Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 858 The Death of Huian Dasi (3100 words)

On an island surrounded by dark red sea, a majestic black air column spurted out from the center of the island and penetrated the sky.

Along the coast of this island, countless black and substance-like viscous substances are crawling, rolling and trying to pour into the sea.

But they seemed to be blocked by an invisible transparent barrier. No matter how they changed their shapes, they could not escape from the land area of ​​the island.

Around the black air pillar in the center of the island stands a huge dilapidated fortress full of vicissitudes of life.

The black ominous aura continuously gushes out from the cracks in the fortress wall. After falling to the ground, it turns into a silent roaring shadow monster and rushes madly to the coast outside the island.

Here is the Island of Divine Pity, which was exiled to the turbulent space between the abyss and the main plane.

This dilapidated castle is the space element barrier that suppresses the Abyss Demon Cave and even blocks the entire Shen Lian Island.

But thousands of years have passed, and the Abyss Demon Cave passage leading to the abyss has long been completely corrupted.

Even the core of Shen Lian Island buried beneath the fortress was completely saturated with black corrosive energy.


A girl's voice with an impatient tone sounded from the black air column erupting from the Abyss Demon Cave.

With a buzzing sound, Dibelo rode her black metal ship suit and slowly flew out of the black air column that seemed to be the enemy of all living things.

Dibel's face didn't look good at this time. Her already pale face was filled with a mixture of exhaustion and frustration.

"According to detection, the anchor point of the passage leading to the abyss is actually blocked in one direction and leads to the umbra outside the world.

"But to break through this blockade, the energy required far exceeds the upper limit that Zero has approved for me to use.

"Even with the cooperation of Lavos, there is still an 88% chance that a forced breakthrough will arouse Zero's alert and block the signal that triggers the umbra..."

The black-haired girl arbiter looked towards the sky above the black air column with her golden and red eyes.

Opposite the crack in space caused by the black air column was an unfathomable black realm.

A pale golden grid seemed to block the endless black aura pouring out of the abyss, preventing evil thoughts from outside the world that were deep enough to end all things from penetrating in.

"I didn't expect that the experimental materials in this experimental world would be so clever that they would cause me so much trouble at a critical moment."

Di Bellu clenched his fists and finished speaking in a low voice. He suddenly seemed to realize something, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

“No matter what, I have already prepared to this point, and it is impossible for me to look back.

"And I always feel like a rat is targeting me. Although the source of the rat's signal has not yet been determined, the longer it goes on, the greater the probability of failure of my plan.

"Within the scope of my search, there is only one experimental material in the LD area that is capable of deploying this level of blockade."

After finishing the words that seemed to be talking to himself, Dibelo raised his arms as if making a judgment.

A broken space crack was created by her and appeared in front of her.

And below Dibei Road, the black crawling matter and black aura around Shen Lian Island were like piranhas smelling the smell of blood, and they immediately surged towards the crack in space in front of Dibei Road like a tide.

Just before these disgusting substances and breaths approached, Dibelu entered the space crack first.

"Lord God are here..."

After Dibelu passed through the space rift, she was in the center of an extremely dark hall with no lights on.

A pious and vicissitudes of voice sounded from the throne in the main hall.

Wearing a black robe, the Great Master Hui An, guarded by two Nightmare Crystal Breakers, stood up hastily, came under the throne, and knelt down towards Dibeilu.

"In information retrieval and energy type analysis and identification, the calculation is expected to be completed in 31 seconds."

Dibel looked at the Liaozhou experiment material kneeling in front of him indifferently and ignored him.

In her opinion, the experimental material in front of her has been infected by the Category V threat, which has distorted her mind. No valuable information can be obtained from negotiating with him.

Compared with meaningless dialogue and communication, relying on the analysis and conclusions of Antix's system is the only data worthy of reference.

When Chief Hui An saw Di Beilu, he just looked at him silently and did not stand up. He still maintained his humble kneeling posture.

Time passes by just seconds by seconds.

"Identification completed, the target is 97% consistent with the energy source of the previous sample."

Soon, DiBello got the answer she wanted.

Before Chief Hui An could react, the next second, he was strangled by the neck by an irresistible force and lifted directly from the ground.

Di Beilu lifted Huian Dasi from the ground, and looked at the old man of the Hidden Snake Tribe with extremely cold eyes.

"You did a good job, and it was even enough to be recorded in the database as the best reference sample."

It was obviously the tone of a playful girl with a smile, but Di Beilu's voice made Master Hui'an widen his eyes and feel the murderous intent in his bones.

"Why... why... Lord God Envoy..."

Chief Hui An couldn't figure out why the incarnation of the god who had given him great power and an army not long ago suddenly wanted to kill him.

