Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 846 Memories of Empress (3100 words)

Empress heard Hermet's mocking words and had no intention of refuting them.

Hermit's mental and personality setting is such that she likes to complain. Arguing with Hermit will only make you look less valuable.

But when Hermit saw that Empres was not going to pay attention to her, she suddenly changed the subject and said with a sneer:

"Have you noticed that the meta energy left behind in this experimental world and the meta energy data left behind by the previous four baits are all different.

"This shows that no one has repeatedly attacked those meta ships, even if they are just Ember's decoy fleet.

"Not only were they able to fight with the experimental fleet here with ease, but they also showed no panic when retreating, deliberately leaving behind the Rubik's Cube energy array to irritate us.

"According to my judgment, they also have an unknown technical probability of escaping our tracking methods, which has been modified to 78%."

As an arbiter who specializes in setting traps and hunting down prey, Hermet is more efficient than other arbiters in terms of battlefield data collection and information integration calculations.

This allowed Hermit to quickly analyze the traces left by the meta ship girls in the previous battle after accessing the agency data system of this experimental world.

It even simulates the mental state of those meta ships during battle.

Hearing Hermit's conclusion, Empress frowned slightly:

"You mean, the meta ship that joined 'that person' in the port area is actually willing to obey the instructions of key point G and serve as bait?"

Prior to this, Enpress had learned that many old acquaintances of former Ember members and many other meta ships had joined the commander's port named Lin Lan.

This is no secret.

The world where Minato used to be had been protected by them under Zero's instructions.

They, Antix and Ember, all tacitly agreed not to start fighting in the world where the port area was located.

Empres had never seen that man's appearance.

In Antix's database, the experimental agency did not upload any image data of that man.

But she held the commander in high regard.

As an Arbiter who was personally created by the Judge in the original world, she probably guessed that this commander had the biggest variable in the Judge's plan.

This also made her apply to Zero many times, wanting to go to the world where that man Minato was.

Of course, all her applications were ultimately rejected because the time was not right.

If that's all, that's it.

But the accident eventually happened.

That man's port world was invaded by the X Harbinger, a Category V threat, due to the large number of meta ships.

At first, under Zero's order, Antix planned to use all resources outside that world to build the ultimate defense system against X.

However, what all the arbitrators did not expect was that the commander in the port area suddenly disappeared without a trace.

This bad news not only caused Zero's system center, which had never stopped since the destruction of the original world, to fall into sleep mode.

Even the leader of the Embers, the powerful Key Point G, went crazy and destroyed several experimental worlds by himself, intending to fight for change.

Impres had never seen the mental state of critical point G so bad.

Even when the original world was destroyed, Key Point G learned that Antix had given up on the original world, and they forcibly controlled their mental state before reaching the critical point of excessive meta.

But after the commander disappeared, she and several arbiters faced the key point G and found that the Ember leader was extremely desperate and planned to die with them completely.

Fortunately, Zero was awakened by Tova in time and urgently approved the use of Antix's trial technology - the World Folding Matrix.

By searching the countless worlds explored by the Antiques mechanism system, Zero calculated that the commander was most likely to appear in a natural world that they had long selected as an important experimental world.

In order to continue the previous collection of variables, Zero folded the commander's port area and all ships into the natural world.

After Empres informed the key point G of the information that the commander might still be alive, the other party finally regained its sanity from the edge of over-metaization.

After that, Empress never saw such a large-scale military operation like the one not long ago.

A year ago, she was led by Zero Organization to lead an arbitration organization to expel all meta ships in that natural world.

Is this to prevent the previous X invasion from happening again?

Or is it to allow these meta ships to assist Ember and go to other worlds to find commanders?

Empres couldn't guess the intention of Zero's order, but he still carried it out and successfully completed the task.

"They will cooperate with the key point G and join the ember. This is a high probability event that has been determined for a long time."

After Empress raised suspicion, Strenkus answered coldly.

Although Empress felt a little confused by Strenkus' words, he did not continue to think deeply.

In her opinion, the relationship between those meta ships and key point G was a bit too fast.

But no matter what, until Zero sends any other orders, their pursuit and suppression of the Ember Fleet can continue.

