Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 875 Liquidation and Planning for Tianou’s Future

The liquidation operation against the Liaozhou Tianou Group headquarters did indeed last less than two hours as Lin Lan said.

After he took Akagi, Kaga, and Lu Feng into the large conference hall of Tianou Building, the two Shigeura Fox Girls unfolded their ship uniforms, creating a chilling sense of oppression.

There were hundreds of Tianou agents in the conference room, and almost everyone was shaking uncontrollably, not daring to take a breath.

This group of agents from all walks of life, who were usually arrogant and powerful in Liaozhou, seemed to have turned into quails when faced with Akagi and Kaga.

As for Lin Lan, there was no need to introduce himself.

These days, the Tianou agents have already known that Lord Latent has come to Lifeng City.

Lin Lan used the mind-reading ability of the invisible breath to simply scan a circle of agents in the large conference hall and already targeted those Tianou agents who were fearful and uneasy.

The ability to see through people's hearts given to him by the invisible breath, at this moment, brought him a great sense of satisfaction in controlling the power of life and death.

But Lin Lan also secretly warned himself that everything he did was to get Tianou Group back on track.

He must not be addicted to this god-like power and do things that are harmful to nature.

At the beginning of the meeting, he did not choose to rigidly arrest these agents who had committed corrupt acts one by one.

He asked Lu Feng to send people to arrest a few agents who he pointed out had killed people and committed unforgivable crimes, and then asked other agents to surrender, and they would be given lighter punishments.

Those Tianou agents looked at the pale-faced and unapologetic colleagues he pointed out. Without any hesitation, they all rushed to surrender and confess the evil deeds they had committed.

The fact that things went so smoothly was beyond Lin Lan's expectations.

Through his ability to read minds, he soon understood the reason for these agents' candidness.

In the past, Jian Qianou was not as kind as him and would give these people a chance to surrender and receive a lighter sentence.

As long as many Tianou Group agents violate the regulations set by Tianou Group, once they are called by Jian Qianou, they will basically die and disappear from the world.

"Why bother? Jian Qianou is so strict in the management of Tianou Group and dares to be greedy. Is this human nature..."

Lin Lan, who understood the past, sighed with great emotion in his heart.

Compared to his emotion, Lu Feng's face was ashen and he gritted his teeth as he looked at the surrendered agents.

The number of these surrendered agents has almost exceeded one-third of the total number of Tianou agents in Lifeng City.

In just ten years, Liaozhou Tianou Group had degenerated into this state under the nose of his director.

The clerical staff he called to take charge of the records were already too busy to remember.

If this is the case in Lifeng City, what about Zhubian Island?

What about the other three main islands?

Lu Feng could not imagine how many agents and employees had secretly violated Tianou Group's regulations in the past ten years and committed crimes that would have been punishable by death in Oran.

Although Lin Lan had no intention of blaming Lu Feng, the Tianou director was still so embarrassed and angry that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

After Lu Feng publicly announced the punishment plan for these surrendered agents, which even included the execution of more than ten people, Lin Lan just nodded and declared that the liquidation meeting was officially over.

No rules no standards.

There is a reason why Tian'ou Group has been able to stand firm for hundreds of years in Oran's history, and its foundation far exceeds that of other consortiums.

After the meeting, on the way to send Lin Lan, Akagi, and Kaga to the elevator of Tianou Building, Lu Feng said to Lin Lan in a deep voice:

"Sir, I have deeply realized my management negligence, but I beg you to allow me to carefully interrogate all the other Tianou agents in Mishima before I am dismissed.

"After all, in the past ten years, it was my single-minded desire to return to Oran that gradually emboldened these people. I only hope to have the opportunity to do my best to make up for the mistakes I made over the years."

When Lin Lan heard that Lu Feng took the initiative to plead guilty, she looked at the Tianou director with a look of remorse in surprise.

The invisible breath's mind-reading ability told him that everything Lu Feng said was true.

In the past ten years, he has never violated any Tianou regulations.

Even if he arrested those children, the fundamental reason was that Lu Feng cared about Oran and wanted to activate the Sword of the Brave with the help of the island core source crystal of Huian Dasi.

At least Lu Feng, both in terms of character and ability, does meet the high praise given by Jian Qianou.

Whether it is the infrastructure construction of the four Tian'ou Islands or the operation and management of Tian'ou Commercial Bank, Lu Feng's ability to continue to promote and maintain it without the assistance of the local community in Oran can be regarded as his dedication to the Tian'ou Group.

It was the worry about his motherland and his family that prevented the Tianou director from supervising these agents, and he almost made an irreparable mistake.

"Your teacher and Tianou's board of directors will be responsible for handling your dereliction of duty after the route between Liaozhou and Oran is restored."

Thinking of this, Lin Lan said calmly to Lu Feng:

“But before that, you are still the director of Tianou in Liaozhou.

"No one is perfect. You have learned the lesson from this time. When you return to Oran, I believe you will have greater room for development."

His words were not meant to be disrespectful to Lu Feng.

Compared with those Tianou general agents in Oran, his experience in Liaozhou during this period made him more recognized for the capabilities of Tianou Group personnel in Liaozhou.

In this liquidation meeting, he used the power of interest to screen out almost all the agents whose mentality was not firm enough.

Lu Feng will inevitably liquidate the other three islands in the same way.

When the Tianou Group personnel return to Oran in the future and gradually take over the government affairs of Oran, he, White Eagle Ship Girl, and Ariel will have a lot of peace of mind.

The so-called "big waves wash away the sand" may be like this.

Hearing Lin Lan's answer, the middle-aged Tianou director trembled all over.

When he looked at Lin Lan, his eyes were filled with unparalleled respect and admiration, as well as an uncontrollable excitement about returning to Oran soon.

"Okay, just send it here."

Lin Lan turned around and looked at Lu Feng, while his, Akagi, and Kaga's bodies began to dissipate.

"In order to fight against the evil spirits and the Nine Islands Alliance, you need to go to the God Casting Association and the Holy Light Church.

"Before the decisive battle, Tianou Group must unite these Liaozhou forces, and the Weiguang family will also cooperate with Tianou Group.

"And I heard that some people called the Tian'ou Group an evil organization in Liaozhou. I hope that after the route is restored, the residents of Liaozhou in Oran will hear their families' description of the Tian'ou Group, and they will become a public welfare organization that has reformed its evil ways. .

"Yanrong Island is doing a good job. You can learn from Sun Mitong how to change Tianou Group's reputation."

As Lin Lan finished his last words, he, Akagi and Kaga disappeared completely into the corridor of Tianou Building.

Lu Feng was left standing blankly on the spot, repeatedly tasting the words "philanthropic organization" and "unity", as if he had found a new direction in life.

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