"Lord Stalker, you didn't get any rest last night. You have so many dark circles under your eyes."

Early the next morning, Lin Lan, together with two small profiteers, Yun Xian, Shen Lian Ying, Purifier and Akashi Shiranui, took a car to the gate of the Divine Casting Association in Toifeng City.

If the Purifier hadn't knocked on the door early in the morning and told him that the Divine Forge Association had something good to show him, he would never have gotten up so early.

He slept for less than three hours in total.

As for the reason, everyone knows it.

The fact that he was able to get out of bed alive is all thanks to the creator of the brave skill bar.

Due to a night of strenuous exercise and too little sleep, he also had rare dark circles under his eyes.

This also caused him to be asked in a surprised tone by the Tianou receptionist who came up to him as soon as he arrived at the gate of the Divine Casting Association.

When Lin Lan took a closer look at the female receptionist, he was a little surprised to find that this innocent and lovely receptionist had a pair of pointed ears under the blond hair on both sides of her face.


This was the first time that Lin Lan saw a real elves.

This fictional race on Blue Star only exists in myths and Japanese light novels. In this other world, it mainly lives in the teaching country.

But like the dwarves, many elves and dwarves crossed the ocean and settled in Liaozhou thousands of years ago.

Although this elf receptionist has good features, he has an elegant temperament unique to the elves, which perfectly fits Lin Lan's stereotypical expectations of the elves.

But after Lin Lan only identified the race of the receptionist, he looked away and led Yunxian and others into the main entrance of the Divine Casting Association without any pause.

At the same time, he casually replied to the elf receptionist:

"You don't think that since I am a submersible, I don't need to work overtime at night."

In the past, Lin Lan would definitely have looked at this elf girl a few more times.

But he remembers that there are also beautiful ship girls with elf characteristics in his port area——

Centaur-class light airship sisters of the royal camp, Centaur and Albion.

Although he hasn't seen the two royal elf girls yet, their portraits in the game are of the level of a nation-turner, which impressed Lin Lan deeply.

Coupled with the fierce battle last night, he was still in the sage mode until now. Naturally, he had no interest in the elf girl in Liaozhou.

Now he just wants to quickly see what good things the Purifier said about the God Forge Association, get the way to open the Time Key fragment, and then go back to the villa to catch up on some sleep.

He didn't even bother to look at the Sword of the Brave dug out from Yanrong Island by the Tianou Group.

Anyway, Yubari has already used Rubik's Cube technology to recreate the plus version of Sword of the Brave for him.

The brave sword that Lu Ling once used was of little value to him.

At most, before he leaves the Divine Casting Association, he will ask the Tianou Group to hand over the first-generation Brave Sword to him, and he will return it to its original owner.

The headquarters building of the Divine Casting Association is located in the area near the island in Lifeng City.

On his way here, he noticed that almost all the shops in the surrounding streets were blacksmith shops and workshops.

The tinkling sound of casting could be heard clearly even when he was dozing off in the car.

Walking into the headquarters building of the God Casting Association, Lin Lan found that even the air was filled with a heavy smell of heavy metal.

It was like walking into an industrial display museum.

The first floor of this building, which looks simple from the outside, is designed as a magnificent exhibition hall.

Hundreds of armors, various weapons, and jewelry that sparkle with metal and are filled with elements are placed in glass cabinets as exhibition items to show off the strength of the God Forging Association.

Perhaps because he told Lu Feng yesterday that he would be here today, the Divine Casting Association has announced that it will stop handling any business and receiving guests.

This resulted in the spacious and bright exhibition hall, except for the cleaning staff, there was no one else.

Of course, this quiet environment also makes it convenient for Unzen, Akashi and others to visit here as they please.

Compared to the great sage Yun Xian and the two small profiteers from the Chong Ying camp who were somewhat interested in the appearance of cold weapons, Lin Lan really had no interest in these so-called "exhibits".

He even yawned uncontrollably.

Along the way, they have already visited the ancient ruins of the three main islands of Inaba Island, Shimmer Island and Yanrong Island.

The equipment collected by Akashi and Shiranui in the depths of those ruins, if picked out at random, would be far more effective than the equipment here.

Even the equipment he created using the skill of forging equipment in the brave skill column was countless times more effective than the elements here.

Therefore, the equipment used for exhibition here, apart from its relatively novel and unique appearance design and looking extremely sophisticated, is really just a pile of scrap metal to him.

"Well, these equipment should just be replicas of the thousand-year-old standard equipment produced by the God Forge Association in recent years."

Seeing Lin Lan's lack of interest, Shen Lianying looked at the various equipment in the counters and speculated for Lin Lan at the right time:

"The original product brought out by the adventurers from the island core should not have been placed here after repair."

After hearing what Shen Lianying said, Lin Lan became slightly interested.

If these elemental blessing equipment are all made by the God Forging Association today, it would prove that the craftsmen of the God Forging Association are indeed quite capable.

After all, without the original power of the island core, these craftsmen can still create equipment full of elemental energy, which has opened up a unique line of forging technology.

Perhaps the arrival of the Orans taught the Liaozhou people that they could build cutting-edge equipment with their own hands even without the help of gods.

In addition, the equipment manufacturing technology brought by the dwarves from the Teaching Kingdom did not fail along with the Liaozhou Civilization, so these cutting-edge equipment are equipped with elemental energy.

"Purification dear, it's time for you to tell me what the good things are in the Divine Casting Association. They are all sold out."

Lin Lan saw that Yun Xian and Akashi were still commenting on the equipment in the booth, so she looked at the girl Antix beside her and asked.

If it hadn't been for the mysterious purification god who insisted on dragging him here, he would still be sleeping soundly in bed.

"Don't worry~ The experimental materials here will take you to see the good things in a while, and you will know then."

In response to Lin Lan's inquiry, the Purifier obviously planned to carry out the riddle to the end and answered with a wicked smile on his face.

And it seems to confirm what the purifier said.

Soon, more than a dozen Hushou tribesmen and burly dwarves wearing black formal suits from Tianou Group walked out of the elevator inside the exhibition hall.

The leader among them was a short, stocky dwarf old man with a brown beard and braided face and bronze skin.

Seeing this group of people approaching, Lin Lan and Shen Lianying were both stunned at the same time.

Although Lin Lan had already guessed that these people must be the master craftsmen and managers of the Divine Casting Association.

But their burly and strong bodies and energetic momentum, set off by their orange black formal suits, have nothing to do with the traditional concept of craftsmen?

If they were anywhere else, this group of people would be exactly the same as gangster thugs.

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