Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 818 Isn’t he just a wall? Let me push him back (2800 words)

Lin Lan took a long breath.

Thanks to Xi's continuous supply of mental power, his current mental power is still full.

Although what happened just now was unreal, Zhuo Haokong's words before he disappeared still echoed in his mind.

The Natlan suffering from the Extremes?

To seek justice for the common people?

He clearly remembered that Natland's Ultimates were the foundation of the Natland Empire, and they were capable of tearing apart Tyrant Mechas.

What exactly is the god-killing curse?

Why is Zhuo Haokong so sure that he can lift it?

Before he could conclude anything from the words Zhuo Haokong's remnant soul entrusted to him, a violent tremor came from his feet and he almost lost his balance.

This earthquake is much larger than the previous ones, and it has no tendency to stop!

Commander! Commander!!!

At this time, Mikasa's urgent voice sounded on his fleet channel:

Kamirei Sakura said that before the original power of the island core is completely purified, the top wall of Shimmer Island will collapse soon without the formation to replace the original power provided by the island core!


Lin Lan was shocked when he heard Mikasa's anxious words and looked up.

Just above the gray shimmering island core, the original power of the light group, the thick top wall began to sink as a whole while shaking.

A large number of stalactite pillars and stones broke and fell, hitting the surrounding ruins and kicking up large amounts of dust.

Ta-ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta!

The sound of anti-aircraft gunfire sounded, causing Lin Lan to quickly turn his head to look at his ship girls.

At this time, they had all unfolded their ship equipment and opened fire together with the Siren's Type IV Executor fleet, using anti-aircraft firepower to smash the large falling rocks into pieces.

It's broken, it's broken! If you purify it, purify it. Why did you completely disintegrate this formation?

The angry voice of the Purifier suddenly inserted into their fleet channel:

It's over now. This island under the sea relies entirely on the power of that formation to maintain its existence.

The Scavengers and I finally figured out how to operate it and reinforced it. I didn't expect you to disintegrate the formation without making a sound. Now this island is completely ruined!

After hearing the Purifier's words, Lin Lan gritted his teeth and said almost without thinking:

Don't say these useless things. Purification dear, please immediately send the siren fleet on the seaside of Jiye City to the city to protect the city residents with anti-aircraft guns!

As long as the original power of the island core is purified, everything will be fine!

Lin Lan looked at the original power of the island core in front of him, which was only one step away from completely completing the purification, and desperately urged his mental power to invest in driving the Touch of Holy Mercy skill.

Ah? Are you crazy? Now we retreat to the beach immediately, but there is still a 77% chance of leaving. If...

The Purifier wanted to say something else in the fleet channel, but was suppressed by Yun Xian's voice:

Just do what the Commander says! Trust the Commander!

The next second, a white origami water dragon shikigami rushed up and swam behind Lin Lan, blocking a large number of falling rocks with its hovering body.

The Dragon God Shimanshi showed her full power at this time, causing everyone's air defense pressure to suddenly lighten.

But compared to the natural disasters that affected the entire Shimmer Island, even if Lord Dragon God could protect them, he still could not interrupt the trend of destruction of Shimmer Island.

Commander! Wei Guangchen said that she has activated the Wei Guang family's defensive barrier, and Ji Ye City can still hold on for three minutes at most!

Musashi's solemn voice sounded from the fleet channel.

Her original intention was to temporarily reassure Lin Lan that there would not be a large number of casualties in Jiye City in a short time.

But Lin Lan's face became increasingly ugly.

three minutes……

These short three minutes determine the life or death of so many innocent people in Jiye City!

The black roof above them was sinking slowly and unstoppably. It was obviously showing signs of breaking off entirely and allowing seawater to rush in.

And although the island core power of faith light group in front of Lin Lan is only one step away from complete purification, no one knows how long this step will take.

The horrifying sight of the ceiling sinking, as if the sky was constantly pressing down, cast a deep sense of depression in everyone's hearts.

Amidst the violent shaking, Lin Lan's eyes suddenly noticed a function on the operating system of his commander's weapon that he had hardly used.

A bold idea suddenly jumped out of his mind.

Akashi Shiranui! Come to me quickly and take out all the Mind Cube!

Lin Lan didn't bother to explain too much and shouted excitedly on the fleet channel.

Kaohsiung, Atago, you cover them and get close to the commander!

