haokong adding the word divine soil before Liaozhou's name, he understood it quickly.

The ten islands of Liaozhou and all living creatures were originally created by the gods themselves.

Whether they are monsters, plants, or people in Liaozhou, they have all been blessed by the original power of the gods.

Liaozhou is truly a well-deserved sacred land.

The God-killing War...the God-killing Curse, what exactly is going on?

How did you get your ultimate power?

Lin Lan thought of this, looked at Zhuo Haokong in front of him, frowned and asked.

After hearing Lin Lan's question, Zhuo Haokong's remaining soul silently stared at his face, as if confirming something.

Fellow Taoist, you haven't been to the Natlan Empire yet, right?

Zhuo Haokong did not answer his question directly, but suddenly asked back.

Of course not, but I do know that the Natlan Empire still exists today, and I will go there sooner or later.

Also, that formation of yours is about to expire, and the X... Shimmer Island Liaozhou evil spirit you contained is about to burst out.

While Lin Lan told the truth, he also briefly stated the critical situation in the outside world.

“Well, counting the time, it’s indeed time.

Since fellow Taoist can reach the deepest part of this underwater island, I think that along the way, we have also solved many of the same difficulties as Shimmer Island on other islands.

Sure enough, the brave man is just as described in the legend. He is a just and kind-hearted person who cares about the common people, haha.

When Zhuo Haokong said this, he sighed bitterly.

He raised his head and looked at the sky above the bamboo forest, wondering what he was thinking.

Lin Lan followed his gaze and found that the sky was already covered with spreading cracks, like dense spider webs.

This scene also made Lin Lan guess that Zhuo Haokong's remaining soul should be dissipated soon.

The previous earthquake on Shimmer Island and the words the Purifier said to him all proved that this formation did not have much time left.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the formation arranged by the Grand Master of Natlan will completely collapse.

Fellow Taoist, since you are the one chosen by the gods, it means that you must have a way to solve the god-killing curse.

I implore you, in the future, you must go to the imperial capital and lift the god-killing curse of my emperor's bloodline for the sake of the oppressed people.

Zhuo Haokong suddenly changed the subject and immediately knelt down on his knees.

This great national master, who had a distinguished status during his lifetime, actually kowtowed to Lin Lan with great piety.

No, you should explain clearly what the God-Killing Curse is first. Otherwise, how will I know how to lift the God-Killing Curse?

As soon as Lin Lan opened her mouth, she noticed that the figure of the middle-aged man in front of her was gradually becoming transparent.

At the same time, the cracks in the air also spread to the bamboo forest around them.

Obviously, this so-called inner world illusion is on the verge of collapse.

But at this moment, Zhuo Haokong suddenly stood up from the ground.

He quickly fumbled for a ring from his robe and quickly stuffed it into Lin Lan's hand.

Before Lin Lan could speak again, Zhuo Haokong, who was on the verge of disappearing, stared at him hastily and said to him:

This thing is the Sumeru Ring, the head of our sect Yantiansi. I have untied its shackles. After you go out, you can recognize the master with a drop of blood.

When you arrive in Natland, you can use this object to call on the kings of the two western and northern states to help you.

Remember, you must never practice extreme power. All paths have already been contaminated by the evil spirits recorded in Liaozhou!

You must seek justice for all the people on Natland who have suffered from the Extremes, and lift the god-killing curse of our emperor's bloodline!

As the last word fell, the remnant soul of Zhuo Haokong in front of Lin Lan completely turned into nothingness as the illusion collapsed.

And when he suddenly came to his senses, he found that he was once again standing in front of the original power of the shimmering island core that had turned into gray.

Everything just happened seemed like a dream that had never happened.

It's just that around him, both the wriggling and twisted incarnations of X and the golden light curtain of the formation have disappeared.

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