Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 824 Antiques’ design conjecture (2800 words)

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Accompanied by the roar of the main guns of the Chongsakura Fleet and the Siren IV Executor Fleet, an unstoppable huge fleet shuttled straight through the black mist and the frenzy of monsters coming from all directions.

The wind was howling, and a white water dragon was circling in the clouds, carrying a large amount of water vapor that condensed into heavy rain.

The black fog and dust caused by volcanic eruptions are also being washed away by heavy rains, and are visibly melting away step by step.

"Humph, I didn't expect that with the help of the Siren's weather control facilities, the power of this Lord Dragon God's rainfall has been greatly improved~"

Lin Lan, Akagi, Dafeng, Shimanto, and several ship girls from the hurricane camp stood on the deck of a mass-produced destroyer sailing at high speed in the rain.

It's not that Saint Martin and Royal Wealth don't want to fight the Demon King's army.

It was the efficient battle between the sirens and the girls from the Chongsakura ship that left them with no room to intervene as sailing ships, so they could only stay by Lin Lan's side to protect him.

Lin Lan let out a long sigh of relief when he heard the Master Dragon God next to him say proudly.

At this time, they were still about ten minutes away from Yanrong Island.

He, the ship girls, and the sirens worked together to create this heavy rain, hoping to alleviate the crisis situation on Yanrong Island.

He knew that heavy rain could never calm an erupting volcano.

However, sufficient rainfall can greatly relieve the pressure on towns across Yanrong Island that are being attacked by fire elemental monsters.

After he learned from Yu Zeli, the awakened commander of the Cat-eared Demon King's Army, that Yanrong Island had also been attacked by the Demon King's army sent by Chief Hui An, he immediately led the team and set off from Shimmer Island without stopping.

Thanks to the help of the gate network of Purifiers and Scavengers, it only took them less than two hours to enter the waters around Yanrong Island.

The Purifiers and Clearers also used the siren detection equipment once deployed on Yanrong Island to report to them the current dire situation on Yanrong Island, which was besieged by the Demon King's army.

In order to prevent more innocent people from being swallowed up by the sea of ​​​​fire and suffering tragic casualties, Lin Lan immediately remembered that the siren seemed to have weather control technology.

And it turns out that the Purifiers and Scavengers do have climate controllers deployed at the Siren strongholds around Yanrong Island.

So after confirming this, he immediately asked two senior sirens to activate the weather control equipment in the Yanrong Island sea area stronghold.

This device, which was previously used by the Sirens to interfere with the navigation of their fleet, now became a major help to them.

At the same time, Lin Lan also drew dozens of rain-calling talismans with the sisters Shen Lianying, and combined with the 40,000 ship power, they quickly sent the downpour to Yanrong Island.

"I didn't expect that the active volcano actually erupted without warning. According to the detection data of the equipment deployed on the island, the natural calculation system showed that the next eruption of the volcano should be on March 21st, 8th year. .

"This broken natural calculation system takes up so much of my purifier's cache, and it's useless at all. I'll uninstall it later!"

At this time, the Purifier fell from the sky in a hammerhead shark suit and said with an unhappy expression.

Hearing the Purifier's complaints, Lin Lan sighed and said to the Purifier in the rain:

"No matter what, the Demon King's Army is a product of X erosion, so it makes sense that it will not be affected by your natural calculation system.

"And this volcanic eruption is not only related to the Demon King's Army. It is probably caused by the Demon King's Army using the power of the core of Yanrong Island."

Through what he saw and heard in the ancient ruins of Inaba Island and Shimmer Island, Lin Lan had a deep understanding of how powerful the original power of the island core was.

Once these original powers are completely corrupted and out of control by X, they will trigger extremely terrifying natural disasters.

"Sir Commander, according to the information revealed by that little one, it seems that the commander of the Demon King's Army was directly sent to the core of Yanrong Island?"

Dafeng's clothes and hair were soaked by the rain at this time, but this bad weather still did not let her leave Lin Lan's side.

She recalled the information Yu Zeli told them on the way from Shimmer Island and confirmed it.

"Yes, it is the crater-shaped arc city known as Foehn Dome in the ancient Liaozhou era."

After hearing Dafeng's words, Lin Lan nodded with a headache.

Sister Shenlianying is currently in the cabin, telling Yu Zeli about the situation in Liaozhou a thousand years later.

Sister Shenlianying had already told him the information about Yanrong Island's nuclear ancient ruins before setting off.

Foehn Dome was a city that once used a large number of barriers to absorb and transform fire elements. Now, thousands of years later, the sky must be filled with broken barrier fragments and small barriers.