"According to the mental test report, you have been infected for centuries, and the pollution in the LD area should have been reduced long ago.

"I didn't expect that the reason why the LD area exists today is because of the trap you laid before me.

“If it weren’t for you, the Umbra would have come to this world long ago.

"You are an out-and-out hero. Your existence should have been included in Antix's information database that records the data of the final world."

"I really don't know how the experimental institution here collects data from the LD area."

The force in Di Beilu's hand became heavier and heavier, and even though Huian Dasi wanted to resist, he could no longer even make a sound.

He could only struggle with all his strength, but in front of Dibelu, all his struggles were in vain and useless.

"It doesn't matter, your mind has been completely distorted by the infection, and you have long forgotten your original intention.

"Let me help you free yourself from the influence of the Umbra and end your life."

As a look of determination flashed across Dibeilu's face, a crisp sound of bones breaking sounded.

A dim black aura emerged from the lifeless body of Huian Dasi, but was enveloped by the dark red light emitted by the Dibelo ship, and was completely annihilated.

Dibei Lu waved his hand and threw away the powerless body of Hui An Da Si.

And when the two Nightmare Crystal Breakers strode forward, they used the lasers in the ship's cannon holes to disintegrate the body of the Great Master Hui An.

Dubelu saw that the wrinkled old face of this completely dead experimental material from the LD area, which should have shown an expression of extreme pain, had an abnormally relieved smile.

It was like the expression on his face before he died, finally getting rid of the long torture.

“To be honest, if you do this kind of thing once, you will still feel sick, but if you do it too many times, you will become numb.

"After all...I am a disgusting [devil]."

As if he was mocking himself, Dibelo sighed deeply.

She turned around and looked at the eyeball monster composed of black mist at the entrance of the hall.


"His mind has been able to maintain for so many years, probably with your help, right?"

Dibelo just glanced at this experimental material that was also infected and had its mind distorted, then walked to her ship suit and asked casually.

"That's right, the great envoy of God."

In Abbott's huge eyeball, the ferocious vertical pupils were filled with fanaticism. He looked at Dibel and made a deep voice:

“It’s just that I didn’t expect that after he obtained my god’s power, he would do misdeeds that hindered my god’s recovery.

"Thanks to Lord God's insight, he did not escape God's punishment."

DiBello was not interested in the words that Abbott spoke like a fanatic.

There was even suppressed disgust and a hint of frustration in her eyes.

After killing the Great Master Hui An, she was able to detect that the world blockade that blocked Umbra's arrival still existed.

This shows that although the experimental material she killed is closely related to the blockade, the blockade will not be lifted after killing him.

Just as Dibel was about to return to Shen Lian Island, Abbott's next words made her pause:

"Lord God Envoy, if you want to revive my god in Liaozhou, can you give me the siren fleet you gave to Abbott?

"As long as I can get close to the original power imbued by my god in the cores of the Liaozhou islands, my god's recovery... will be just around the corner!"

Dibelo slowly turned around and looked at the monsters she had boasted about, being infected and twisted by Category V threats.

It is indeed inconvenient for her to continue wandering around the LD area now.

It wasn't that she was worried about the well-hidden rat.

What she was most worried about was that the monitoring facilities installed on various islands by the LD Regional Experimental Agency would upload her abnormal behavior to Zero, attracting Zero's attention.

And she also has to continue to complete the main task assigned to her by Zero and observe the reverse mode of Lavos.

Since the experimental material in front of me claims to have a way to attract the Umbra, it might not be a bad idea to let it try.

Even if it fails to succeed, it will definitely cause a large number of Category V infections in the LD area.

When Lavos completely completes the transformation into reverse mode, and when she and Lavos work together to break the blockade, the probability of attracting the Umbra will increase.

As for how he knew the name Siren Fleet, Dibel was not surprised.

Before she came to this natural experimental world, she learned that the experimental institutions here were conducting a series of experiments related to X.

The reason why this infected experimental material can maintain its mind is probably the product of an experiment that escaped from the experimental agency out of control.

After quickly calculating all the gains, losses, and probabilities in the system, Dibelo snapped his fingers.

The two Nightmare Crystal Breakers that had finished disintegrating the body of Hui An Da Si seemed to have received the order and walked to Abbott's side.

Before Abbott could say anything more excitedly, Diabelu tore open the space rift leading to Shen Lian Island.

"Soon, soon...

"As long as the Umbrella comes, even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, I... will finally be able to see him again..."

Following Dibel's almost inaudible words, which sounded like self-hypnosis, the figure of the Arbiter of Antix disappeared into the rapidly closing space cracks.

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