Akagi's order immediately sounded in the fleet channel.

The two named small profiteers, who were all firing anti-aircraft guns, were stunned. As soon as they stopped firing, they were picked up from the ground by Kaohsiung and Atago and rushed towards Lin Lan.

Meow, Commander, could it be that you want to...

Compared to Shiranui who looked confused, Akashi, as a part-time scientific researcher in Minato City, immediately vaguely guessed something.

But Lin Lan just said in a cold voice on the fleet channel at this time:

Isn't it just a ceiling...

Watch me push it back!

After saying that, Lin Lan pressed the button on his weapon's operating system to activate the weapon's enlargement.

The next second, his armored body began to emit the bright light blue light of the Rubik's Cube energy.

His armored body began to grow rapidly, and in just a blink of an eye, he turned into a behemoth comparable to the highest point of the original power in the air.

Moreover, the height of the military equipment continued to increase, and eventually it became a giant standing tall and tall.

Takao and Atago paused in unison, raised their heads and looked at the mechanical giant in front of them, with extremely shocked expressions on their faces.

Does this...commander's uniform also have this function?!

Lin Lan did not answer Kaohsiung, but took a step forward and touched the source of light with the chest of the mecha.

He himself raised his hands high and tried his best to prop himself up on the top wall of Shimmer Island, which was slowly trembling and sinking above everyone!

The skill Touch of Holy Mercy can continue to purify as long as any part of his body comes into contact with an object.

And since his armor can replace him in performing the Touch of Holy Mercy, he can use the huge power of the armor to stabilize the top wall and sky of Shimmer Island while constantly maintaining purification!

At this moment, he is like the Titan god supporting the sky in the Blue Star myth!

The huge pressure from the top wall was transmitted to his shoulders, causing the ruins of the island core altar under his feet to crack and dent.

But his behavior is undoubtedly meaningful.

Wow! The earthquake has really been reduced a lot! The commander has turned into Ultraman to save the world!

Silly Shimakaze, that's not Ultraman, it's the function of the commander's uniform!

The conversation between Shimakaze and Shigure came from the fleet channel, bringing a smile to Lin Lan's face.

Although he didn't actually push the top wall back, he was still relieved to hear the ship girls say that the earthquake had lessened.

This weapon, which was born from the efforts of all the factions in his port area and the inspiration provided by his partners in the Gurlitt collaboration, fully demonstrated its power at this moment.

Even the Purifiers and Clearers stared wide-eyed, not expecting that he actually hid this hand.

But not long after Lin Lan breathed a sigh of relief, he felt the pressure on his shoulders suddenly rise.

At the same time, a harsh warning sound also sounded from the operating system of the military equipment:

Warning! Warning! The energy reserve of the Rubik's Cube is insufficient! The giant state will automatically turn off within thirty seconds, please replenish it immediately!

Lin Lan shouted loudly in the fleet channel almost without thinking:


Okay nya, I know what to do nya! Takao Atago, take me and Shiranui to the commander's back nya!

Just like Lin Lan trusted his ship girls unconditionally, Akashi immediately understood what Lin Lan was referring to, and immediately pointed out the location of the power supply equipment for the weapons to Takao and Atago.

After receiving the instructions, the two Chongying heavy cruiser girls jumped up from the ground at Lin Lan's feet without hesitation.

While holding Akashi and Shiranui, they used the power provided by the ship's suit to quickly climb up outside Lin Lan's armored body.

Hurry up, hurry up...

Lin Lan silently counted down the time in his mind, a layer of sweat forming on his forehead due to his eagerness and the increasing pressure on his shoulders.

The reduction of the Rubik's Cube's energy reserves will affect the overall power of his weapons.

If I can return to the port area smoothly, I must let Xinghai Base expand the upper limit of the energy reserve of this weapon!

Just when Lin Lan felt like he couldn't stand it any longer, and the countdown silently counting in his heart was approaching zero...

Finally, the voices of Atago and Akashi sounded on the fleet channel next to his ears:

Akashi, is this the location?

That's right, meow! Commander, the Mind Cube has been sent in, meow!

As their voices fell, the piercing alarm sound in Lin Lan's ears suddenly disappeared.

And the huge pressure on his shoulders was instantly reduced, returning to the pressure he could bear at the beginning.

Takao, Atago and the others finally caught up at the critical moment and added the Mind Cube into the power supply device of the weapon.

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