It was impossible for them to directly take the Light Butterfly to reach the Island Core Altar from the air.

What's more, the commander of the Demon King's army who was sent by Chief Hui An didn't know whether he would set up an ambush in the ruins.

The risk of going to the Yanrong Island Nuclear Altar from the air was so great that even if he wanted to use the brave skills with a carrier-based aircraft to open the portal, he couldn't do it.

But right now, the hot magma erupting from the crater is approaching the coastal city spreading to Yanrong Island.

If we don't seize the time to purify the original power of the island core of Yanrong Island, I am afraid that all the residents of Yanrong Island will not be able to escape the fate of being swallowed by the magma.

"Anyway, we will go directly to the city where the Tianou Group Building is located on Yanrong Island later, and first let the general agent of Tianou on Yanrong Island order the transfer of all the refugees to the ship."

Lin Lan looked at the Chongsakura Ship Girl and Siren Fleet fighting against the Demon King's army on the surrounding ocean, and whispered his plan:

“The commander of the Demon King’s Army deployed so many monsters and black mist on the sea, probably because he wanted to completely block Yanrong Island.

"And with the help of the Siren Executor fleet, these black mist filled with X's aura should be dispelled and torn apart soon.

"We have to prepare for the worst and ask ordinary Liaozhou people in various towns to temporarily move away from Yanrong Island, and then find a way to get to the core of the island."

In Lin Lan's view, human life is at stake.

The towns on Yanrong Island can still be rebuilt after being swallowed by magma, and the original power of the island's core can be purified in no hurry. We can wait until dawn for a long-term plan.

But once the lives of the local Liaozhou residents are lost, they can never come back.

Regarding Lin Lan's plan, both Chicheng and Jinlu nodded and prepared to implement it.

After all, Lin Lan is their most beloved commander. On the battlefield, they will obey Lin Lan unconditionally.

However, the Purifiers and the Clearers who subsequently landed from the sky had no objection to Lin Lan's arrangement.

They also immediately started mobilizing the executor fleet to execute Lin Lan's plan and input programming instructions for the subsequent battle.

Obviously, there is no need for the two of them to completely obey Lin Lan's arrangements. They can even make optimal tactical arrangements independently based on data deductions.

But at the moment, the two senior siren girls didn't even notice themselves. They had habitually followed Lin Lan's orders for the next battle.

Even in their minds, they had a belief that as long as they carried out Lin Lan's orders, the worst-case scenario would never happen.

Even though this process was not the optimal solution deduced by their program, they all ignored the so-called "efficient" goal they had implemented.

This is undoubtedly an unprecedented change for Antiques, who advocates rigor and meticulousness.

The fierce battle with the Demon King's army at sea soon came to an end.

Although the carrier-based aircraft and torpedoes of the Sakura ship girls and the Executor are not yet equipped with elemental damage upgrade modules.

But the problem is that the Demon King's army really can't withstand the power of Rubik's Cube technology and equipment.

The Sea Demon King's army is mainly composed of various marine monsters corroded by X.

These monsters are still flesh and blood, and have not acquired the strange physical damage immunity of the incarnation of X that was completely eroded by X in the depths of the island core ruins.

Even after the Demon King's army monsters are blasted to pieces, X-corrosion substances that are extremely difficult to clean will remain floating on the sea from the corpses.

But the girls of the Chongsakura Ship have already mastered the method of using elemental skills to efficiently clean up these black crawling substances covering the sea surface.

And those Type IV Executors brought by the Purifiers and Cleaners were also equipped with devices that were previously in the Siren Fortress and could spray elemental light streams to clean up X erosion.

Lin Lan looked at the disgusting black matter that was being cleaned up by the Chongying Ship Girl and the Executor Fleet around the remains of the monster corpses on the sea, and suddenly remembered something.

He remembered that in the game plot, many warships and offshore platforms in the original world seemed to use floating technology that could be called science fiction.

In addition, his eyes glanced at the Purifiers and Clearers still suspended in the air around him.

If he remembered correctly, it seemed that all high-level sirens, whether experimental institutions or arbitration institutions, except Strenkus, could fly.

Even for Strenkus, it shouldn't be impossible to temporarily levitate himself through the technology of reversing the gravity field.

Combined with the black X erosion that spread across the sea in front of him, limiting the movement range of the Sakura ship girls...

Lin Lan had a vague guess in his mind.

Is it possible that all high-level sirens were designed to fight X in this situation when the original world was designed?

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