Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 888 Reinforcements from the Port District (3100 words)

"Wow! Senior Mikasa, the Purifier and the Cleaner escaped from the battlefield!"

The disappearance of the Purifiers and Scavengers was quickly discovered by Shige Sakura's submarine, Little Loli I-168, who loudly reported the situation to Mikasa.

"Tsk, I've known for a long time that sirens are unreliable!"

The information conveyed by Yi-168 was also clearly heard by the other Chongsakura and the Hurricane girls, and Akagi clicked his tongue with a grim look on his face.

But compared to Akagi, who has never trusted Siren, Mikasa had doubts on her face while firing.

After her contact with the two Antiques girls during this period, she felt that their characters were definitely not children who would run away from battle.

Besides, she could also vaguely see that the commander was also a very important person to Siren.

And before the Purifiers and Scavengers retreated, who was that familiar voice that sounded on their fleet channel?

But before Mikasa could clear her thoughts during the battle, the next second, she suddenly discovered that wherever she looked, the movements of all the infected entities that were showing their teeth and claws seemed to be frozen.

Mikasa wasn't the only one to notice this strange phenomenon.

All Chong Ying, the sailing ship girls, and Lin Lan, who were still fighting with all their strength, also showed surprised expressions.

But Lin Lan almost instinctively thought of a possibility. He shouted at the invisible breath dragon head in the sky:

"Hai! Come to the sea and protect all the ship girls!"

Even through the military uniforms, the black giant beast in the sky still heard Lin Lan's instructions.

Several black dragon heads turned into majestic rolling black air currents, pouring from the sky onto Kukai.

And the moment the breath faucet dissipated, the roaring carrier-based aircraft passed through the airflow of the invisible breath, like locusts entering the air, and projected a shower of dense rockets and high-altitude missiles towards all the black monsters in the air and sea. Explosive aerial bombs.

Those black infected entities with wings in the sky are still trying to sacrifice their lives to stop the carrier-based aircraft groups that are like divine soldiers descending from the sky.

However, there are too many carrier-based aircraft, like a raging frenzy, one after another.

The bodies of these infected entities seemed to have been filled with thousands of pounds of lead water, and they could only watch helplessly as their bodies were swept into pieces by hundreds of fighter jets using aircraft cannons.

Like a carpet-like all-round terrorist bombing, even new infected entities had no time to materialize and were annihilated by high temperatures and explosions.

It's just that the strike range of these carrier-based aircraft all accurately avoided Lin Lan and his ship girls.

"These carrier-based aircraft...could it be?!"

Akagi has already recognized the styles of these carrier-based aircraft coming to support through her carrier-based aircraft perspective.

But because of this, she felt unbelievable and shocked.

Royal, White Eagle, Iron Blood...

These aviation supports that joined the battlefield and reversed the situation in an instant were all carrier-based aircraft of comrades from other camps in the port area!

The reason why those infected entities just fell into a state of deceleration and stagnation is because those aircraft carrier girls with time-stop and deceleration skills are here.

"Sir Commander, is such a large-scale aviation support...?"

Yun Xian, Musashi and others looked at the fleet of carrier-based aircraft hovering overhead to clear the way for them, and asked Lin Lan in a tone of astonishment.

But Lin Lan just smiled, sprinted towards the unobstructed Gaotian Island ahead, and answered loudly:

"Now is not the time to relax, we cannot let down their support!"


After being reminded by Lin Lan, the three Chongying ship girls also came to their senses and realized that now was not the time to reminisce with old friends from other camps.

Those infected entities that were wiped out by aviation strikes will soon come again.

If we don't take this opportunity to enter Gaotian Island, stop Dibei Road, and repair the broken center, we still can't change the ending of the world's destruction.

Within seconds of them following Lin Lan's back and rushing towards Gaotian Island, hundreds of twisted and illusory black monsters once again appeared on the sea in front of them.

Just as Lin Lan raised the Power Warrior Sword in his hand, he was ready to gather the power of the elements and cooperate with the bombers and torpedo planes to tear open the road ahead...

The familiar AI loli voice from before sounded again in the fleet channel:

“The Gaotian Island Konghaimenfei network nodes are connected.

"The countdown to the arrival of a large fleet on the battlefield begins:


As the mechanical and emotionless AI Lolita completed the countdown, the next second, dozens of golden streams of light rose into the sky from all around Kukai.

Lin Lan finally remembered where he had heard this voice.


Before Lin Lan could recover, dozens of large-caliber artillery shells with flame tails rose from the sea surface where the light streams were located, and accurately bombarded the sea surface in front of Lin Lan.

A series of deafening explosions once again wiped out all the infected entity monsters that had just arrived.

What shocked Lin Lan even more was that in the explosion area in front of them, a black-red black hole emerged, sucking in seawater, gunpowder smoke, and all monster fragments.

But Lin Lan found that he was not affected by this black hole at all.

"Iron-blooded will remove all obstacles on the way forward for the commander!"

