Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 874 When you see a moth, there is usually a group behind it (2,700 words)

"The people who taught us thousands of years ago also traveled across the ocean to Liaozhou to fight against the Demon King's army with us. What they said should not be false."

The little sword spirit was beside Lin Lan. After hearing the origins of these priests, he looked at Lin Lan and said with a recalling look.

And this also made Lin Lan couldn't help but fall into thinking.

According to the ancient Liaozhou myths and legends that Shen Lianying had told him before, there were four goddesses in this different world.

One of the goddesses locked herself in the abyss before being completely corrupted by X, and degenerated into the evil god that Abbott believed in.

A goddess was killed by the Natlan royal family, and a goddess used her power to create the Ten Islands of Liaozhou.

So the remaining goddess, it now seems, is most likely the god believed in by the Holy Light Church of the Saint Lothalon Teaching Kingdom.

This can also explain why the astrologers of the Teaching Kingdom were able to get the revelation that the Liaozhou Demon King's army on the other side of the ocean was about to lift the seal.

It's just... is the only remaining goddess in good condition?

Lin Lanke still remembered Brown saying that the number of miraculous manifestations in the Teaching Country had become less and less in recent years.

"Tell the bishop of Lifeng City that the real ancient evil spirits have descended on Liaozhou and are dormant in the Nine Islands League.

"Let the church priests on each island cooperate with the island owner family and Tianou Group to be ready for battle at all times."

Lin Lan put aside his concerns about the gods for the time being. He looked at the group of priestesses from the Holy Light Church and spoke out his arrangements in a deep voice.

As the teaching nation selects the church combatants sent to Liaozhou, these priests are quite powerful and talented.

The most important point is that he discovered that these clergy of the Holy Light Church can protect ordinary people and reduce the erosion and infection caused by X with the help of unique divine prayer skills and the power of faith.

Even if the priests are unable to fight against nightmare crystals, they are definitely more than enough to assist the Liaozhou people in dealing with ordinary Demon King Army monsters and the Nine Islands Alliance.

"We will follow your guidance, Lord Archbishop."

After hearing Lin Lan's order, these priests knelt on the ground, performed uniform etiquette, and responded in unison.

Lin Lan is not only the commander of their savior, but also holds the necklace of the Holy Light Archbishop, who just caused a miracle to destroy the abyss evil.

All this was enough for these priests to regard Lin Lan's words as an oracle and keep them in mind.

The Chongsakura Ship girls all looked at this group of priests from foreign countries. It was hard to imagine that these people were so respectful to their commander when they saw them for the first time.

No, perhaps fanaticism is a more appropriate word than respect.

"Commander, it seems that the necklace Akashi gave you is of great significance in the eyes of the people of the teaching country."

Musashi whispered in Lin Lan's ear.

"Maybe this is the power of religion."

Lin Lan heard Musashi's words and replied thoughtfully in the battleship fox girl's ear.

He still remembered that in the Middle Ages of Blue Star, the brainwashing methods of Western religions were quite terrifying.

On Blue Star without gods, rulers can use religion to control large amounts of land and people, let alone other worlds where gods exist.

Lin Lan really wanted to go to the Saint Rosolon Teaching Kingdom to see what that western fantasy country with the church, magic and knights would look like.

Before these Holy Light Church priests left Tianou Trading Company, they told Lin Lan about the evil things done by the agents of this trading firm.

And begged Lin Lan to send all the Liaozhou children home.

When they heard that Dong Jun dared to take advantage of the food money allocated by Tianou Group for these children, all the girls in the hall, including Lin Lan, couldn't help but darken their faces.

"Tsk... Chicheng, burn the corpse at the door just now with fire elements. It doesn't deserve to be buried."

Lin Lan immediately gave the order in a cold voice, and then assured the priests that he would definitely let the Tianou Group compensate the Lifengcheng Church for the losses they had suffered in the past few days, and send all the children home safely.

"Commander, would the guys from Tianou Group really do such a thing? This is too much!"

Shimakaze pouted, looking at Lin Lan and shaking his fist in anger.

After watching the priests leave, Lin Lan took out his cell phone with a livid face.

"It seems that without the supervision of the Submariner, the people of the consortium will eventually reveal their true nature.

“A single borer that can be seen often indicates that there is already a group of borers.

"I will go to Tianou Building in a while and clean out all the moths that Tianou Group has bred in Liaozhou over the years."

