Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 845 Arbitration Organization for Hunting Embers

On a red ocean filled with the wreckage of mass-produced Sirens and Executors, the remaining Executors of various types are constantly recovering the wreckage floating on the sea.

The sky, which was reflected red by the ocean, was filled with a large number of black crystal particles.

The parts of the Siren wreckage that were damaged by the explosion were also contaminated with these black crystal dust.

Here is an experimental world created by sirens.

Creating the world, perhaps for many civilizations, is as high a fantasy as a god.

But for Antix, the Rubik's Cube technology that creates the world has long been widely used on a large scale.

Either use mirror technology to create a world directly from scratch, or gradually penetrate and transform the original natural world.

In Antix's database, the number of experimental worlds, large and small, has already exceeded 10,000.

Obviously, this experimental world of Antix was attacked by a meta ship not long ago.

The tragic battlefield at sea shows that this battle caused immeasurable losses to the fleet that Antix left behind.

A Meta ship is a special state that a normal ship enters due to various reasons and gradually loses its reason and emotions.

Once a ship officially enters meta state, it can no longer return to its original normal appearance.

What awaits them is a complete over-metamorphosis, turning them into mindless monsters filled with terrifying power.

This also means that all the meta ship girls in Linlan Port were once ship girls with normal minds.

They are two completely different people from the normal ship girls with the same name.

This also makes many meta ship girls often express envy after they join the Linlan Port area and see how happy the ship girls with the same name are.

However, it is worth mentioning the Knight of the Sea U556 from the iron-blooded camp.

This little submariner of the wolf pack is an exception.

When she was protecting Bismarck, who was being corroded by the Metacube, she was eroded by the meta energy of the Metacube due to close contact with him.

This left U556 with hidden injuries. During the game's Sora Intersection event, he was injured by the meta impact of the Yuan Rubik's Cube facility and fell into meta state.

Fortunately, during that event, Bismarck encountered the goddess Meta who was trapped in the illusion of Hermet's host space.

U556 was rescued during the reversible stage of metaization thanks to the metaization expertise mastered by the goddess of the kitchen meta from the original world.

When Lin Lan was in the iron-blood camp, the reason why he didn't find meta energy in U556 was also due to the care of U556 after the female kitchen god meta joined the port area.

And just when the Executor Fleet of this experimental world was silently carrying out the battlefield recovery work, a huge space crack appeared silently in the red sky.

As the cracks unfolded, three tall figures slowly flew out, surrounded by exaggerated giant ship suits.

They looked down at the severely damaged experimental world ocean with different expressions on their faces.

"Tsk, are you a little late again?"

The leader among the three is none other than Arbiter Empress III, who is wearing a white transparent gauze skirt and has long silver-white hair.

There was a rare hint of impatience on her delicate and proud face.

It has been almost a month since the last time Ember's main fleet was targeted and suppressed by many of their arbitration agencies.

She originally deduced that Ember would activate this singularity in the natural world that Zero valued at all costs, and set up defense lines and a large number of encirclement traps.

Unexpectedly, Yan Yan actually chose to retreat before the battle, which forced them to take the initiative to pursue them.

As a result, I don't know what new technology Ember used. During the pursuit, the originally huge Ember fleet gradually became smaller and smaller.

The rest of the Ember Fleet also turned into small teams composed of several meta ships and dispersed.

At first Empres believed that the other meta ships were hiding in some experimental world that they had not yet had time to recover and clean up.

This is also the most commonly used method by Ember and those meta ships to avoid Antix's pursuit.

As meta ships like them, Antix, have inherited a lot of technology from the original world, it is not difficult to forcefully control an experimental world.

Especially the leader of Ember, the key point G, the corporate meta.

Empres also doesn't know how much of the original world's Rubik's Cube technology heritage he has inherited from the Creator.

In addition, in order to collect more variables, Antix created an experimental world that is almost impossible to quantify.

These experimental worlds either self-destructed due to over-metaization of experimental samples, or were swallowed by X invasion.

Many experimental worlds have been abandoned by experimental institutions for various reasons.

Some experimental worlds that have been clearly invaded by X pollution and have not yet been completely destroyed have been settled by Ember and taken over as temporary strongholds.

If that were the case, Empres wouldn't be so troubled.

As she led the arbitration body to screen experimental worlds that Ember might enter one by one, she soon realized that Ember's strategic approach this time was very different from the past.

The meta ships they are currently encircling and suppressing are probably decoys composed of a small number of elites, deliberately destroying the experimental world to attract their attention.

And Ember's main fleet has been completely lost by them, and is no longer in any possible experimental world.

This unprecedented unexpected situation made Empres, who was named after the Queen in the Tarot cards, feel a bit angry.

Having fought against Key Point G and Ember so many times, this was the first time that she lost track of them without even knowing what methods they used.

Being played by an opponent she had always regarded as prey was not something the Queen would be happy about.

This time, she originally wanted to intercept those ember decoy fleets in advance and capture one or two meta ships to obtain intelligence data.

But even though her response was quick enough, after receiving the news that the experimental world was invaded by Embers, she rushed over with two arbiters as soon as possible.

But the result was still a step too late.

The ember decoy fleet did not completely destroy the Antiques fleet in this experimental world, and it did not even take away the energy cube array here.

This is simply a provocative and meaningless attack.

"Hey~ It seems that our place was empty again, Empres."

While Empres was looking at the experimental world that had been attacked, silently calculating the next experimental world that might be attacked, the Arbiter beside her sneered.

This is a hot white long-haired lady wearing a tight black sexy short dress and a black jacket draped over her shoulders.

Her golden eyes were flashing with light, and there was a sneer on her face.

In the hands and head of this tall arbiter, there is an iron lantern that emits a blue-white cold flame.

The huge and exaggerated black ship uniform next to her is the same as her outfit. It looks like an angler fish that lives in the deep sea and relies on light sources to hunt prey.

Arbiter Hermet IX.

In Tarot cards, it corresponds to the hermit, the arbiter who likes to think of himself as a hunter.

The other arbiter beside Hermet is the cold-blooded black-skinned royal sister, Stelenkus, who had fought with Lin Lan, White Eagle, and Chongsakura Ship Girls in Huanyang City not long ago. .

After being forcibly recalled from the natural world by Zero, Strenkus rebuilt his body and was incorporated into the operation to suppress the Ember.

Strenkus had no intention of speaking at this time, but looked expressionlessly at the ruins on the sea, as if he was not interested in anything.

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