Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 887 Antix will not let tragedy happen again (3000 words)


In an instant, the black barrier was struck by the giant sword that Lin Lan used to gather light elements, and a deafening loud noise burst out.

Although this giant barrier was not destroyed, this blow still caused a large number of cracks to appear on the surface of the barrier.

The lightsaber in Lin Lan's hand shattered into pieces and turned into dots of golden light.

But these lights did not dissipate, but quickly floated into the sky, transforming into the golden light element's ultimate skill, the light of blessing.

But his attack also attracted the angry gazes of the massive infected entities that were gradually materializing in front of them.


These giant black flame beasts that looked exactly like demons stepped on the surface of Kukai and swarmed towards Lin Lan and others with heart-rending howls.

It was as if they understood Lin Lan's purpose and wanted to keep him out of Gaotian Island.

"The Chongsakura Fleet obeys the order! Fire freely at these monsters and protect the commander and Lord Shenzi from entering Gaotian Island!"

Mikasa waved the command sword in her hand, like a Valkyrie facing the end, and shouted loudly.

In an instant, all the ship girls launched an offensive without hesitation towards these infected entities who were trying to stop Lin Lan and others.

Gaotian Island, which had been quiet for less than a few minutes, heard fierce gunfire and explosions again.

Lin Lan took Yun Xian and the others back and forth within the artillery fire range of Chong Ying and the hurricane girls.

The violent explosions and shock waves around them blew the infected entities closest to them into pieces.

But Lin Lan had no worries in her heart.

Because he knew very well that infected entities would not be slaughtered so easily.

Otherwise, in the event plot in the game, the recording agency of the original world would not tell him how to fight X just now.

What happened next quickly confirmed this.

More and more giant infected entities have completed their physicalization and stood in front of them.

Although these burly and twisted infected entities are different from the X incarnation, they are not immune to the physical damage on the equipment of the ship girls.

But there are too many of them, and the speed of their materialization is also accelerating visibly to the naked eye.

The infected entity that was blown to pieces by the Chongqing carrier-based aircraft bomb just a few seconds ago will be filled with three or four newly born infected entities in the next second.

The pieces of flesh that were smashed into pieces slowly writhed and reorganized like Leviathan, the sea lord of the Teaching Kingdom.

In just one minute, two-thirds of the entire Kukai Sea was occupied by these giant monsters burning with black flames.

In addition to these monsters that have materialized, there are countless more phantoms that are constantly emerging, and even the lines of Sakura and the Hurricane Girls are being swarmed by these monsters.

Even infected entities like winged devils appeared in the sky. They avoided Kaixi's dragon-headed maw and fought with the fighter jets of the girls from the Sakura ship.

Thanks to Mikasa's methodical command, many Sakura ship girls, led by Takao, received orders and immediately stood on the outside of the front line to engage in close combat with these infected entities.

“Tsk, even though it feels like mowing grass, the amount is too much and I can’t finish it!

"In this case, we will not be able to continue to support the commander and the others!"

While Bailong was distracted and controlling her fighter team to fight the enemies in the air, she waved the Odachi sword in her hand to throw out the sword energy and chop into pieces the twisted creatures rushing in front of her.

Her words also expressed the thoughts of Mikasa, who was bombarding these infected entities with her main cannon and had a worried look on her face.

Although these infected entities who were fighting for their lives and were not afraid of death did not pose any threat to them for the time being, they were unable to continue to help Lin Lan and the others open a path.

Lin Lan was also trapped in the quagmire at this time.

He, Unzen, Nagato, and Musashi were surrounded by these monsters on all sides.

Even though they continued to use elemental skills, heavy cherry secrets and artillery fire to tear apart the approaching monsters, the continuous influx of infected entities still slowed down their progress.

At this time, Yun Xian was holding a sword covered in crystal blue flames in both hands, and each slash could chop several black monsters into pieces.

The same is true for Musashi. During the reloading process of the ship's main gun, the purple lightning sword in her hand was swung with lightning, which could electrocute monsters several stories high into charcoal.

Nagato used the golden Double Sakura Secret Technique Barrier to cover them all in a light barrier, preventing the infected entities from attacking from the sea water.

"Commander, do you need Yun Xian to completely release Hai Ruo's power?"

Seeing that the distance to Gaotian Island was less than half, Yun Xian's orange eyes ignited with a faint white flame, and he asked Lin Lan in a deep voice.