After Lin Lan finished speaking to Shimakaze and the other girls from the Sakura ship, she dialed Lu Feng's number:

"The Demon King's attack in Yezhu Town has been dealt with. You should immediately gather all the agents from Lifeng City to Tianou Building to prepare for a meeting.

"What's the matter? Hehehe... I have to fulfill my duties and obligations as a Tianou Stalker.

"Also, we will immediately send people to take the children imprisoned in Yezhu Town to Lifeng City for careful care. They will be sent back to their respective hometowns early tomorrow morning and compensation and apology will be issued to their families."

After Lin Lan hung up the phone with a sneer, he calmed down his expression and showed a gentle smile to the Chongsakura girls:

"After Mikasa and the others come back, I will take everyone back to the villa to rest.

"Akagi and Kaga will follow me to Tianou Building in a moment. It shouldn't take long."

Upon hearing his upcoming schedule, both Jiahe and Akagi, who came back from handling Dong Jun's body, showed cold and sinister smiles at the same time.

It can be said that the two Chongying Great Fox Girls have deep experience in showing off their strength to intimidate outsiders.

Lin Lan has decided to take advantage of the ability of invisible breath to read minds and take good care of the Tianou Group today.

Although he was still a little sleepy, thinking about what happened to the children in the basement during this time made him itchy with hatred.

But he didn't notice that his expression made the little sword spirit keep looking at him thoughtfully.

As Mikasa and Royal Wealth returned safely from the seaside pier, news came from Dafeng's carrier-based aircraft, and the Tianou Group's troops also sailed into Yezhu Town.

Lin Lan used the power of breath to teleport everyone back to the villa. After telling Akashi and Kamirei Sakura not to forget to go to the Divine Casting Association to pick up the goods in the afternoon, he took Akagi and Kaga to Tianou Building without stopping.

The three of them appeared on the top rooftop of Tianou Building.

I have to admit that the directional teleportation skill of Invisible Breath is much stronger than the space element teleportation skill in the previous brave skill bar.

The little sword spirit who arrived here with Lin Lan, Akagi, and Kaga looked around in astonishment at the buildings in Tofeng City below the surrounding buildings.

"Master, I wanted to ask you before, isn't the power of your teleportation a space element skill that belongs to the brave?"

Compared to the Chongying ship girl who learned about the source of Lin Lan's power, this little sword spirit girl finally couldn't hold back the confusion in her heart and asked Lin Lan.

"It's a long story. If you really want to tell me, my ability has something to do with evil spirits."

Hearing the question from Little Sword Spirit, Lin Lan smiled and said:

"But you don't have to worry, at least this power is in my hands and will not harm the world."

"Commander, is that invisible little guy here with us?"

Lin Lan's answer to the sword spirit of the brave man was heard by Akagi, which made the big fox lady frown and look at him to ask.

"Well, after all, she is now in the weapon system of the military equipment and will always be by my side."

Faced with Chicheng's somewhat dissatisfied look, Lin Lan chose to answer frankly.

He has already understood a truth. Compared with concealment, sincerity is the surefire way to face his ship's girls.

But what Lin Lan didn't expect was that after hearing what he said, Akagi shook his fluffy tail behind him with a serious face, touched his chin, and whispered to himself:

"This is difficult to handle...

"Commander, have you ever thought about how a pair of eyes will be staring at you all the time when you take a bath or sleep with us?"

Akagi's words immediately shocked Lin Lan.

He didn't expect Akagi to actually say the most critical question that he hadn't thought about yet.

If this little sword spirit is placed in his weapon system, wouldn't it be awkward for him to go to the toilet, take a shower, and have in-depth interactions with the ship girls at night?

"Don't worry~ I will not always appear around you in this form. I can also enter the body of the Sword of the Brave to rest."

Fortunately, after hearing what Akagi said, the little sword spirit gave Lin Lan her solution in time.

As if to confirm this, the figure of the little sword spirit slowly dissipated and soon disappeared from Lin Lan's sight.

"The master's weapon is really magical. It is actually bound to the master's soul. It's hard to imagine what kind of forging technology this magical equipment is made of."

The childish voice of a young girl sounded in Lin Lan's mind.

Lin Lan was stunned at first, and then realized that this little sword spirit was directly integrated with his unactivated Rubik's Cube weapon.

As long as he did not summon the weapon, the little sword spirit would not be able to spy on the outside world through the weapon system that had not yet been activated.

He doesn't have to worry about an extra little light bulb appearing when he and the ship girls are doing legal things.

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