When a sonorous and powerful mature voice of Sister Yu echoed in Lin Lan's communication channel, Lin Lan almost felt like she was dreaming.

He looked back and saw that under those golden light pillars, several burly black and red giant dragons with open mouths and waving claws were already fighting with the infected entities.

The tall figure with long blond hair wearing a black military uniform, holding an iron-blooded military flag, met his eyes on the battlefield.

"Hmm~ It's been so long since I last saw you. I didn't expect that the commander would be involved in such a troublesome matter. Now I have to go all out."

Not only Bismarck, Prince Eugen's familiar raunchy tone also sounded on the fleet channel.

And Lin Lan even saw August, Peter, Egil...

Even the sixth-phase scientific research ship Hindenburg with long red hair, and the purple-haired little girl Felix with twin ponytails, also a sixth-phase scientific research ship, also appeared together.

Looking at these familiar figures, although Lin Lan had already had psychological expectations, he still fell into an incoherent state of shock.

Bismarck, who was originally supposed to be in the port area, turned out to have dozens of iron-blooded ship girls passing through the door network and arriving at Kukai, Gaotian Island in Liaozhou.

But the arrival of the iron-blooded camp is just the beginning.

"Ah la la~ I didn't expect the builder to be so reliable for once. Commander, how about the surprise that Sister Sara prepared just now~"

"Sara, in this emergency, don't occupy the public fleet channel to play pranks. Commander, please continue to move forward, and leave the enemies behind to us!

"Don't worry about us. When Guam and I came from the port area, Xinghai had already popularized the ship-mounted technology specialized in resisting X erosion to other companions!"

As Little Gaga's voice was forcibly cut off, a voice that was somewhat similar to Lexington and Saratoga, but more powerful, came from the fleet channel.

And Lin Lan soon saw that under the light beam behind the Chongying Fleet, Enterprise, York City, and New Jersey were approaching at full speed with the other White Eagle Fleet girls.

Lafite, who had changed into a new type II ship outfit, and White Eagle's Artist Super Patrol Guam, had begun to cooperate with the Cleveland-class and San Diego sisters to use intensive anti-aircraft firepower to sweep away the newly born monsters in the sky.

Among them are two White Eagle ship girls whose ship uniforms are full of science fiction colors and exude dazzling white and light blue luster.

There is no doubt that it is the Lexington-class battlecruiser constellation that has been staying in the Xinghai base in the port area, and the powerful six-phase scientific research aviation battle Kilshaji.

The joining of the two camps, White Eagle and Iron Blood, immediately reduced the pressure on the Chongsakura Ship Girls and several Sail Ship Girls.

But even though Lin Lan was extremely eager to reply to the ship girls who came all the way to Liaozhou to support him, he still remembered his mission.

At this moment, he benefited from the black hole cannon fired by Bismarck's ship-mounted Geryon in front of him, and the newly born infected entities were also trapped by the suction force and could not escape.

The carrier-based aircraft and artillery support from the White Eagle ships once again helped him open up a path forward.

Although Lin Lan still had countless questions in her mind, such as how they got here and why they knew he was going to Gaotian Island.

However, he must not let down the opportunity created for him by the ship girls from the two camps!

"Commander! Watch out!"

However, just as Lin Lan once again looked ahead at Gaotian Island, which was about to arrive, Yun Xian's urgent prompting voice suddenly came.

The locked sense of crisis made Lin Lan suddenly feel the hairs on his hair stand on end. He looked up and his breath suddenly froze.

A black-winged fallen angel with a height of several hundred meters, whose head could not be seen clearly, holding a very black war spear, had gathered at an unknown time, and was pointing the tip of the spear at him, making a posture that looked like divine punishment and judgment.

That's right, the first impression this giant infected entity gave him was that of the fallen angel in mythology.

However, just when Unzen could no longer care about too much, he bent down and made an Iai movement, preparing to use the Kaiwa sword to tear this giant infected entity into pieces...

"All members of the royal family! For the glory of the commander, fire!"


Accompanied by the powerful command, the sound of cannons that almost shattered the space exploded from the other side of Gaotian Island in an instant.

The fallen angel, who had already raised his war spear and stabbed hard, suddenly seemed to have been stopped in time, and his attack was abruptly interrupted.

The next second, this huge black fallen angel was hit in the body by a dense round of large-caliber main cannons, and was blown into a black rain that filled the sky.

Even the originally dark sky had a few rays of sunlight falling on the sea because of the fallen angel's death.

This scene is comparable to an epic scene, making the entire Gaotian Island Kukai feel like the twilight of the gods.

"The royal camp is also here? Could this voice be King George V?"

The sense of crisis in his body disappeared in an instant, and Lin Lan instantly guessed the owner of the voice that gave the order to fire just now.


Among the fleets that Tie Xue and Bai Ying came to support, there were ship girls who had stayed in the port area to join them.

How could the royal camp, which has been guarding the port area, be absent?

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