As the heart of Hai Ruo, she knew very well that there was no end to the infected entities originating from X around her.

If we continue to be delayed here, when the boundary center that blocks the Umbra invasion is destroyed, everything will really be over.

Of course Lin Lan also knew this.

But he did not agree to Yun Xian's application. He just gritted his teeth and with the assistance of the little sword spirit, he continued to release large-scale elemental killing skills and swung forward.

Now is not the time for Unzen to use all his strength.

When they land on Gaotian Island, they are likely to encounter obstacles from Dibeilu, Huian Dasi and Abbott.

He was not too worried about Hui An Da Si and Abbott.

But if he agrees that Yun Xian will completely release Hairuo's power here, then how will they defeat Dibelo?

And at the moment, their fleet communication channel with Mikasa and other ship girls seems to have been interfered by X, and there is no sound at all.

Just when Lin Lan looked ahead as if there were endless enemies to kill, his mind was thinking rapidly about whether there was any other way...

"The decontamination of the semi-permanent microlayered mixture facility is completed and the change of authority is confirmed."

An emotionless AI loli voice that felt extremely familiar to Lin Lan suddenly sounded from his silent fleet channel.

This voice made Lin Lan's pupils shrink suddenly.

But he couldn't think about who made the sound, so he had to devote all his attention to the endless battle.

The Purifiers and Clearers who were still around Mikasa who were assisting in attacking the infected entities trembled all over when they heard the voice from the fleet channel.

The white hair on the purger's head stood up in fright, and he was trembling like a cat with exploding fur.

Then, a girl's sigh, whose voice was very similar to the one just now, but with a distinct difference in her voice, came through the Antiques network of the two senior Antikes:

"Hey... you two idiots, immediately retreat to the teleportation coordinates I sent you. You won't be needed in the rest of the battle."


The Purifier could hardly believe his ears, with an incredibly shocked expression on his face.

The Purge even replied tremblingly within the Antix network:

"That voice just now, if I guessed it correctly..."

"That's why I hate having to deal with the aftermath of you two idiots. If you don't want to be formatted by the system, don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked and withdraw from the battlefield immediately. This is the order of the host."

As the builder's impatient voice sounded again, a Kukai coordinate node located not far behind the Sakura and Hurricane girls was sent to their systems.

"Purifier, are we just going to retreat without saying a word?"

The Purifiers stared at the Chongsakura and the Hurricane Girls around them who were still fighting the infected entity with all their strength, and asked the Purifiers with great reluctance.

The Purifier's question made the Purifier's golden pupils shine brightly, and then he almost roared and shouted in the Antix network:

"We can't just leave like this. I don't like this feeling. We won't leave! Absolutely not!"


The Purifier's sudden burst of anger seemed to startle the Builder on the other end of the communication, and he made a gasping sound.

"Yes, we won't leave! We finally found the commander, how could he just retreat without saying a word!"

When the Purifier saw what the Purifier said, she seemed to feel emboldened, and she expressed her thoughts without hesitation.

"Are you crazy? Do you know what the consequences will be if you disobey the host's order?"

The builder's unkind questioning voice soon sounded again.

You must know that before this, Antix, as an experimental institution, had never disobeyed the host's orders.

In other words, even the arbitration agency has never been so straightforward and explicitly rejected instructions from the host in the Antix network.

This situation is enough for the builder to immediately regard them as abnormal sub-individuals and upload them to the host to perform system formatting.

But before the builder could say anything more, the emotionless voice before was transmitted from the Antix network into the Purifier and Clearer systems:

"The next battle in the LD area is beyond the control of the experimental agency, but Antix will not let the tragedy happen again.

"You have already exceeded your responsibilities, so leave it to me."

Although this voice was childish, it sounded like an AI loli voice with a tone that could not be disobeyed, making both the Purifier and the Eliminator stunned.

They couldn't remember how long it had been since the host sent instructions directly to their system core.

In the end, the Purifier bit her lower lip, clenched her fists silently, and used her hammerhead shark suit to spray a huge white laser stream around her.

After clearing out dozens of infected entities for the ship girls, she pulled the Cleaner, who had also poured out the laser weapon energy, and retreated to the coordinates sent by the Builder without looking back.

The next second she and the Purge arrived at the coordinates, their entire bodies turned into a stream of blue data light, dissipating out of thin air on the air and sea battlefield of Gaotian Island.

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