Even if those meta ships join Ember and fight with Key Point G, it will not have any impact on them continuing to implement the Judge's plan.

Whether it's an X or a meta ship.

Anyone who wants to enter the world blocked by Antix must pay a heavy price.

And just when Empres had collected the data of this experimental world and was preparing to lead Hermet and Strencus to the next ambush experimental world...

The three arbiters all moved in unison, and their eyes widened slightly.

In their communication system, they actually received an emergency command from the host, Zero.

"Empres, Strencus, and Hermet, immediately stop all current actions and wait and recuperate.

"Tova is heading to the world where the coordinates of your main control machine are located. It is expected to meet you at 2h33min to deliver your next mission."

After reading the command message from Zero, Hermet took the lead and stretched out, looked at Empres, smiled and said:

“It looks like we can take a break from this world for a while.

"Enpres, Zero actually took the initiative to issue an emergency order. Does this mean that our battle with Ember has failed?"

Faced with Hermet's sarcastic words, Empres didn't care.

Although she was the commander-in-chief of this combat operation, she allowed the Ember main fleet to escape.

But no matter what, the key point G did not open the singularity after all, activating the meta beacon to enter the multi-dimensional natural world.

As long as this strategic goal is achieved, she has completed the mission assigned to her by Zero.

As for the subsequent pursuit, it was not planned by Zero.

It's just that after she completed her mission, she simply enjoyed the fun of fighting and hunting.

"Hermit, if you don't want Empres to initiate a meaningless duel application, I suggest you say less."

Strencus, who was suspended in the air using the gravity field, said coldly to Hermet.

"How is that possible? Our proud queen will definitely not care about me."

Hermet seemed not to care at all about Strencus's reminder, she spread her hands and said with a smile:

"As an arbitration institution, we have the authority to make mistakes. Even if our actions fail, we will not be punished. Empres, you don't have to worry too much~"

Having said that, Hermet felt bored when she saw Empress just closed her eyes and ignored her.

So Hermet didn't say anything more and put her hands on the back of her head in a relaxed posture.

However, just when Hermet and Strencus thought Empress really would not refute, the queen said softly:

"Actually, Yu succeeded... Perhaps the key point is that G thinks they made a small profit, but Yu and others definitely did not lose."


It was not only Hermet who immediately asked a shocked question after hearing Empres say such playful words, as if she was meeting this proud queen for the first time.

Even Stelenkus also opened his golden eyes wide, with a look of surprise on his expressionless face.

This was the first time they heard Empres, whose personality was set to be an elegant and arrogant queen, say such down-to-earth and inconsistent words.

As if aware of the surprised emotions of his two companions, Empress still closed his eyes, but the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

The empress of the arbitration institution, in a tone full of nostalgia and bitterness, laughed at herself as if talking to herself:

"Oh, the template of this sentence is just the idea conveyed to Yu by an interesting guy who took care of Yu for the Lord Judge when he was still immature.

"Not only Yu, but Helopant and the others were also taken care of by that guy."

Hermet suddenly became interested when she heard Empres mention the unrecorded past events of the original world in a very rare way.

As the Arbiter of Antix who was created by Zero from the design drawings after the destruction of the original world, Hermet rarely heard these "predecessors" mention the past.

"Really? What kind of guy is that? Please tell me?"

Hermit asked Empres curiously, but the answer she got was only the arbitration agency battle data test application received in her system.

"Wow! Empres, you're not going to do that, are you? Okay, okay, okay, I won't ask anymore, just spare me, I'm no match for you on the frontal battlefield!"

Seeing that Empress actually sent him a duel application as Strencus reminded him, Hermet's already fair face turned even whiter.

There was a huge gap between the arbitration organizations in their combat capabilities, and she knew very well that she could never be Empres's opponent.

Once she really agrees to the duel application, Empress will definitely beat her up on the spot, and she can apply for a new management machine in the host space.

But neither Empres, who showed a faint smile, nor Hermit, who looked panicked, noticed.

Beside them, Stelenkus had quietly lowered his head and clenched his hands into fists, hiding the fluctuations in expression on his face.

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