Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 825 General Agent of Yanrong Island

It doesn’t matter whether Antix was born specifically to fight X, but this kind of ship-mounted floating technology did make Lin Lan a little jealous.

Even if the ship's equipment does not support this kind of upgrade, maybe mass production models or maritime mobile platforms can use this technology?

In the future, he and the ship girls will inevitably have to fight X in this different world.

Lin Lan secretly decided that when he returned to the port area, he would have to let Xinghai Base see if this technology could be developed.

He vaguely remembered that one of his meta ship girls, Princeton meta, had served on the council of the original world.

Maybe Princeton meta left some relevant technologies behind when he was in the port area.

At this time, as everyone passed through the black mist and cleaned up the black crawling matter on the sea, Yanrong Island also appeared in front of them.

In the center of the island, which is now covered by torrential rain, the towering crater is still emitting thick black smoke and hot magma.

From a distance, these orange-yellow magma seas spread from the volcano to the surrounding island like a tide, making the island look like it is burning.

Even if there is a storm, it is still impossible to extinguish the magma.

This was the first time Lin Lan witnessed a volcanic eruption with his own eyes, and he was stunned by this natural disaster.

The girls on the Juozakura ship at sea all returned to the mass-produced model he was carrying. Unzen, Mikasa, and Musashi also took back their ship equipment and walked to his side in the rain.

"Sure enough, just as the commander just predicted, this island looks like it will be swallowed up by magma soon."

Senior Mikasa looked at Yanrong Island where they were approaching and let out a sigh.

Musashi also said with a solemn expression:

"The coastal towns on this island should soon be swallowed up by the magma sea. Commander, should we go to the nearest town first?"

After hearing Musashi's question, Lin Lan thought for a moment, looked at the Purifier in the rain, and said loudly:

"Purification dear, you must have a way to hack into the Tianou Group's communication system on Yanrong Island, right?"

"That's for sure. If you want, I can now transfer your voice into it."

After receiving the Purifier's confident confirmation, Lin Lan immediately arranged for the Purifier to connect to the Tianou Group's communication system.

He would first communicate with the local general agent and introduce the identities of his team.

Otherwise, with so many Siren enforcers around them, they would definitely be attacked by the Tianou Group's fleet as enemies.

In just a few seconds, the Purifier is ready.

She raised her hand and controlled the hammerhead shark's suit to emit a blue three-dimensional illusory luster in front of everyone.


After a burst of communication blindness, a surprised middle-aged woman's voice soon sounded on the mass-produced destroyer:

"I am the general agent of Tianou Group in Yanrong Island. Who are you? How do you access this special communication channel?"

The other party's communication equipment obviously does not have a projection function, so the video here cannot be seen.

Lin Lan recalled the information Jian Qianou had given him in his mind.

He soon recognized that the female general agent on the opposite side of the communication should be Sun Mitong.

Coincidentally, Sun Mitong was actually the biological mother of Sun Dewang, the fat man who had collaborated with him many times in the Western Continent.

Sun Dewang's father, Guo Qingyun, is also the general agent of Tianou Group in Liaozhou, but on Yuze Island.

The reason why Sun Dewang did not take his father's surname was because Guo Qingyun came into Sun Mitong's family as a wife.

After Lin Lan learned about Sun Dewang's identity, he felt emotional for a while.

No wonder Sun Dewang became the general agent of Tianou at a young age. It turns out that his parents are senior leaders of Tianou Group.

If Liaozhou hadn't been cut off by the sirens, causing Sun Dewang's parents to be trapped in Liaozhou, the fat man wouldn't have been sent to Lihu County by the Tianou Group.

After all the causal relationships flashed through Lin Lan's mind, he cleared his throat, pretended to have a mature voice, and said:

"Sun Mitong, tell me, besides me, who else can connect to Tianou's secret communication channel at this moment?"

As soon as Lin Lan finished speaking, there was a burst of noise from the other end of the communication created by the Purifier.

"Lord Stalker! Yes, I'm sorry. Yanrong Island, which you entrusted to my jurisdiction, suffered such a huge loss. I, I really should die to apologize!"

After a while, Sun Mitong's voice came again.

But this time, the other party's voice was full of fear and trembling, as if he was scared out of his wits.

This also made Lin Lan feel helpless. It seemed that the old man Jian Qianou really had a strong deterrent effect on everyone in the Tianou Group.

"Without further ado, this natural disaster was caused by the Nine Islands Alliance and the Demon King's Army. I have already investigated clearly and it is not your fault.

"The fleet led by me is about to arrive at the port of Fenxi City. The Demon King's army besieging Yanrong Island has also been defeated. You should immediately start the transfer of victims from various cities and prepare for the victims to evacuate Yanrong Island first.

"Also, inform the fleets in each city that the sirens are my allies and do not attack them."

After Lin Lan said all this, without waiting for the other party to reply, he made a gesture to indicate that the Purifier would interrupt the communication.

After turning off the communication, the Purifier looked at him in surprise and asked jokingly:

"When did you become a Tianou Stalker? Isn't this purification person who remembers the experimental material called the AL area an old man?"

"Then you have to ask the builders and testers. It's really thanks to their help."

Lin Lan rolled his eyes at the Purifier and replied angrily.

He did not expect that the purifiers and purifiers who were both experimental institutions did not know about these things that happened in the United States of Oran.

Could it be that the observers had known for a long time that these two idiots were unreliable and had partially blocked their shared database?

If this is the case, will the Purifiers and Scavengers fight alongside them on Liaozhou, and are they also part of the Observer's plan?

Did the observers already know that Di Beilu would come to Liaozhou to summon X?

Lin Lan took a breath when she thought of this.

He felt that this speculation was too unfounded and unsupported by any evidence.

Rather than the observer deliberately hiding these data, he is more inclined to believe that there is a delay in updating the data of the Antix network between the Liaozhou and Oran regions.

"Purifiers, Purifiers, you will send the executor fleet around Yanrong Island in a moment to wipe out all the Demon King's troops on the sea.

"The carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier chess players also flew over those towns, mainly attacking the fire element monsters."

After Lin Lan gave the two senior siren girls the follow-up instructions for the Executor Fleet, he turned to Yun Xian and said:

"Let everyone go back to the mass-produced destroyer to rest for a while. Let the sirens handle the battlefield cleanup at sea."

"After we arrive at Fenxi City in a while and meet up with the general agent of Tianou Group, we will see if we can find a way to avoid the magma and enter the ancient ruins at the core of the island."

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